I wrote “Is it really Christmas?” more than 6 years ago.

fuck christmas

That post sums up my negative feelings about the holiday period well, so read up if you’re itching for some Xmas-bashing clichés. But it doesn’t correctly represent the way I feel about it now, or maybe ever. It’s bad, sure, but there’s some good left in it. Christmas is Darth Vader.


This time of years is a great opportunity to make and bake stuff. This time around I thought I should try making melomakarona for the first time. I followed a vegan recipe that substitutes honey with grape syrup plus another batch without syrup. I must say the results were quite satisfactory.



Then of course you have Christmas or solstice parties and family gatherings. It can get annoying explaining for a millionth time to extended family your plans, or worse, the lack thereof, but hey, free food, good food, praise for my melomakarona.

Food as gifts is a great idea actually. It doesn’t have to be expensive, you can take the time to personalize it, prepare an experience as well as a real physical thing, and it can work for both people that like having stuff around as well as not.

I just realised that I have hardly received any presents this year. I was thinking that I truly, really wouldn’t mind if I received nothing at all. Less of said stuff to worry about.

No, I’m not being honest here: If I had to say, I’d like it if somebody got me a new jacket or some smaller jeans, or a shiny new, yet unassuming, journal/notebook/sketchbook to take with me to the army as a tool for rerouting my vital energy. They say that serving in the Greek army can get very boring, but I say “how can anything get boring, when you have something to write or draw on at hand?” In fact, I expect the lack of distractions and the army environment to give me some interesting ideas and the time to carry them through.

I was also thinking of getting myself a new (used) large sensor compact digital camera, as I’ve finally missed taking pictures. But then I figured that spending so much on something which I wouldn’t get to enjoy almost at all because I’ll be in the army, is indulging on some fetish compulsive spending for no good reason, which ironically is the very definition of the festive spirit… Instead, I got a couple of rolls of colour film for my OM2n and got ready for action. Results soon to come.

A couple of final notes about Christmas:

A lot of people are noticing that the weather is acting freaky, with temperatures much closer to those we’d have at Easter rather than Christmas, and perfect sunny days to boot (and it’s not just in Europe). All this plastic snowy decorations and allusions to the cold north, home to Santa Claus, which just isn’t so cold any more, make Christmas feel even more like a simulacrum: a veneer of stuff, rituals and cultural behaviours over something that has been so far-removed from the physical world it has ended up symbolising nothing at all apart from its own mere existence. Just like Halloween.

And, talking about Christmas decorations:

Santa’s Real Workshop: The Town in China That Makes the World’s Christmas Decorations

Santa’s workshop … 19-year-old Wei works in a factory in Yiwu, China, coating polystyrene snowflakes with red powder. Inside the ‘Christmas village’ of Yiwu, there’s no snow and no elves, just 600 factories that produce 60% of all the decorations in the world. Photograph: Imaginechina/Rex
Santa’s workshop … 19-year-old Wei works in a factory in Yiwu, China, coating polystyrene snowflakes with red powder. Inside the ‘Christmas village’ of Yiwu, there’s no snow and no elves, just 600 factories that produce 60% of all the decorations in the world. Photograph: Imaginechina/Rex


Όλοι μαζί! Jingle bells, jingle bells… oh.


Το Imperial March! Πόρωση! Ταααν-ταααν-ταααν… Όχι, κάτσε, δεν πάει έτσι…

December 5th – A Year with Daphne

05 - A year ago as it inspired Fokaki (aka Ραψόον)
05 – A year ago as it inspired Fokaki (aka Ραψόον)


Two days ago was our anniversary with the Ραψόον, my dangerously vain, destructively virtuous, deliciously voluptuous, dramatically vivacious, dearly velobed Daphne.

Our story so far can be summarised as 2013 in its entirety. The songs I can sing for her (mainly consisting of animal sounds [vla! ♫ ] ) and the poems I can write in her name are many, but when anniversary time came, I decided – as can be perfectly expressed in this simple post – that nothing could embody my love for her more honestely and directly than food.

So I baked her a delicious apple pie.

