Is There Anybody Out There With A Lust For Life?

Here I am with Jafar in my lap, posting some more music I feel expresses better than words what I’m feeling right now (as if I haven’t done so almost exclusively already, as if me expressing it here makes any difference!) Is these two songs’ message conflicting? It might be, but conflict is just one way two different things may interact through; another is mutual completion

I wonder if these Youtube videos will still be up in, say, 5 or 10 years? Will this very site be a part of the Cloud? Gah, let’s just focus on the great music for now and leave the dark thoughts behind!

6 thoughts on “Is There Anybody Out There With A Lust For Life?”

  1. No.. there is nobody out there with a lust for life
    And even if you meet someone, he’s lying
    Just desperately trying to escape a reality too cruel to mange
    Closing his eyes inside the walls of his mind
    stubbornly denying what’s unfortunately true..
    the world is a fucked up place.. full of fucked up people
    including you.. and me.. and everyone to come

    ..thank God.. even if he doesn’t exist
    Because this is is our drive.. this is why we fight to reach the starlight
    otherwise we would be dead.. from the moment we were born..

    Mtfbwy :]

  2. You sent me… I returned a Delivery Status Notification (failure).
    Με έστειλες… Eπέστρεψα Ειδοποίηση Κατάστασης Παραλαβής (αποτυχία).

    I am lost somewhere between The Place You Arrive When You’re Not Arriving Here and the land where the night sky is white and the stars are black.

    Is chasing the uncatchable the core of the human condition? What if we destroy The Wall of our mind by abandoning our ego? We’re too obsessed looking straight at the wall, trying to look through it, through the little holes which are, we think is true, our only way to see the world…

    We’re too obsessed with our Wall to see that the hammer is at our feet.

  3. You can’t abandon ego. You Are.
    Ego is not the Wall.
    The Wall is every oppression on your Ego.
    Pain is your hammer.
    And yes.. sometimes the hammer is hard to see
    And outside of the wall lies happiness..

    And still.. without the Wall, and the hammer, the outside has no value
    and sooner or later happiness will turn into a Wall herself..

    (Σ’ έστειλα… Eπέστρεψες Ειδοποίηση Κατάστασης Παραλαβής (αποτυχία)??? Αν δεν ήμουν απολύτως πτώμα όταν το διάβασα θα κυλιωμουν στο πατωμα από τα γέλια! :P:P:P)

  4. Relax for a moment. Just stop doing anything you might be doing…

    Hear that voice? It’s your ego talking inside your head. Usually talks crap about you and everyone else, thinks pessimistically, selfishly. It’s not Us, it’s part of Us. What is “every oppression of your ego”, exactly? You sound as if there might be a chance that your ego is the one being oppressed. I think most of the time it works the other way around: your ego is the oppressive one…

  5. There is no Us.
    That’s why we’re fighting teeth and nail for a lifetime to reach that state.
    And we will never reach it.

    My Ego *is* being oppressed. By Fear.
    Your Ego is being oppressed. By Fear.
    Ego can only be liberating..
    We were made to believe otherwise.. sad but true.

  6. What do you mean by, there is no Us? You mentioned it first: We Are (OK you said You Are but you get the picture). And ego is part of that existence. It’s just that it’s not a vital part of our existence. Sure, through our ego we attain our individuality, we feel that we are important. Feeding our ego is what we’re doing most of the time, or at least trying to do. Remember the last time someone was talking to you and you, at the same time, were thinking about what you would say next and weren’t really listening to him/her? That’s our ego trying to take control of the situation. I can understand what you’re saying that our egos are oppressed by fear; what would we able to do for ourselves if we could just let our egos run free, stomp down on anyone who might want to play us down, do away with fear(s), complexes, restraints? We fathom we’d be capable of anything! In the end, we are masters of our own selves, I can give you that. But what happens when we give ourselves one too many ego-boosters? What happens when we let our egos over-inflate?

    Letting your ego run free, throwing away all inhibitions is the path to freedom, some freedom at least. However, what I feel is going on is that we’re all so focused on our own little egos we forget that everyone else has one too. And then our ego becomes individualism, and then our individualism becomes solipsism. Yes! There’s a philosophical theorem that only I (as in I, the speaker) exist, and the world, its inhabitants included, are all part of my imagination. What kind of sick society can give rise to philosophy such as this? It is OUR society, our humanist western social model that has tried to boost individuality in recent years. In this way, people feel as if they are individuals, they feel free (fears oppressing their ego irrelevant). But they are also rapidly losing their capability for compassion, team-spirit, common goals, their ability to conform to greater wholes, their ability to love. We are the center of the Universe and nobody can take that right away from us, for it is common knowledge that EVERYONE’s the center of their own Universe… Divide and conquer; that’s what the powers that be are doing, that’s how they’re keeping us at bay in this world of “freedom”. Only that they’re diving us in the smallest divisibles possible: individuals, or in greek: atoms. Imagine a universe in which atoms would not really be able to form chemical bonds, molecules. They’d all bask in their nucleotide glory, thinking: “I must get more electrons and protons! I must fulfill my destiny to stop being a petty atom of hydrogen and become a metal! And then I’ll be truly free!” Difficult, seeing as no other atom will be willing to give up its own identity, its ego, to form something greater. And the Universe will be a great “empty” space…

    It might be possible to be free if you break your ego’s chains loose, even though you’re saying it’s not possible to do so, that we can never reach that state. I don’t know about that, I can’t answer it. It might be so. To me, though, doing away with ego altogether (thus with a lot of our modern, earthly or reptilian chains) might be a more definite path to freedom. Point is: do we really want to be free of these chains? Aren’t we like the little birds that can’t see that the cage’s door is open? Is it perhaps because we’ve been taught to love this cage so much so as to not be able to even see the open door? To see the hammer at our feet? In that case, we agree: it’s an unreachable state.

    But this is our drive.

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