Yes – Siberian Khatru

It usually goes like this:

1. “Hey, awesome song!”
2. “Wow I can’t get this out of my head!”
3. “I like it so much I want to use it as my ringtone!”
4. *fast-forward a few months*
5. *ring* “Oh gahdz, my ringtone annoys the hell out of me.”
6. *listens to proper song another time*
7. “Hey, I have this song as my ringtone, awesome!”
8. Proceed to 2.

The most observant of you will notice this is a closed loop.Because life is usually not this well-structured and logic-driven, longer and juicier earworms that would deserve to be blared out from my phone every time someone feels the urge to talk to me are usually held back by the sheer power of laziness alone.