Bones & MurderBones & Murder by Margaret Atwood
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Found this book used for 10lv at Elephant bookstore in Sofia. This was my first real exposure to fiction by Margaret Atwood, and it was enough to make me think that reading longer works from her will be something I’m going to enjoy deeply.

While looking for the real title of the book on Google, I stumbled upon this review which just so happens to portray my feelings for it pretty much exactly. Allow me then to do the unthinkable and use that review’s words instead of mine. Thank you Kelly EasyVegan.

“The stories cover a little bit of everything: fantasy, mystery, science fiction, speculative fiction, feminism, rape culture, gender wars, dating, death – you name it.

Many of the pieces are hit and miss; my favorites are the scifi stories that hinge on an environmental or animal-friendly theme:

– “Cold-Blooded” – An alien race of matriarchal moth people visit planet earth – or as they call it, “The Planet of the Moths,” a nickname owing to the fact that their moth cousins outnumber us by billions – and find humans sorely lacking in both culture and intelligence;

– “My Life As a Bat” – A series of reflections on the narrator’s past life as a bat, including a disturbing (and, as it just so happens, true) anecdote about WWII-era experiments in which bats were made into unwitting suicide bombers;

– “Hardball” – A piece of dystopian speculative fiction in which humans, having decimated their environment, have retreated to live under a giant dome. Since space is limited, the population must be kept in check: for every birth, one person is chosen to die via a lottery. Care to guess what becomes of the remains?

Also enjoyable are those stories which reimagine classic literature: “Gertrude Talks Back” gives voice to Hamlet’s long-suffering mother, and “Unpopular Gals” and “Let Us Now Praise Stupid Women” celebrates those villains and “airheads” without which fairy tales would not exist.

While at times difficult to read, “Liking Men” is another standout; this is the piece that deals with sexual assault, vis à vis a woman’s journey back to coping with – and even loving – men (or rather, one man in particular) again after her rape.

A must for fans of Margaret Atwood!”

But seriously, those eyes on the cover…

View all my reviews



For Daphne and me, Breaking Bad has had a special meaning. We began watching the series last October. We pledged to only ever watch episodes together. I remember talking to Tomas in Capture Green in Prespes, him telling us he’s a chemical engineer and us joking about it. We were still in season 1.

As it happened, by last January, when I left for Sofia, we hadn’t even finished the third season. So in the past few months we could only watch episodes when we were either 1) physically together in the same room, whether in Sofia or in Athens, or 2) Skyping. The latter proved to be less than satisfying and too much of a hassle really – because watching Breaking Bad “together” also meant pressing play at the same time, pausing whenever the other person paused, waiting for the other person to get the episode right (my old laptop not capable of handling correctly any kind of video larger than the size a post stamp) etc. Meanwhile, Vicente, Miro and Garret all started watching it almost simultaneously and blew through it from end to end in a matter of weeks. We were still at the end of season 4 when Garret wrote this and this. Vicente overtook us somewhere around May and the beginning of season 5.

It really didn’t help that the series had its finale right before we started watching it, so we really had to be careful not to stumble upon spoilers scattered about by enthusiastic but careless watchers…

What I just wrote gave me some pause. What are the rules of spoilers? I had to go back and check one Idea Channel episode exactly on this that had caught my eye but I didn’t watch. Here:

No matter your position on the “Mitch and Greg to Emily continuum” (watch it and you’ll understand), posting something like “OMG! So-and-so DIED!” on your Facebook wall (as typically happens with the airing of each new Game of Thrones episode as well and leads people to Friends List culling) breaks every possible rule suggested. What goes through these people’s minds when they do things like this, unless they’re trolls, defeats me.

Anyway. A few days ago (on the momentous day of July 31st to be exact) we did it. We finally finished Breaking Bad. And it was good. It was heroic. We watched four episodes in a single day – can’t remember when the last time I did that was. No binge-watchers here, for better or worse… It’s amazing how many things I’ve started but never finished, if I get down to it. That I followed the whole series through, all 62 episodes of it, to the bitter(sweet?) end, hell, that alone speaks volumes when it comes to me. Sadly. Or not. I don’t know. It’s just the way I am I suppose: deriving pleasure from starting things – not bringing them to an end. For books it’s another story… but for series, or games, I am like this.

