A little piece of February

Sunday, February 24th 2008. My location: Dad’s and Vasso’s place in Aegina. We came here yesterday with Alex (it was a good opportunity for her to see the island and meet the owner’s of the house!), but she left an hour ago so that she could catch her choir practice session.

It’s been 9 days since I returned to Athens for February. This month is chock-full of celebrations. On the 1oth was George’s birthday. On the 14th was mum’s birthday. I missed both because of the weather’s annoying shifts of mood and general exam obligations but I didn’t miss my chance and by the 15th I was back in Attica. Most of my first few days were (well) spent with Alex, who stayed at my place a few nights. We watched Sweeney Todd at the cinema the first night, brilliant movie by the way, excellent clash of horror and musical, and the second night we went to Taj Mahal, the place Savi’s currently working at, with Alex, George and Elena. Nargile, drinks and even munchies for us all came from buddy Savi who treated us the lot. We thank you again! That night it also started snowing…

The next few days were dedicated to enjoying the Reign of White that took us all by such great surprise. Till Savi’s birthday, that is the 18th, and the day after, Athens and of particular interest, Nea Smyrni were as white as I never remember seeing them. Okay, I kind of missed the great snow of 2002 and the 2004 one lasted for just one day, but still. Streets frozen, plants all suddenly bearing the same bright appearance, a searing pain in the hands every time you tried to make a snowball with no gloves,  going to Syntagma Sq, realising that it’s only you and your friends and only a few other (probably nice and interesting) people at the square, and then playing with the white stuff and watching it fall, denser and denser, more and more intrusive, more beautiful by the second. And oooh the chill, ooooh the cold. That’s what I call a flash whiteout! I took many pictures of us and the world but they will have to wait till I get back to my island home.

Then there was the Planetarium… Me and Alex enjoyed a documentary there about flight and a show about how violent the universe is, how the destructive nature of its components make the recycling of the stars’ lives possible (through novas, supernovas etc) or how great events like the collision of a newly formed planetoid with Earth during the earlier stages of its life, apart from almost turning our planet to space dust, created the moon and tilted the Earth’s axis to the place it is today -23.5 degrees from being perfectly vertical to its orbital plane- and thus created such seemingly unique phenomena as our yearly cycle of seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. Climate change is showing a tendency of screwing this balance up but more is yet to be seen, let’s hope in the right direction. That night was also the night of the total lunar eclipse… The moon, only illuminated by the red beams that aren’t filtered by the Earth’s atmosphere, looked like a giant peach or christmas tree ball hanging in the sky. In fact, under this dim light it looked more like a satellite than usual, more like an actual celestial body than just a bright light. It was pretty.

These days I’ve also been watching Heroes, the TV series about superheroes which is actually pretty awesome, and re-reading His Dark Materials. I love this book (books)! Last week I also got 3 games for 50 euros, 2 of them used: I got Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Rare’s first game for non-Nintendo machines in a long time, Beyond Good and Evil, a game everybody knows is good but few have played and Viva Pinata (I bought that one new). I’m just so curious to see how they play. Oh and erm… My very own birthday is right around the corner and I’ve been thinking about how to celebrate. Alex had this great idea of having friends at home and just relaxing! It’s amazing how it’s an idea on its own, I had almost forgot/ruled out automatically the option of staying in with pizzas, drinks and games almost completely! Now let’s see who will be able to come and what presents I may receive. It’s possible I’ll get a DSLR camera, but I’m still researching prices and honing my diplomacy skills with my parents. But if no camera does fall into my hands, a nice Go board would do just fine, I fell in love with this game ever since Cies, the dutch guy who hosted me in Rotterdam, played it with me. “It was a gift to us by the gods” indeed.

This next week I’ll be around looks interesting and eventful. I can’t wait to have a good time with everyone. As usual, I’m missing Mytilini a little bit but when I get back there I’m going to miss Athens, or more like the people that live in Athens, my folks. But why is it that we only want what we can’t have?

They say that true happiness doesn’t come from having what we want but rather from wanting what we have.

And we think 24 hours are not enough

So yesterday was Garret’s birthday… We bought him a cake along with Mario, Mordread and Housemaster and paid a visit far earlier than what he had told him we would. We decorated the cake with a “6939”, aka his days played! I was thinking of maybe having a 10011 on the cake, that is 19 in binary, but Housemaster came up with that other slightly less geeky but loads friendlier idea. We struggled in the heavy rain on our way to Garret’s, running for shelter and realising once again that umbrellas are only a minor help when having to deal with downpours… It reminded me of No-Man’s song “Only Rain” which has been acting as my earworm for the last couple of days (and pleasantly so). At some point it goes: “No more fountains, only rain.“, a lyric I find strangely optimistic…

Anyway, after we somehow managed to get the cake ready, candles and all, under the storm so that Garret wouldn’t catch wind of us, we invaded his place, Happy Birthdayed him all the way home and had a jolly good time! Few of our clothes were dry, footwear not included, so we all took off shoes and socks and left them to dry. The whole barefoot theme was quite unique and fun! Gave the evening a whole new tone of coziness and proximity. And once again, I demonstrated my unique abilities of clumsiness, dropping cake everywhere, accidentally knocking over plastic cups and managing to get all this on video. After the mess I made a few days ago at Mordread’s house while playing D&D, spilling coke TWICE all over the table we played on, for the first time ever I caught myself mentally or even physically nodding when my friends shouted “RE HALL!” when any kind of disaster struck. Mordread likes doing it even when I’m not the cause of blunderous mayhem… I wonder if I indeed emanate this “Clumsiness Aura” *WoW mode: prone to 50% more accidents when within 30feet of me* but what’s mostly funny about is that when I’m alone far less accidents happen. Or maybe it’s because I don’t pay as much attention to them as when I’m in company?

Clumsy or not, it was another of these times I really enjoy nowadays, an atmosphere the Dutch call “gezellig” which means great coziness, right company, right lighting, right discussions, right food and drinks, at the right time. Don’t you just love sitting back and savouring these moments? I’m sure there will be plenty of such moments in Athens when I’ll be going back there in a few days – 5 to be exact – when I’ll be meeting more friends than ever before. I think I’ll have to make a tight schedule to manage to meet everyone I want to… Wonder if I’ll manage to actually sit back and relax at home or with dad in Aegina when I’ll have so many things to do, including of course choosing the parts for my new PC which is underway or helping George with tweaking my current PC which I’ll be handing down to him minus the chassis. Oh yes it will be a busy fortnight, but no less fun (if not more fun) I’m sure!

Today I also had my first Aikido training session. Katana stances, staff, tried some rolls and fighting exercises. It was a great workout too! Even if it’s a bit on the expensive side (45 euros per month), I think it will be well worth it. The philosophy behind the art, which represents peace, spiritual energy and trying to bringing no harm to others while reverting their attack power back to them are very welcome additions to the stylish combat and weapon training… And aren’t japanese weapons just COOL? Yes they are! *takes katana pose*

Also, I’ve been watching a lot of Firefly, this cool little TV series that could. I’ll post my thoughts on it when I finish the two remaining episodes, I doubt they’ll change my seriously positive impressions though! I also wish I’d manage to get 120 stars in Super Mario Galaxy before I leave but I think in the end I’ll just take my Wii with me, it looks like it’ll be getting some playtime one way or another in the holidays anyway!

Oh it’s 4:28am… Gotta keep to that uber leet sleeping schedule of mine so oyasumi, goedenacht and kalinyxta!