Your Brain On Porn

Evolution has not prepared your brain for today’s Internet porn.


Basically, this site says that internet porn has hacked into our brain and is playing around with the hormonal centres that handle pleasure, reproduction, addiction and reward. Everytime we masturbate to internet porn our brains register the act as if we were fertilising tens or hundreds of different women. That’s much better than only having one partner, right? You can’t beat the novelty, the variety, the propagation of genes, the accessibility!

All this has lead to situations where people are subconsciously choosing porn instead of real socialising (and feeling OK and quasi-satisfied, if a little bleh, with being solitary and socially anxious) because the brain in a completely subconscious manner prefers the porn with all its addiction, reward and novelty factor, than real intimate partners. Such situations, I’m betting, are much more widespread than anyone’s willing to admit.

In the site you can find many testaments of men who abstained from masturbating for weeks or months and saw a dramatic, to say the least, increase of their libido, self-confidence and testosterone levels. They also rediscovered the beauty of looking into people of the opposite sex as more than just pieces of meat, there as a means for a potential orgasm and little else (and always comparing them, again subconsciously, with their virtual, pornographic counterparts of sexual satisfaction). Moreover, they found out they started focusing more on real women as the real people that they are.

Could it be that the sexuality of a whole generation of men (not to mention today’s teens) is being influenced, no, shaped by high-speed internet porn, making us proud addicts to the murderer of eroticism from a very young age, thousands of synapses at a time? Wilhelm Reich couldn’t havee meant this when he was talking about the Sexual Revolution! Absolutely not. This is serious.

I’m trying this out already, how could I not? All the way. See how long I can last and what happens. I’ll post the results soon.


 Philip Zimbardo: The demise of guys?

Some more links to articles on Your Brain On Porn:

Guys who gave up porn: on sex and romance

Was the cowardly lion just masturbating too much?


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