I don’t know what I can say. Explaining why things are good by dissecting them isn’t my forte at all. I can tell you such little tidbits as “I could never see it coming!”, “soooo suspenseful, so stressful!“, “the photography and direction were incredible“, “such strong characters!”, “I love Gus Fring, bitch”, “better call Saul!”, “where’s Miiiike?”, “everybody’s so fucked”, and maybe that’ll give you an idea.

I could also tell you that, unlike many other people who like to take pride in being able to figure out what will happen at the end of a given story, I’m typically quite bad at it. What I thought would happen at the end when we were watching the first few episodes had already happened by the end of season 2, so the actual seasons 4 and 5 were quite a ride through the unknown and unexpected.

Good thing I wasn’t spoiled.

For rounding off this mini-tribute, some more praise and discussion of the series.

Steven King: “I love Breaking Bad!”


Thanks Daphne for being my Watcher 2 (as in Player 2) for all these months.
We did it, bitch! And I 100% mean that!

Gramatik – Tranquilo

I had been looking for this song for ages. Then uTorrent offered me Gramatik’s whole discography for free when I installed it and I had the opportunity to look through Gramatik’s entire back catalogue to finally find this gem. I knew it was Gramatik!
Traunquilo. A solid piece of advice I could definitely use these days in particular. If my goal is to go with the flow, these days I feel like a leaf stuck on a rock in the middle of the river. July will be a tough month.

POLYGLOT DIARY – 11/6/2014

Sí! Os dije que esta vez tendría la claviatura internacional! ÓωΌ

Estos días tenemos el trabajo de guardar una exhibición de arte en la biblioteca. Es siete horas cada día, así que cada uno de nosotros tiene de quedarse en la galería por 3-4 horas. Para mí no es problema para nada, porque puedes dejarme en una habitación con un libro por horas sin que proteste. Hoy hice un mucho de bulgaro – tengo ahora un libro para aprender bastante bueno, era un regalo – y seguí leer PiHKAL. De verdad, muy poco gente hoy aceptaría lo que Shulgin quiería compartir. El daño ya está hecho. Pero, bueno, el mundo está cambiando rapidamente, y claro que no son solamente malas cosas parte de este cambio. Quizás pronto vamos a ver pasos grandes al dirección de “vive y deja vivir”.

Mi grupo de discurso en inglés hoy era totalmente lleno de gente! Estaba completamente loco! Parece que todos, ahora que hace tanto calor, les apetecía por algo más tranquilo! Pondría aquí fotos también, pero estoy demasiado aburrido de cojer mi camera, pasar las fotos, encargarlas etc. Debéis que creerme, la gente simplemente seguió venir… Tan gracioso!

Después de eso, también vimos Vivir Es Fácil Con Los Ojos Cerrados en Cine Lumier. Era en español con sutítulos bulgaros, que era interesante para tratar de entender y era buena practica. Andalucía es tan bonita. Dicen que el pasado es un país extranjero. Lo sentí con esa peli. Y después, cuando salimos del cine, vivimos un grande tormenta que puso el cielo entero casi negro.

Los ojos se cierran…

POLYGLOT DIARY – 23/5/2014

Opa! El proximo post en espaniol! Pfff, seguir escribir sin el enie se siente muy… extranio!

Pues, ahora puedo escribir con un poco mas detalles, asi que el ultimo post del diario poligloto era en bulgaro.

Estoy aqui en Sofia. Vicente no esta aqui, esta en Espania por estos dias y estar en la habitacion solo es una sensacion que casi habia olvidado. En lugar de el, Niina la finlandesa nos esta visitando. Las otras chicas de Shar Planina 55 y ella estan en todo tiempo juntas. Ahora mismo que estoy escribiendo estas lineas, han salido en los bares sofianos con intenciones salvajes! Despues las ultimas semanas, puedo decir seguramente que necesito mas tiempo solo con la presencia y la amistad de mi mismo. Eso creo que es lo mas que me falta aqui.