Applepie: the symbol of love. :3 ε:
Apple pie: the symbol of love. :3 ε:


Even in its beautiful wholeness, this is not enough: Christmas is coming, so stay tuned for more raccoon-themed love.

raccoon + fox


Δεν είναι ότι το μισώ. Έχει την πλάκα του. Γίνονται πάρτι, οι άνθρωποι ντύνονται και κάνουν πάρτι (όσο περισσότερα, τόσο το καλύτερο!) και είναι μια ευκαιρία να κάνεις μαραθωνίους με τρομακτικές ταινίες που δεν θα έβλεπες καμιά άλλη μέρα του χρόνο, όπως τον επικό μαραθώνιο στο campus στο Aarhus που είχε Dawn of the Dead (το παλιό, το αστείο!), το Ôdishon και άλλα που δεν θυμάμαι. Πριν τρία χρόνια είχα περάσει καταπληκτικά με τη Shae και τη Whitney και με τους αυτοσχεδιασμούς μας.

Χρόνο με τον χρόνο όμως το βρίσκω όλο και πιο δύσκολο να καταλάβω τι ακριβώς γιορτάζουμε με το Halloween. Έστω να δεχτώ ότι δεν είναι απλά μια αμερικανιά και ότι πλέον έχεις το δικαίωμα να γιορτάζεις ό,τι γουστάρεις από το μεταμοντέρνο ρεπερτόριο της παγκόσμιας πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς θρησκευτικών γιορτών. Έστω επίσης να δεχτώ ότι όσο ισχύει αυτό το μεταμοντέρνο pick ‘n’ mix κουλτούρας (το οποίο ο Idea Channel είπε, και σωστά, ότι είναι η πεμπτουσία του hipsterισμού), δεν έχει σημασία αν ακολουθείς την παράδοση ή δημιουργείς την δική σου ερμηνεία της παράδοσης και άρα όσο μπορείς να γιορτάζεις τα Χριστούγεννα χωρίς να είσαι χριστιανός, μπορείς να ντύνεσαι και το Halloween χωρίς να σε νοιάζουν οι νεκροί ή το πραγματικά μυστικιστικό και μεταφυσικό.

Όμως όλες αυτές οι γιορτές μέσα από αυτή τη διασικασία εκφυλίζονται. Ειδικά το Halloween, και ειδικά όπως το βιώνω εγώ, δεν έχει καμία σχέση με το τι υποτίθεται πως συμβολίζει. Είναι η μέρα στην οποία το κενό μεταξύ του κόσμου των ζωντανών και των νεκρών είναι στο ετήσιο ναδίρ του, η μέρα που τα φαντάσματα βγαίνουν παγανιά και η μέρα που οι ζωντανοί τιμούν τον άλλο κόσμο. Εγώ όμως δεν βλέπω τίποτα από αυτά. Βλέπω κολοκύθες, πλαστικούς σκελετούς, προσφορές σε παιχνίδια τρόμου στο Steam, αφιερώματα σε θρίλερ (όπως προανέφερα) και ταινίες φρίκης, halloween parties που είναι σαν δεύτερες Απόκριες που οι άντρες ντύνονται ζόμπια και οι γυναίκες σέξι βρικολακίνες (ακριβώς σαν τις Απόκριες δηλαδή)… Υπάρχει γενικά μια έμφαση στο πώς θα φανούμε/ντυθούμε, στην εικόνα, στην αισθητική, αλλά δεν υπάρχει καμιά πνευματική υπόσταση πλέον σε αυτή τη γιορτή. Είναι ένα κενό καταναλωτικό κουφάρι, ακριβώς όπως τα Χριστούγεννα. Υπάρχει το σύμβολο, αλλά το σύμβολο δεν συμβολίζει τίποτα, υπάρχει μόνο ως εικόνα. To Halloween είναι, όπως θα έλεγε και ο Baudrillard, ένα simulacrum.

Όταν το Halloween καθιερώθηκε, οι άνθρωποι όντως πίστευαν σε φαντάσματα, πνεύματα και μάγισσες. Υπήρχε μια ουσία στο να γιορτάζεις κάτι στο οποίο πιστεύεις. Τώρα γιορτάζουμε το scary-cool, τις έξυπνες στολές, το σύμπαν του Nightmare Before Christmas και τις ψαγμένες ταινίες. Είναι μια πλούσια γαρνιτούρα χωρίς ουσία. Λίγο σαν τα Κάλαντα, όμως και σε αυτή την περίπτωση, η τοπική παράδοση χάνεται και κυριαρχεί αυτό που αναγνωρίζεται ως Χριστουγεννιάτικο σχεδόν σε κάθε χώρα του κόσμου.

