Man's Search for MeaningMan’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Read this on my Kindle.

The first part is about this psychiatrist’s time in a number of concentration camps. That was the fascinating, horrifying part of the book and I truly enjoyed it. It put everything else I was doing while reading the book into perspective.

The second part I found confusing and not much from it has stuck with me. Logos, apart from meaning or the ability to think and reason also means speech in Greek and logotherapía means speech therapy, the kind you would get if you couldn’t pronounce r, g or s (and sometimes what I think I need when I realise just how badly and hastily I pronounce some words). I kept subconsciously thinking there was some kind of connection between Frankl’s logotherapy and logotherapía, which isn’t the case at all.

In the end I didn’t come out having understood what this book was about. If you ask me what Dr. Frankl’s logotherapy is, I wouldn’t be able to accurately tell you. However, I don’t think that it’s the book’s fault; on the contrary, it was well structured and argued. Perhaps I just wasn’t so interested. The first part though… that was intense.

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