John Whitney and the dawn of Computer Animation

Today, I woke up early, after just 3 hours of sleep, for my morning Virtual World & Animation class. In this class we discuss about the history of computer animation, analyze short and long films and talk about the philosophical aspects of cyberspace and virtual worlds.

I was caught off-guard when Mrs. Dimitra showed us the works of John Whitney, the person who is credited as the first to make animated films using computer graphics. His works are of course remnants of another era, where computer animation did not have the huge potential it has today. However, they show as well as any film the time-transcending power of art…

These films reach a form of spirituality in their abstraction… I felt as if I was genuinely meditating while watching Arabesque. I like the music very much as well. Genius.

Oh it feels so good having classes and attending lectures as fulfilling as this! 🙂


I’m reading a book written by a spectacularly honest frenchman titled “How to talk about books you haven’t read”. In this book, among many other things, he says that a lot of authors refer to books they might have skimmed through or even not read at all. He uses a system within his own book that puts a certain tag next to each book he refers to, ranging from. He also uses a rating system from ++ to — to express his opinion on the particular book.

In detail, ++ is extremely positive opinion, + is positive opinion. – and — are negative and extremely negative opinions respectively. I think this system is perfect for sharing your disposition to something without having to use a 1-10 or 1-100 system. I hate it when people ask me to rate a girl, game, movie, or just about anything from 1 to 10. What’s a 1? Even more importantly, what’s a 10? Can you rate anything with a 10 without having any doubts about whether anything will surpass it, ever? Everything in life is experiences, including all the above, and experiences are rating-proof! By the way, before any of you say it: Yes, since the YRS (Yummers Rating System) is a 1-10 deal, I have concluded that it too is incomplete and needs revision.

I like the ++ to – – so much that I’ll use just it to describe what’s going on in my life at the moment by how much I like it!


Paradox Interactive. These guys are one of the best studio/publisher around. I’m seriously hooked with Europa Universalis III and Victoria. Hearts of Iron looks like a thing to check out soon (what am I saying, I already own two copies! I’m not going into detail with that, I want to forget…)

CouchSurfing. I just hosted an Italian guy, his name is Duan. 2 nights it was. I had almost forgot how nice and cozy hosting makes you feel, especially when it’s people you’d easily make friends with but will probably never appearin your life again.

SPACED!! After Hot Fuzz and Dawn of the Dead (I mean, um, a couple of years before those), comes Spaced. It’s awesome, pure awesome, and I recommend it to anyone who has a thing for cleverly stupid humour. Anger, Pain, Fear, Aggression…

Jose Saramago. This guy is quickly, and I mean quickly, becoming my favourite writer. Period. I couldn’t resist and gave ~100 euros to get 5 of his books together (along with the book I mentioned first and 1984). Which brings me to…

1984, by George Orwell. It shocked me. A masterpiece of 20th century literature. I may write something on it one day…


Soon I’ll be translating and subbing eco films, and not for free! I am excited for what may be my first paid job.

The Balkans, by Mark Mazower. An excellent read on the real side of “European Turkey”.

I’m entering a Guitar Hero contest. Yay?!

I’m learning Japanese… And want to learn Turkish. I want to communicate with the world! Is it normal that I’m only learning the languages of the… “bad guys” (plus german)?

We dressed up as vampires with Alex. It had been so long since I had done something like that…

In January we made a little cut-out animation for uni. It’s not completely ready yet so don’t expect to have a look if you haven’t already! 😛 It did turn out well though…

My money is running low much faster than would be desirable, even if we eat everyday at the Uni with Mario!

I still think I have no certain purpose or goals. That I’m not really good at anything but only mediocre in lots of things. Same applies to everything. Is this good or bad in the end?

Nationalistic idiots annoy me.

Pop songs that use Beethoven’s 9th also annoy me.

Waking up early to catch those pesky morning lectures is always a problem… So it is now!

No time for everyone that I would like to have more of in my life… You know who you are.

– –

Keeping my house clean is a nightmare.

Rain and cold. Cold and rain. And no central heating This pretty much sums up 2009’s weather up till now. And for the past week, it’s extreme rain and cold. Where’s summer? Where’s the sun?! I seriously don’t believe I’m uttering these words…

Every time it rains, my second room gets flooded. Argh! How can people be so stupid they mess up a balcony this much?

