Haunting music. The scene where it plays during the film does give off masterfully the otherworldliness, the raw hit to the senses that are Grenouille’s perfumes. Here it is — it’s very close to the end of the film, so spoilers, obviously.

Tom Tykwer directed the film and he was in the composing team for the OST. Talk about a man of many talents. Between this and Lola Rennt, he’s made two of the films that rank very high in my list of favourites—as well as worked on their soundtracks.

Also, here’s my review for the book. If I had to choose between the book and the movie, I’d say “who’s to say we can’t enjoy them both?” As is the case with Game of Thrones, it’s one of these cases where book and visual representation each stands on its own merits. I haven’t actually read the GoT books because they’re stupidly long, I already know the main plot and people have told me that the series follows the books closely, but I’m sure that, in a parallel universe where I had read them, I wouldn’t regret it a bit and I’d try to convince my present-universe self to take the plunge. Still, I don’t feel inclined. Does that make sense?