
A song discovered sifting through G-MuSiC, a copy of what Garret’s music collection looked like in 2011. It’s kind of sad that I have collected gigabytes and gigabytes of music from various people over the years that I’ve never actually listened to.

This song was written for when I more or less fall asleep these nights. Very soon it will be the exact time my alarm clock will be going off every morning.

Bonus: a happy and melancholy (bittersweet?) song written for crashed airliners.


Two vids and two talks, all broadly on cryptography, freedom of information and mass surveillance, all excellent—and I don’t usually even like rap.

Especially the talks though, they’re on a different level completely, truly ground-breaking stuff. Haunted By Data you can either read or watch on Youtube, What Happens Next Will Amaze You is only in transcript form.

Juice Media vids

Talks by Maciej Cegłowski

Haunted By Data

Strata+Hadoop World, New York City, October 2015. [video] (20 mins)

Re-imagining data as radioactive waste we don’t know how to safely store. Nixon in your data center. Eroom’s Law as an example of how data-driven thinking can make things worse for an entire industry. A plea to stop gratuitously collecting data and start treating it as the trade-off it is.

What Happens Next Will Amaze You

FREMTIDENS INTERNET, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2015.

A talk about the corporate side of our culture of total surveillance. The odd story of how advertisers destoyed our online privacy and then found themselves swindled by robots. Six fixes that I think could restore Internet privacy. Capitalists who act like central planners, and an industry that insists on changing the world without even being able to change San Francisco.





Happy new year! I wish this is your year’s soundtrack. May you swim with the seals all the way.

Found this awesome little song from Ran Prieur who had this to say:
Doctopus – Wobbegong is a garage rock masterpiece, and an example of the elusive raw and intense happy song that I mentioned a few weeks ago. This is their only great song.


Two separate earworms this time from two different tracks. Good thing they’re on the same album.

One from the title track (around 13:40), the other from Cloudburst Flight, the whole of it.

Is that right? I’d never posted Tangerine Dream on here before?


Dammit. Blackfield’s made it back to my playlists. Missed you guys, it’s been a while (not you, Steven ♥)

Should I post some Blackfield here?

Fuck it. Go the fuck ahead. Post some fucking Blackfield.

But which song?

Feh. Post the whole fucking album. It captures the whole gamut of feelings. Those feelings.

Seriously. There must be plenty of bands that put their name on their songs and albums, but surely nothing comes close to Blackfied- Blackfield – Blackfield. Skip to 03:49 if you really must.


Video from Cabo Polonio, Uruguay. Thought of the song immediately after crossing paths with the little critter (I, for one, embrace my apparent lack of originality) and its earworminess has been coming and going at random three weeks now.