Αντίθετα, μια καλή περίπτωση γιορτής των νεκρών που για μένα έχει κάποιο νόημα είναι το Día de los Muertos. Εκτός απ’το ότι μου αρέσει η αισθητική του, νιώθω ότι οι Μεξικάνοι όντως εκφράζουν κάτι πνευματικό μέσα από τις γιορτές τους, όντως θυμούνται πως οι νεκροί είναι μάλλον χαρούμενοι και γιορτάζουν στο όνομα τους αναλόγως. Δεν είμαι σε θέση να ξέρω τι πανικός γίνεται στο Μεξικό τις ίδιες αυτές μέρες και αν θα είχα την ίδια εντύπωση ότι όλο αυτό δεν έχει ουσία, πάντως από εδώ που βρίσκομαι, στην Ελλάδα με παραδόσεις που πεθαίνουν, σαν γιορτή μου φαίνεται πως έχει περισσότερο νόημα μέσα της, ακόμα κι αν στο βάθος της ουσίας, το Halloween και το Día de los Muertos γιορτάζουν το ίδιο πράγμα.

Αυτό που θέλω να πω είναι πως οι γιορτές μας έχουν καταστραφεί, γιατί πλέον δεν έχουμε λόγο να γιορτάζουμε. Σαν να ήταν όλοι οι άνθρωποι αθάνατοι και να συνέχιζαν να γιορτάζουν τα γενέθλια τους, σαν να ήταν όλοι ευνούχοι και στείρες και πάλι να είχαν γιορτές γονιμότητας. Στηρίζω νέες γιορτές με νέους συμβολισμούς που θα μπορούσαν να αναδείξουν νέες παραδόσεις, προς το παρόν όμως δεν βλέπω αυτόν τον παγκόσμιο πολιτισμό να έχει όρεξη να παράξει κάτι νέο, παρα μόνο να λιμαίνεται, να ξαναζεσταίνει και να διαστρευλώνει το παλιό και να το παρουσιάζει ρεμιξαρισμένο. Δεν έχω κάτι με όλη αυτή τη διαδικασία, απλά αν θέλουμε ο πολιτισμός μας να έχει κάποια ουσία, θα πρέπει να τη δημιουργήσουμε, και όχι να τη βρούμε ψάχνοντας προς τα πίσω.

Μερικές ιδέες για νέες γιορτές:

Εορτασμοί των ηλιοστασίων (ήδη γίνεται απλά το έχουμε ψιλοξεχάσει ή το χειμερινό ηλιοστάσιο μεταμορφωθήκε στα Χριστούγεννα και η μπάλα χάθηκε). Καλοκαίρι στους λόφους (Midsummer) και χειμώνα ωραία στη ζεστασιά του σπιτιού (η γιορτή που ούτως ή άλλως αντικαταστάθηκε από τα Χριστούγεννα).

Οι πανσέληνοι είναι αργίες.

Μέρες των νεκρών με πραγματικές τιμές στους νεκρούς, χωρίς να λείπουν και τα αντίστοιχα πάρτι· λίγο όπως στο Μεξικό, όχι απλά να ντύνεσαι ζόμπι επειδή όλη η βιομηχανία του Hollywood σε έχει κάνει να σου αρέσουν τα ζόμπι.

Εβδομάδα χωρίς internet! Η εβδομάδα της Επιστροφής – λίγο σαν τα Χριστούγεννα, οι οικογένεις και φίλοι βρίσκονται μαζί χωρίς κινητά και χωρίς facebook. Για τους πιο φανατικούς θα υπάρχει και η Σαρακοστή χωρίς ρεύμα.

Τριήμερο gaming – κάτι σαν το Wintereenmas.

Γενέθλια σε κύκλους των 1000 ημερών – θα γράψω κάτι γι’αυτό σύντομα!

