
I watched this movie today. For most of it I was at the stage in which you are before the brink of tears, feeling the goosebumps all over.

Koyaanisqatsi is Hopi for: 1. crazy life. 2. life in turmoil. 3. life disintegrating. 4. life out of balance. 5. a state of life that calls for another way of living. Indeed: it is a story about the imbalance of humankind’s relationship with nature, told with no words whatsoever, just by use of images and music… It’s awe-inspiring, deep, poetic (I’ll have to see it a few more times to catch all the hidden metaphors) and breath-taking to watch using mostly slow-motion and time-lapse techniques. The only way you’d be able to tell it was filmed back in 1982 would be the old cars, fashion, electronics etc. But one of the most important mood-setters is the soundtrack, which was composed by Philip Glass.

Together with the music, these first few minutes make the film look very promising indeed… You might watch it all if you like (recommended), but you might just as well watch till about 3:50 of the following to catch the spirit — realising what it is you’re witnessing is half the beauty.

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