Hoy y el dia penultimo corri 9-10 kilometros, cerca una hora… Lentamente pero seguramente (se puede decir esto en espaniol?) me preparo para algun semimaraton. Encontre un bueno estadio de entrada gratis, y, aunque no esta en buena condicion, ya me gusta mucho ir alli, correr bajo del sol de mayo sin camiseta.

Siempre siento que tengo demasiadas cosas de hacer, y cada dia el estres de muchas obligaciones poquitas se anada y se hace grande. No se que podria hacer para organizar mi vida mejor. Incluso ahora me parece que he olvidado algo, algo importante… Sin embargo, mi nuevo libro sobre el MBTI lo dice: los INFPs tienen problemas con equilibrio entre todas las cosas que necesitan su atencion. El P… El P crea todos los problemas! Demonios!

Antes poco tratamos con Rena y Daphne jugar Civilization IV sobre el internet… Y lo conseguimos… por los primeros veinte minutos o tal. Mi laptop, que ya tiene casi 5 anios, no puede llevar un juego de casi una decada. Bueno, cuando lo compre, ya no estuviera muy actual para nada. No se, mi relacion con mi laptop es bastante mala estos dias. Dejo todos mis archivos en el escritorio, no trato de organizar ni mis fotografias.

Lei algo muy pertinente en el libro de Benny Lewis que estoy leyendo estos dias, Fluent in Three Months.Originalmente es en ingles, por supuesto, pero en espaniol seria algo asi:

La disciplina simplemente significa elegir entre lo que quieres ahora y lo que quieres mas.

Debo de admitirlo, tengo dificuldades hacer la distincion…

POLYGLOT DIARY – 21/5/2014

Пффф вече има 4 дни от последен път че пишах в моят полиглот дайяри и тези е най-трудно от всички езиците койте мога да говоря – горе долу – о да пиша.

Пиша изречени вземе повеце от 20 минути… Моят Цел №1 за сега е да съсредоточавам се на български езикът. Радвам се че има творчески начни за да се прави го.

тези малки до сега.

Things you don’t mention when people ask you what your day was like

You absent-mindedly stick your pinky finger in your ear to scratch it, happily chilling in Slaveikov Square, when a middle-aged colleague from the library passes you by and whistles at you to catch your attention and greet you. You essentially just nod a hello back, finger still firmly lodged in your ear. You’re left thinking that she greeted you just to let you know that she was there to witness you with digging for gold with your pinky.

There is a Dutch princess – apparently the patron for libraries or something similar to that – visiting Sofia City Library’s Children’s Department to present the fresh Bulgarian translation of the children’s illustrated book she recently finished writing. You tremble at the idea of actually having to meet her, because you’re simply clueless about how it would be proper to address her: “would Your Highness be too strong?”, you think to yourself. “Would shaking her hand without, err, kissing it or something, be too… normal?” It even occurs to you that, maybe, if you greeted her in just her first name, no titles or anything attached, you would do what no-one had ever dared to do before; talk to her normally, for what she really is; just another human being. For that she would deeply admire you – just like in the movies. In the end, you don’t get within 5 metres from her.

You see in the distance the guy who met one of your roomies in a big party the previous night, with whom he stayed out for the whole night and with whom they apparently hit it off quite well. He’s probably waiting for your roomie, judging by the three red carnations in his hand. By coincidence, it’s the same spot you’re supposed to meet another, completely unrelated, friend. You pretend you don’t see him; the least you want is an awkward exchange in the spirit of :

-“Hey, how are you?”
– *obviously aware of the fact that you noticed the flowers and still at the stage of deciding whether he should address the small scarlet-coloured elephant in the room* Good… eheheheh, good. And you?”