Το πραγματικό μήνυμα των Χριστουγέννων στην Ελλάδα του 2012

Γίνε η πιο γλυκιά μαμά. Αγόρασε στο παιδί σου κάτι το οποίο ούτε μπορείς να πληρώσεις, ούτε το παιδί σου κατα πάσα πιθανότητα πραγματικά χρειάζεται. Διότι ούτε θέλεις, ούτε ξέρεις πώς να είσαι η πιο γλυκιά μαμά χωρίς να είσαι άλλο ένα πιόνι της υπερκατανάλωσης. Αγόρασε από εμάς για να καταφέρεις αυτό που έχεις ξεχάσει να κάνεις, γιατί οτιδήποτε δεν έχει σχέση με τον υλισμό έχει πεθάνει μέσα σου κι εμείς αυτό το ξέρουμε πολύ καλά. Υπό άλλες συνθήκες θα κρύβαμε καλύτερα το πραγματικό μήνυμα των διαφημίσεων μας, όπως μάθαμε τόσα χρόνια να κάνουμε καλά, αλλά πλέον τα πράγματα έχουν γίνει ζόρικα και δεν χωράνε λεπτότητες. Δεν μπορούμε να επιτρέψουμε σε κάποιον άλλον να σε κερδίσει, γι’αυτό θα γίνουμε όσο πιο αφοπλιστικά και σαγηνευτικά ειλικρινείς χρειάζεται: αγόρασε αυτό για να κράτησεις κάτι το ανθρώπινο σε αυτή την αποκτηνωμένη κοινωνία. Αγόρασε αυτό αν θέλεις να έχεις την αυτοεκτίμηση σου ήσυχη, αυτή που μόνο με τα χρήματα μπορείς πια να αγοράσεις (τι κρίμα που πια δεν διαθέτεις και τόσα πολλά), και αν επιθυμείς να συνεχίσεις να έχεις την (ψευδ)αίσθηση ότι τα αντικείμενα και ο πλούτος είναι αυτό που λείπει από τη ζωή σου και αυτό που θα κάνει τους γύρω σου ευτυχισμένους. Καλύτερα, για να είμαστε ακριβείς, αυτό που θα κάνει εσένα να νιώσεις καλά, αφού έχεις κατα τα άλλα την ανατροφή των παιδιών σου χεσμένη και ελπίζεις πως ένα λάπτοπ για δώρο θα καταφέρει να καλύψει το κενό.

Το μεγαλύτερο κρίμα βέβαια είναι ότι όντως αν αγοράσεις αυτό το λάπτοπ με τα  χρήματα από το ήδη μειωμένο δώρο των Χριστουγέννων που ο εργοδότης σου έκανε τη χάρη να σου δώσει για τελευταία φορά και τα οποία κανονικά θα πήγαιναν στο χαράτσι, το παιδί σου όντως θα σε βλέπει σαν τη πιο γλυκιά μαμά. Γιατί το έκανες τόσο υλιστικό, τόσο σάπιο, τόσο κακομαθημένο και τόσο μικρόμυαλο όσο τον ίδιο σου τον εαυτό. Κάτι κατάφερες να του περάσεις τουλάχιστον.

Καλά Χριστούγεννα.

Danish Diaries #13

Today is the first day of advent. In four weeks time it’s Christmas. One week before that, I’ll be setting my foot on Greek soil for the first time after almost five months. Party’s almost over and it really feels like it’s long past its peak. Two years ago I wrote this particular heartfelt piece. Right now, I’m feeling like I can’t wait for Christmas to come and for me to be with my loved ones again. Everything’s looking as if our lives are going to change dramatically in the next few months and in ways we can’t even predict now, much less a year or two ago… so I feel the need to be with my people right now.  That will necessarily mean leaving my newly-found loved ones behind over here, but my approach to such inevitable small tragedies of life can be best summarised with a “bring on the pain”. I am confident that things will take their course the only way they can…

Now I will detail such an interesting topic as the weather. The weather’s broken its month-long hiatus of just plain meh of cloudy, rainless days with sheets of rain and wind that’s blowing all of the orange leaves that had gathered in piles everywhere, turning them into forced immigrants riding towards the unknown. It’s been definitely a pretty sight. Very happy that the Danish weather finally decided to prove the wilder side of its infamy. I do not think I will see snow before I leave, though — believe it or not, Danish winters are considered ‘mild’.

