POLYGLOT DIARY — 24/6/2014

I’m very happy to say that yesterday was the first time in my entire life I saw fireflies with my very own eyes! They were so pretty. Completely magical. I will upload the videos I took soon, although I severly doubt they will show anything that might capture even 10% of the magic of the moment.

We were in the mountains for the Latvian midsummer celebration together with – you guessed it – Latvians. A bonfire, crowns of flowers, homemade cheese, copious amounts of beer – that one not Latvian, unfortunately)and brave attempts to pull an all-nighter were made, as traditionally, if you don’t stay up to see the sunrise, you will be sleepy for the rest of the year. In Latvia it’s much easier to pull an all-nighter on that day, when the night is 3-4 hours long; in Bulgaria it was a slightly different story! At least I got to sleep in a hammock. Really, if you’re ever looking for a hippie pagan nation, Latvia is it. Great people all around.

Greece tonight also got through to the second round of the World Cup. I was listening to the match from NERIT’s webradio (I still hate that name. I wonder whether people have already forgotten what happened last year), and the moment when Samaras scored the penalty kick was one of those moments when I get why football is so well-loved around the world. I don’t really know or care if they deserved it or if Ivory Coast deserved to win instead, and neither do I believe that it means much, but I’m happy, because people in my environment are happy, even just for a moment. That’s my interpretation as far as why I wanted Greece to win. It’s not that I’m proud of the team – it’s not me who is playing – or the fact that the players are Greeks. It’s nothing like that. It’s the fact that people, other Greeks, the group of people I identify most with – for better or worse -, or one of the most important things I have in common with some of the people I’m closest to, think it’s important and are influenced by it. Or maybe they don’t really think it’s important and are like me a little bit, wanting everyone to be happy. So I want us to all be happy, even if the reason is silly and inconsequential like our national team winning a stupid game.

This is getting too complicated and I don’t have the mind to think or try to explain my thoughts. I’ll stop now.

POLYGLOT DIARY — 22/6/2014

Има много тексти, че съм пишал по български тези дни, но още не ги съм поставал тук.

Скоро ще купувам нов лаптоп, и през уикенд търсих и четих критики за най-евтино и едновременно най-добро разтваряне, нещо, че ще използвам за работа и игри за много години още . Мисля, че намирах го накрая.  Утре говорих с човека от магазина на компютри и отивеше много добре. Радвам се, защото говоря с помощници по-често, и бързо уча български. Елена и Боряна помагат много, и другите и аз ходим на уроките с веселие.

C помоща на Memrise, също уча да пиша с клавиатурата, но още много бббааавввеееннн съм. няма проблем, добро нещото закъснява да стане! :Ъ

POLYGLOT DIARY – 21/5/2014

Пффф вече има 4 дни от последен път че пишах в моят полиглот дайяри и тези е най-трудно от всички езиците койте мога да говоря – горе долу – о да пиша.

Пиша изречени вземе повеце от 20 минути… Моят Цел №1 за сега е да съсредоточавам се на български езикът. Радвам се че има творчески начни за да се прави го.

тези малки до сега.

POLYGLOT DIARY — 15/5/2014

Buenas tardes a todos! Disculpa mi omision de tildes y los significadores exclamativos y preguntativos (pronto voy a descargar una claviatura inglesa internacional, no solamente de los EEUU, pero por ahora no la tengo y es que de momento tengo prisa)! He prometido a mi mismo en forma de un challenge 7×7 de escribir algo cada dia; algo creativo, algo que me haga practicar poner mis pensamientos en papel – o pantalla – incluso si es algo pequeno! En otro post escribire algo por todo eso.

Bueno, estoy en Atenas estos dias, hace calor, es la semana antes de los eligos regionales (anadi esto solamente porque desde aqui en nuestra pisa podemos oir todas las hablas que suceden en la plaza central). Acabamos de ver uno de los ultimos capitulos de la temporada cuatro de Breaking Bad con Dafne y antes de eso me sali para correr. Hoy corrio una hora en punto en el Alsos de Nueva Smyrni – unas 12 vueltas – pero no exactamente 10km como queria. Es tambien que el Alsos tiene esta inclinacion de muerte, asi que quizas vale. En Sofia corria menos frecuentamente los dias previos pero ahora siento que tengo mas motivacion.

Ayer tambien salimos con Mario, y recordamos un nuevo podcast. Encantaria departirlo con todos vosotros pero hay mucho que debe hacerse, quizas una explicacion de que tiene que ver todo esto. 🙂 Ademas, me he puesto en una posicion que leo y acabo libros mas rapido de que peudo escribir criticas por ellos. Hm, creeis que estoy exagerando, quizas, o que cosas asi no son problemas importantes. Una tempesta en una taza de te, como dirian en ingles…

Si no hablais espanol, no os preocupeis. Pronto sеguiran otros idiomas. :Л