Good. You avoided that. For half a minute or so all he can see of you is your back. You doubt he can recognise it as it being yours or, even if he can, if he would be willing to make the fact known to you. When you discreetly turn around, your roomie has already arrived and met up with the guy, is holding the flowers and is vividly exchanging with him whatever it is you’re supposed to say in such situations –  I don’t know what it is, sorry. You pass them by and greet them both; now there isn’t just a single person sitting there, it will finally be both socially appropriate and desirable by everyone for you to just say hi and continue walking with no further questions, exclamations or general interaction. You start moving towards them but not exactly; you know, in an angle from which you they can see you but you’re not actually walking in the middle of the air holding them apart.

Neither of them notice your very briefly outstretched hand somewhere in their vicinity.

You do not change your course of bipedal locomotion.

All of your groceries have run out and you’re too bored to actually buy more.  But is it really all of them or was that just a matter of speech? Not quite – you still have eggs and potatoes left. Your hate for eggs has been stuff of legends before, but you’ve somehow been forcing yourself to eat them in the past few months. It begun when you needed extra protein in order to hopefully see that exercise you’ve been putting your upper body through have some tangible results. That dream has been left in the orphanage of abandoned dreams (that was a horrible image, I’m sorry);  you don’t life your weight around at a rate where extra protein would be of any use anymore – let’s just put it like that – but the “fake it till you make it” part has paid off at least psychologically speaking and now eggs don’t sicken you as much as they used to.

The frying pan is hot. You reach for an egg but your fringers go through the shell as if it was yogurt. You curse everything that’s holy (and not so much) that made it normal for people to eat chicken menstruation. You empty the contents of the egg spilled in the carton into the pan. You check on the potatoes that you fried before and left wrapped in paper in order for it to soak the excess oil, the way you’ve always seen your mother do and you yourself do but your flatmates strangely mocked. You immediately decide it wasn’t such a good idea to use toilet paper instead of the normally used paper towels: the majority of the potatoes are now covered in filmy, greasy tree pulp. You spend the next 10 minutes removing chewy stuff from your food. The sensation of futility is comparable to peeling apples with your bare hands – no, not normal apples, that’s not so bad – maybe the candied ones you’d buy at the πανηγύρι. You resign and end up eating maybe half of them, paper and all, and throwing the rest  out, something for which you are not at all proud.

While writing these lines you’re still unconsciously picking out little pieces of paper from between your teeth with your tongue.

Review: Mort

Mort (Discworld, #4)Mort by Terry Pratchett

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First, I’d like to mention that this particular edition of the book is pure, distilled class. I found it in Гринуич (Greenwich, written “green witch”), one of Sofia’s largest bookstores. Happily, there’s also “Guards! Guards!” from the same line of beautiful 2014 hardcover editions of the Discworld series on that rotating shelf waiting for me to get my hands on it… All I have to do is swallow shelling out another seemingly-cheap-but-it’s-what-I-should-be-paying-for-my-nourishment-with 20 лв so soon after I did it for Mort with this particular expression on my face.

Anyway, I wanted to include quotes from Mort in my review to yet again share just how witty, pertinent and, well, funny Pratchett’s writing has proved itself to be, but I decided to just put links to lists becase this would grow out of any sort of proportion and my reviews in general need more words like my back needs more hair. The lists of quotes: [1] [2].

Many discheads count Mort as one of the best books in the whole series, and I remember my friend Garret pestering me to read this book in particular for years. My time did come, now that my disc is spinning – you may interpret that analogy at will, by the way. I would say that, compared to Small Gods, the Discworld entry I read before this one, Mort was funnier but lacked part of the punch; Small Gods made me think “hey, Pratchett’s onto something here”, but no such internal exclamations were had with Mort, and rather missed they were. However, I did have to think (relatively) long and hard to decide whether or not I should give Mort 5 stars all the same as a reward for it managing to crack me up so systematically. The end result of that painful procedure you can see before you; nevertheless, let it be known that Mort is funny and that you should read it, even if you’ve never read a Discworld novel before.