Jul is coming and hyggelighed is shooting through the roofs. People getting Christmas sweets, doing their Christmas shopping starting from early November *silent sigh* Then, the quaint little Christmas bazaar in the center of Aarhus is closed by 6pm (and it’s been 2 hours of darkness already), making the Christmas wine very eloquently called Gløgg unavailable to the thirsty crowds.  What can I say? This place is boring. The only fun people seem to be having is by mindlessly consuming tons of alcohol to at least make their mind-numbingly boring Fredagsbar entertainment a tiny bit more interesting. Danish people are like a bunch of spoiled children. They’re actually more like a society of sheltered people that avoid to look at the world without some kind of capitalist-socialist rose-tinted glasses (if you’re thinking that it’s a travesty to even think that capitalism and socialism could ever walk hand-in-hand down Utopia Lane, just visit Denmark and all should become crystal clear) Its clockwork social system seems to be breeding generations of people that cannot think for themselves if their life depended on it. Maybe its a common trait between people, that… But definitely, if populations from other corners of the world share this trait with the Danes, at least the Danes are the ones that come off as the ones with the better end of the stick. They are the happiest people in the world after all…

Could Denmark be an example of what would happen to a country and a population if all its problems were magically solved? Would it all come to a grinding halt out of a sheer lack of important stuff to worry about, people being very happy leading perfectly normal, predictable and passionless lives? It does seem to me that one of the common characteristics between people of the ‘First World‘ –pardon my anachronistic geopolitical categorisation, calling rich countries ‘Western’ seems just as uninspiring– is that we all seem to invent our problems, no matter if our existing problems, big or small, are affecting our happiness or not.

That is a confusing thought. I shall leave it aside.

Where was I? Ah, yes. Too afraid of foreigners, too afraid of standing out, they are hiding deep complexes behind their feel-good, relaxed appearances, against even their own larger and frankly much more interesting Nordic relatives.

OK, enough with cultural generalisations. My relativist side is painfully screaming in protest to all the above. I would hate to do what everybody seems to be doing with Greece right now; that is branding millions of people with a single stamp. Oh, oops, hehe.

Maybe I’m just sour cause I have no Danish friends to invite me over for a hyggelig board game evening… :’e

Most of my days consist of learning Spanish, enjoying hygge alone or with my predominantly Spanish-speaking friends in various altered states (yes, natural endorphins and caffeine counts! Does caffeine withdrawal onset also count as an altered state?), obsessing with Skyward Sword like a well-behaved Pavlov’s human (the highly behaviourist principle in work here is: “we want what we can’t have”. Beware of your hardware flaws and you can probably do much better than most of us out there), writing my final assignments for Digital Media Ethics and Great Works of Art or trying to at least find a good subject for both that will balance between “I already know a lot about this, I can write this stuff down!”,  “I want to learn something new, research, research!” and “I like this topic enough I will actually choose it over all the other possibilities and give it the honour of being my subject of preference for this course”. I’m listening to Grace For Drowning a lot, watching many good films the past few days and just finished Peep Show. What a great britcom it is!

Yet, I realise that once all here is said and done, I will regret not being able to use my last days here in a more creative or… Danish way. I wish I had ideas, I really do. But the spirit of Denmark has engulfed me entirely. Now excuse me: I must continue procrastinating and not doing my in Skjoldhøj Autumn cleaning, hoping that if Ι pretend it’s not there it will magically go away οr I will vacate the room before needing to do the general cleaning, having the perfect excuse… Urgh…


Skyward Sword and Zelda hype

A triumph. 10/10 (early EDGE Magazine review)


As if that wasn’t enough (it really is):

I might just love Skyward Sword because it’s the first Zelda with a fully orchestrated OST! The main theme is already etched in my head (maybe because it’s Zelda’s Lullaby in reverse? That alone brings me goose-bumps!)

What a time to love this music! It wasn’t but a few days ago people in LA and London enjoyed the Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony Concerts… I’d post a few videos that have popped up on the ‘tube but they’re sure to be pulled down by Nintendo.

I don’t mind though because I have eyes firmly set on this.

I will only get to play it a whole month after it comes out. Maybe for the better: I wouldn’t want to spend my last month in Denmark playing Zelda… would I? If I don’t, I’m going to spend all Christmas avoiding friends that persistently will want to see me after 5 months.

Maybe, in the Information & Media Studies library, where they said they’d put some consoles for people to… do research… maybe there I can…*barely audible, almost insane laughter*

But no, no, I must not make these thoughts now, I have to finish A Link to the Past on ZSNES. I must be a good Zelda fan. Yes, that’s what I’m going to do.

Until November 18th, feast your eyes on this:

September’s GamesMaster had a 1,5m poster of this as a freebie. Did I buy the issue just for the poster when I found it in a Presbyrån in Stockholm? Did I? *another very scary bout of silent laughter*


Is it really Christmas?

fuck christmas

So here I am, sitting in my room at my place in Nea Smyrni, stealing someone’s WiFi (together with 6 other people… Logging in to routers with default WEP settings and changing the keys is soo tempting… but I am not that evil), blogging when I should be working on my projects. I’ve been here for a few days already and I’m not feeling like it is Christmas at all. I look at all the constructed, fake festivities around me and I am feeling nothing but disgust for this joke of a festival centered around “love”. Just sneaking a peak at all the advertisements targeted at children, the true targets of this consumeristic parody, is borderline depressing. It’s no wonder we all have a sort of nostalgic aftertaste of Christmas which really stems from our childhood, when it all seemed so magical, so true, so happy… Is it the presents, the holidays, the sweets, the music? Maybe it is the sheer fakeness of it all, the same thing that draws children to Disneyland, that manages to enchant them so. What can indeed be said about the “holiday season”, a cultural curiosity which is one of the best examples of globalization today? I feel that if I let myself loose I’m going to fill pages upon pages of ranting about something that everybody knows is true yet decides to turn a blind eye to, preferring to drown their sorrows in ethical and guiltless super-consuming.

The fact, then, that I’m not feeling as if it’s Christmas is probably a good sign.

Maybe it is because so much has happened in my life in so little time. Maybe it’s because I have been consciously looking away from the very strong build-up that typically leads to an all-encompassing “Christmas spirit”. Maybe it is because I’ve grown mature enough to be able to appreciate being close to my loved ones and having some free time without associating the holidays with consumption, fake feelings of love for the world and this hideous “spirit”. It may be all, it may be none, it may be just one of these things, but whatever the reason, I am happy that I can see past the worryingly ultra-happy social appearances…

OK, Christmas flaming over. :] I started writing this post wanting to share what I’ve been doing the past few days and how I’m going to spend my holidays. Interesting much? It’s the fatal compulsion of blogging…

University Projects

One of the slighter reasons I’m not feeling too Christmas-y and/or relaxed is that I have a serious amount of work to get done for university. Four projects. It was going to be five originally but I decided to drop the project for Virtual Worlds and Digital Animation — my well of inspiration was looking a bit too dry for me to realise my relatively ambitious plans.

1. PHP. My project for WWW Technologies is to build a complete computer hardware online shop. That is much harder to do than it sounds, at least for someone who has little to no knowledge of dynamic website developing. This project is supposedly for two people but Garret doesn’t look like he might be a lot of help; he still needs to get his HTML sorted out. Anyway, it’s online tutorial and lab note time!

2. Cultural Representation. I chose to represent my top 5 favourite cities in the world for this one. I will have to make the workflow chart for an interactive application. I won’t fully develop it, but just designing a workable and attractive User Interface, as well as making it have the distinct Cubi style will take some full hours.

3 & 4. These are secret projects… ^^D

I promise impressive things… It’s not that I’m too bored to write about them or anything like that, no! It’s because I want to surprise everyone!

Flickr, Facebook and Online Identities

It’s been a a few weeks now that I deactivated my Facebook account. After a point, it felt downright hypocritic posting bad stuff about it but having a perfectly healthy account. Nevermind the less than impressive number of pictures I had on it.

Tell you what, I haven’t missed it a bit. A lot of people seem to find it strange that I’ve done so and have tried to persuade me to re-activate it. They say: “We miss you!”, just like Facebook said they would (and I thought it was being ridiculous…) To them, all I have to say is this. Sorry, but I will indulge in pathetic spying and “maintaining expired relationships” no longer!

Some other people, mostly from the Theatre and Photography groups, have told me that I should re-activate my FB so that I can upload photographs for all to see. I have a different reply for them: Flickr! Maybe you’ve noticed, maybe you haven’t, but I’m uploading more and more of my photographs there. It’s a very good image site, well-made, professional, respectful to the applying web laws as far as content protection goes. That is where you can head for my full lowdown of pictures! Look at that: it’s even got integrated support for WordPress (the sidebar pics are from my Flickr photostream, also have a look at my previous post). What else can one possibly ask for?!