View all my reviews

Three Months in Sofia

It’s been three months and three days (correction: one week by the time I got to actually finish writing this) since I first set my foot in Bulgaria for the first time. I tried writing something lengthy but it just didn’t come out right. My ability to write lengthy, journaly posts that might be of any interest to readers has become worse with time, especially during this year and the one past. Part of it may be that I started writing my morning pages last July, so the canvas for my thoughts put into words ceased to be The Dimension and became The Page.

I’m also suspecting that I have got more used to writing creatively on paper than doing so on a computer, exactly because the ritual of the morning pages allows me to write freely. Conversely, whenever I write a post, I feel restricted: by the context, the medium of the blog, by what I know I’ve said before, even by my readers’ expectations. I have also noticed a distinct difference in style between when I write longhand and when I type. I remember reading something about that in The Shallows and how Nietzsche also noticed he started writing differently, less eloquently perhaps, when he began using his typing ball. Maybe I should have my posts as scans. :O Anyway, I digress – which wouldn’t be a problem if this wasn’t a post!

So, let’s get to the point.

Sofia, Bulgaria
Sofia, Bulgaria

Things I thought back in January I would be doing now :

    • mainly reading books borrowed from the library;
    • practicing languages by playing games like Okami;
    • refining the Extended Tandem website for the Sofia City Library, my personal project idea for attracting readers;
    • meeting with my tandem partners for Spanish and German;
    • doing Memrise exercises every day for Bulgarian;
    • be able to have a basic conversation in Bulgarian;
    • cooking every day, or at least every two or three days;
    • continually improving my English conversation class workshop;
    • reading American magazines;
EVS dinner prepared by Hilal, Christina and Niina - Miro and Boyan's place
EVS dinner prepared by Hilal, Christina and Niina – Miro and Boyan’s place

What I’ve really been doing:

  • realising, not without a little embarassment, that us volunteers are being effectively paid more than actual library employees;
  • going out a lot – and I mean a lot, as in I-need-some-time-alone-guys! a lot together with all the other volunteers we met in the on-arrival training a month ago;
  • due to above reason, not keeping in touch with Daphne as much as she deserves, but trying to keep it as real as possible all the same;
  • exchanging packages with Daphne filled with cookies, books and other goodies – positive aspect of doing your EVS close to home: the possibility of using the coach companies to send packages for dirt cheap;
  • saying yes to as many proposals as possible;
  • hosting multiple people pretty much every week, mainly volunteers who work in other cities in Bulgaria and come to visit (we’re hosting Christina, Niina and Hilal as I’m writing these lines – as I’m finishing up the post, my friend from Heterotopies Myrto took their place in Hostel Shar Planina 55);
  • abstaining from alcohol for fifteen days – my digestion system went completely crazy for that period of time, but I felt great (and rich!) – now I’m back to drinking as usual;
  • postponing/avoiding to find tandem partners;
  • failing to study Bulgarian almost at all and improving much slower than I would have liked, especially after our classes ended;
  • hardly playing any screen-based games at all;
  • playing Dixit with Rian – excellent game;
  • going on excursions;
  • made a Prezi together with Zanda for an education day in the German embassy about the library’s activities (click on the link if you’re okay with Pharrell William’s Happy playing in the background);
  • going running less often, but also trying to integrate bodyweight lifting in my makeshift fitness program, which includes changes in diet – discovering what vegetarian foods are rich in protein is a fun procedure all of its own;
  • shaved my head;
  • enjoying the amazing weather in Sofia – seriously, there was no winter this year;
  • saying dobre a lot;
  • eating ice cream from Confetti – to think I’d have to come to Sofia to try the best ice cream I can remember having;
  • reading much more than what I’m used to ^^J (you can see the number of book reviews I’ve written in the past few weeks), but no books from the library, apart from The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test;
  • watching Breaking Bad with Daphne (yes, through Skype/Steam direct connection!) extremely slowly – watching Battlestar Galactica slightly, but not significantly, faster – preferably with Bulgarian subtitles;
  • sucking at watching series;
  • started the Easy Readers workshop, which is looking more and more like it will end up like another Engish Conversation Group – many more people want to practice their spoken English than their reading skills, apparently;
  • I’m not reading American magazines, but I am trying to find new and exciting ways to use my Kindle.
Paula's Farewell '80s Party - Rasa, Niina, Zanda, Florian, Maria and Freddie Mercury
Paula’s Farewell ’80s Party – Rasa, Niina, Zanda, Florian, Maria and Freddie

What I’ll be doing soon:

  • weekly English classes/activities for refugee children and teens from Syria;
  • tandem(!!!) – actually I think I already found a Bulgarian guy who wants to learn Greek – perfect;
  • filling out my 100 Obekta passport – I’ll write something about that soon;
  • finding ways to make living together with three (usually more!) people sustainable in the long medium run;
  • making that library-centred Tandem website;
  • making some more qbdp episodes – it’s time;
  • spending lot of time outside – the good part of climate change, or just call it spring;
  • visiting more of the surrounding countries, including more places in Bulgaria – good thing we have lots of volunteers to host us all over;
  • that includes Greece, and I hope I’ll get at least some of the volunteers to join me!

This post is well overdue but at the same time I feel like I’m missing something crucial. Ah well, let’s post it anyway.

Spanish Reading Room in Sofia City Library, complete with siesta-ing Spaniard. Will this be what our remaining six months will look like? The answer depends more or less on our initiative; such is the nature of the EVS project...
Spanish Reading Room in Sofia City Library, complete with siesta-ing Spaniard. Will this be what our remaining six months will look like? The answer depends more or less on our initiative; such is the nature of the EVS project…

EVS in Sofia City Library: The Quest for the Seven Lakes

Repost from EVS at Sofia City Library Blog, originally posted on 25/3/’14.

It was in our on-arrival training, from Nasko, that we first heard about this place, the Seven Rila Lakes:

There aren’t seven of them in this picture
but you’ll just have to trust us.

Our Lithuanian EVSer friend Rasa, who we also met on the on-arrival, really wanted to see the lakes, so she motivated us to go see them this weekend. Maria and Vicente were unavailable in one way or another, so it was Rasa, Zanda and me who set out to visit the lakes. The decision and “plans” were made only the day before. We met up near our house in Opalchenska, but then had some problems figuring out how we could: 1)  make the first step out of Sofia 2) get to the lakes in the first place. Googling around for help wasn’t so useful, either… Sometimes it is like this in Bulgaria: the way to get to any given place is not so obvious, and often even Google isn’t enough for a clear answer, or, even if it is, things can always turn out to be very different in reality, as you’ll soon realise from this “little” story.

The beginning of our trip was just a taste of what was to come: we lost some time in changing buses and getting lost in the outskirts of Sofia that were closest to where we thought the bus or train station of Ovcha Kupel would be, but found no station. Somehow, mostly thanks to our luck and unexpectedly understanding hurried directions in Bulgarian, we got to Gorna Banya train station, where we got our train to Dupnitsa for 4,5lv each.

Gorna Banya railroad lady.
Picture by Zanda.

1.5 hours later, we were sitting outside Dupnitsa’s train station eating shopska salata and kartofi sas sirene (4,5lv for both), mulling over what we should do next. Our original plan for visiting the lakes, after all was said and done, was to be home not too long after sunset, because Boyan (another EVSer we met in the on-arrival who lives in Sofia) would be having his birthday party that night and we really didn’t want to miss it. It was already 2 o’ clock, however, and we had no idea how much longer it would take us to actually get to those lakes. Finally we discovered a bus to Sapareva Banya, the town closest to the lakes, and hopped on for another 1,40lv, which, contrary to all our previous experience, we paid before getting off the bus, and with no physical ticket left to us to prove it.

Obyadvam v Dupnitsa.
Composition by Zanda.