To sum up:
Facebook sucks,
Flickr rules,
if you want to see my pics,
you surely oughta choose!

Windows 7 for free! Legally! How?

Casually browsing the web, a few days ago I stumbled upon MSDN Academic Alliance through my.aegean. What’s this, you say? It is a Microsoft service that allows students to download some of their software for free, all in the name of academia. Amazing eh? I was excited to discover that the University of the Aegean is eligible for this service. Why hasn’t anybody, ever, told us anything about it?

I really did download Windows 7 Professional, as well as a valid license key, for free, just by putting in my CT user name and pass. I burnt it on a DVD and now it’s waiting for me to tidy up my laptop HDDs before I format. This might take a while actually… heh.

Check it our for yourself!

Three Sequels and a Classic.

My gaming activity in the past few weeks has centered around four games: Modern Warfare 2, Banjo-Tooie, Half-Life 2 and StarCraft. Let me tell you a few things about these games.

Modern Warfare 2 is a great game in multiplayer, haven’t touched SP yet, as “controversial” as it may be. Enough said, I believe.

banjo-tooie christmas

Banjo-Tooie. Oh, Banjo-Tooie. I am very aware that about 2 years ago I placed it #20 in my 20 Favourite N64 games. I did not remember it very well back then, having only played it once before, when I was only 11. Not long ago I downloaded it from XBLA and decided to give it another spin, especially when I had so much fun downloading, replaying and 100%ing Banjo-Kazooie this time last year from the same service.

Tooie must be one of  the deepest, most innovative platformers in the history of the genre, not to mention one of the most expanding sequels ever. The level architecture is brilliant, how each world connects with a few others is something that hasn’t been used in other games since, even though it was such a good idea. The game is truly massive — getting 100% might take me 20+ hours when Banjo-Kazooie took me around 6. It’s definitely because I remember Kazooie almost perfectly even from my early years while now with Tooie it’s like playing it for the first time… Yes, the game is massive. TOO massive and time-consuming at times, when the original was a lot tighter and pure. I just have to comment on some of the humour displayed in Tooie; there are a lot more sexual references than in the original, and that can only be a good thing.

It doesn’t feel like I’m replaying it so it all feels fresh. If remade it could easily stand next to contemporary platformers and surpass them in many ways. Still, even if I have redeemed it a bit, the original still stands proud of its proximity to platforming perfection even when it obviously offers less, is shorter, much easier and has a fraction of the content of its sequel. I guess that is what separates a very good game from a classic. And talking about classics…

StarCraft. Yes, Blizzard’s other franchise that is about to see its full revival in a few months (and then we’re going to talk about sequels, period. Any new IPs please? :P) Even though I’m a strategy game fan, I’ve never shown great interest for Blizzard games. I’ve tried to like the WarCraft universe but I find it bores me. I still cannot exactly say why I like StarCraft and even worse, explain the on-and-off relationship I’ve had with it for years. Now, this Christmas, I’ve decided  to follow its story and see why it’s a game celebrated like few. So far I’m loving it! Haven’t had this much fun with a Single Player RTS campaign in years.

Want another game I’ve had an on-and-off relationship with for even longer? That’s none other than Half-Life 2 for you. I downloaded and tried it when it was released more than 5 years ago and was blown away by its atmosphere. For some weird reason I lost interest somewhere along the way. I tried to pick it up three times since, once after I bought the Orange Box, another time sometime last Autumn and another shortly thereafter… again and again, I kept losing interest a bit further along the road. My last save was two hours or so before the end of the game, in the City 17 streetfights. I had reached this point last time I’d felt like playing, that is last February. The morning before I left Mytilini and after a good dose of  caffeine, I finally took the bold step, closing a 5-year circle: I finished Half-Life 2.

I had been thinking that the game would have a tedious ending. How wrong I was. Getting rid of the Striders, climbing up the Citadel and then… *spoilers* was just so EPIC! Not only wasn’t it tedious, it was awe-inspiring. The rest of the game was like this, what in the name of Valve made me think the end would disappoint? Silly Cubi… Now, if only I could get Episode I to run on this laptop. Oh, don’t we wish…

That’s it for now! I have more things to share but they’re still being digested. Hey, there’s still lots of happenings left for the rest of the holidays anyway, they’ve only just begun! Soon it’s going to be the turn of the decade as well. Now that’s going to be awesome