So there we were. Sapareva Banya. Home to the Balkans’/Europe’s hottest/something-est geyser (as we briefly had the chance to discover through the bus’ windows) and other hot-water-related activities – it really is a thing in Bulgaria. We were there, but the lakes were still a long way away. If you looked at our relative position using Google Maps, you’d think we were rather close, but we had to also move vertically and somehow climb that imposing mountain right in front of us… We knew there were ski lifts involved, but that was about it. We looked for help and directions in a nearby government building, where after looking around for a bit we eventually found the guard (I had to struggle to keep a straight face while writing that). We asked him “how go seven uuuuh, lakes”, or the equivalent in Bulgarian, and he replied that there was no minibus (as we had let Lonely Planet make us think!) and that the only way up was by taxi. “Where taxi?” He pointed towards the entrance of a shop.

The “taxi” was actually the telephone number of the taxi driver, stuck on the window of the shop. We decided we would ask the man to help us call. We went back and this time there was also a woman there. When we asked her if she knew English, she replied “Deutsch!” I happily started talking to her in German (I wasn’t expecting I’d have to do that when I got out of bed that morning) and explained the situation. She called the taxi for us, offered us coffee, and warned us that the ski lifts might have stopped working soon. We agreed on the price with the driver (18lv to the ski lifts) and rode off for the 15km or so of winding road to the ski lifts.

The taxi driver was a peculiar but funny guy: in his late-thirties, wearing a Metallica t-shirt and having a Beatles song I’d never heard before playing on his taxi’s sound system. I think he misunderstood my saying at some point “mnogo barzo” (very fast): I meant that our visit to the lakes would be very quick, as a reply to something relevant that he had asked me, but he probably interpreted that as permission to start racing up the mountain. He didn’t miss a single opportunity to tell us, in a mixture of lively Bulgarian and very bad English and even German when we didn’t seem to recognise the words in Bulgarian, all about Sapareva Banya -in which he apparently had the monopoly of taxi driving- and the mountain up which we were riding the taxi. He kept repeating the words skala and kamak. At some point he stopped to show us a rock in the shape of a turtle, which when seen from a different angle also looked like a human face. Apart from that, the view was breathtakingly beautiful, on a mountain side dense with forest.

Turtle Rock

After we almost crashed on the way, we finally reached the ski lifts. It was 4 o’ clock. 2 hours before, Zanda had said that “she had forgottten there had been a winter this year”, because the weather was so warm that day, all the trees had already blossomed etc. 2 hours later, we were surrounded by snow and people were actually taking the ski lifts for their intended use. We were greeted with the announcement that the ski lifts would be working for just another half hour. That meant that we had to make the decision there and then: give up and go home, cursing our luck, or take the ski lifts and stay on the mountain for the night in a ski lodge we were assured would not cost more than 15lv per person.

We went up.


“No time to explain – hop on!”
View from the ride.

So we reached the “base camp” for exploring the lakes. But guess what? None of us had expected that our little excursion would involve getting anywhere near snow. Yeah, 2200 or so metres above sea level in March? Never would have guessed… It was still relatively warm (or should I say, not too cold) because the late afternoon sun was still shining and making everything look beautiful, but we were nowhere near prepared enough for this. Thankfully, we all had at least a jacket of some sort wtih us, but no ski boots or anything for hiking in snow. Because the other thing we didn’t really know was that in order to reach the lakes from the hotel/lodge/chalet you had to walk for at least an hour or so. We tried walking up the mountain outside the lodge in our normal shoes before it would have got got dark and found out for ourselves that it definitely wasn’t such a good idea. Still, we had great views and it felt really good climbing this winter wonderland.

Migla, migla, rasa, rasa.
Composition by Zanda.
Lodge in the mountains.

What didn’t feel so good was how we had just decided to not go to Boyan’s party. People started calling to see where we were, because we had told mostly no-one that we’d be visiting the lakes, and absolutely no-one that we’d be staying there for the night, and thus miss the party. It felt bad, especially because we just knew that people would believe that we didn’t care about the party… But we had to make a choice. There will hopefully be many more parties in our lives still. Chances of visiting this extremely beautiful place, on the other hand? Hmmm… Still, even when you make choices like these consciously, you can’t help but feel a little bit of regret.

Anyway, the lodge/chalet had all of its cheaper dormitories booked, mostly by annoying little children *Gargamel face*, so we had to take the 100lv per room per night three-bed one, which we managed to haggle to 90lv. But that room… that room! Its biggest problem was the heating – or the lack thereof. Zanda even resorted to using her Russian, which I hadn’t heard her speak before and I gather she doesn’t want to as a matter of principle, to complain to the manager about it. He came to the room and “turned on” the heating, which meant making the radiator from freezing cold to pleasantly warm to the touch. Yes, our room flirted with temperatures not much higher than zero for the duration of the entire night. But at least we had a television to forget our shivers with. Switching the batteries from one remote control to the other, we managed to tune to Animal Planet – the only channel not in Bulgarian or dubbed in Bulgarian – and had baby pandas, the Summer of the Sharks and Aina the elephant lull us to sleep. Meanwhile, the other animals in the room were about to transform into butterflies in their barely warm enough blanket cocoons.

Fortunately, the next day was much better. We woke up early, had breakfast, rented some ski boots from the basement of the hotel and headed out, ready to find those bloody lakes! The skies were clear and deep blue, the snow was blinding white and deep, the view was magical… It was perfect. And then it happened: we discovered the first lake.

Pointing at it, in case you missed it.

It hadn’t seriously crossed our minds that the lakes could  have been frozen. When it did, we comforted ourselves by thinking that if they were, somebody of all the people we met on the way would have told us, or would have tried to stop us from going there. But then it made sense: why would anyone want to stop us when we were showing such determination and conviction? The locals must have thought that we must have known that the lakes were frozen, and that we simply didn’t care.

An hour and a half or so after we started hiking from the lodge, we reached the second lake (we even walked over it) and another lodge next to it. There we had some tea and cherished our moments in the frozen wilderness. Yes, the lakes were frozen, but we had made it, and that was the only thing that counted.

Tea for two, and two for tea… ♪
Composition by Zanda.
Composition by Zanda.

To cut this long story short, by the time we had reached the ski lifts to begin what we thought would be the long way home, we were already happy and satisfied with the way things had turned out.

But the cherry on the cake had yet to come.

Even though we had the taxi guy’s telephone number safely in our phones, we really didn’t want to strain our wallets any further, and so preferred to try our luck with hitch-hiking all the way back, which was the original plan actually. So we signalled to the first car which was looking like it was about to leave the area of the ski lift, ran to it and asked the couple -that could have been our parents- if it would be okay for them to take us to Sapareva Banya. Not only did they take us there, they got us lunch at Hotel Panorama in Panichishte -some of the best food we’ve had while we’ve been in Bulgaria – and told us that they could also take us all the way back to Sofia, since that was their final destination as well. If they were chainsaw murderers, they kept their hobby to themselves.

Another thing that made me personally proud of our contact with this couple was that 90% of our communication with them, like in most of the trip actually, was in Bulgarian. When all you want to do is express you gratitude, you don’t care about how correct your language is; you just blurt out whatever you know, even if it’s just words, phrases, or saying mnogo mnogo vkusno, mnogo mnogo blagodarim vi!

2500g of guyvetch-y goodness for five people…
Only later did we realise that this picture
Zanda took was of the couple that would
buy us lunch and drive us back home to Sofia…
We decided that we should send it to them
to show them our appreciation.

This was our Sedemte Rilski Ezera adventure. It was a very inspiring trip to us, as you can probably tell by the length of this story and the compositions by Zanda (here’s a link to ther facebook album of our trip). For me it captured nicely the spirit of EVS and travelling in Bulgaria: international friends, looking for spontaneous adventure and a more deeper understanding of their host country, at the same time discovering all of its treasures and short-comings and that in the end it’s the people that matter the most. We might not have exactly found what we were looking for, but what we got in return proved to be just as valuable, if not more. And in the end we also got to see Boyan and tell him happy birthday, for his real birthday was two days after the party. Τέλος καλό, όλα καλά.

Oh, and another thing before I sign off that I keep having to learn again and again:

if in doubt, always ask.