I hate the announcements in the ships. All of them. Lissos, Mytilini especially. I want to kick the (taped) announcers to death. Yes, that’s how much I hate them.

September 26th 2006-8

September 26th, 2006. This was the day that was to change some of the most superficial (but important at the same time) aspects of my life. Some days ago it was 2 years since that fateful day so I decided to write a little something about it all.

Summer 2006, shortly after my final exams. My university plans were changing every week or so because of my: 1. Subsequent low exam scores 2. Failure at drawing subjects 3. Entry score boost of the school I wanted to get in (Audiovisual Arts in Ionian University, Corfu). Cultural Technology, Mytilini, had been my second option but the one I ultimately followed. Many discussions later and after having fought urges of preparing for another round of exams just to avoid the move to Mytilini, September 26th was, in the end, the day I took my first ship to Mytilini. It was Nissos Mykonos, leaving at 12:30. I’ve kept the ticket.

I was very scared while making that very first trip. That Mario person I had found through the forums sounded really friendly and had offered to host me till I actually found a more permanent place to stay, but alone and unaware, I was heading to that strange town (which I still thought was closer to a village than a town). Turned out Mario and his part-friend-part-roomie HouseMaster were cool people. First night with them they introduced me to what still is the largest souvlaki I’ve ever seen or eaten. I repaid the favour by teaching them what Katamari On The Rock feels like! Important note: inside my very first baggage were my GC and PS2 along with all of my games for them: Mario had specifically asked me to bring them along so he could try some GC games he never had the chance to play. In the end, a night with them was enough for me to trust them. Ready they were, not only to show me the whereabouts, meet me to people, help me integrate over the course of mere days, we had great fun while at it! Plus, they helped me find my old place on Gravias 1. My hat’s off to you guys!

Left ro right: HouseMaster, Mario, me. October 3rd, 2006

Fast-forward to September 26th 2008. What has changed now then?

  • I’ve been living alone for 2 years. Before coming to Myt the idea alone seemed awkward.
  • Distance, physical and mental, has shown me who my real friends in Athens are. One of them now lives in Chios, another in Canada. Before coming to Mytilini I had contact with a lot more people. Now my real friends from Nea Smyrni can be counted on the fingers of one hand.
  • My love life has certainly improved a millionfold, although this took a while to occur. Most of my first year I was a proud pink glasses wearer. Now I have what I always wanted: a girlfriend I can trust, have fun with, dream about and love.
  • My life was touched and changed by CouchSurfing. In turn, travelling has become a major aspect of my existence.
  • As far as my actual university career goes, my end of 2nd year sees 17 subjects passed and 11 I’ve got to repeat. Cultural Technology has made me look at both culture and technology from a whole new perspective. Their combination definitely feels promising.
  • I’ve actually cooked some things.
  • I realised my plan to take up bass guitar. Let’s rock!
  • German language skills have certainly improved.
  • I met Mordread and Garret, two unique people to say the least. With them, I got to know many new things and broaden my horizons, especially with Garret. Mordread has been more of a (invaluable) all-around lover of fun. Though we have had many discussions, watched many movies, played many games, even teamed up for university, it’s been 2 years and I still feel I’ve hardly got to know these 2 any better.
  • My taste in games has changed. I no longer am the huge Nintendo fan I was when I first came here. I try to play many different types of games and by many developers. This became much more evident since I bought my Xbox 360. My Wii’s been gathering dust…
  • May old values I had have just crumbled to dust. One does change in the span of 2 years, especially between the ages of less-than-18 and less-than-20.
  • I’ve been reading books like crazy for almost a year now. Can’t say I’m complaining!
  • I launched Cubimension! But it’s still largely undeveloped… 🙂
  • I took up astronomy and astrology. The mysteries of the sky are no longer a silent interest of mine.
  • When I first came here, I was unsure what to think of it. It didn’t take me more than a few days to start liking it, and now I admit. I love living in Mytilini. It is so much better than student life in Athens although we do have some problems here, namely places to go out and variety of entertainment. But it all gets sorted out in the end.

On studies

After reminiscing my days in Rodos, my exams are finally underway since Wednesday. Well actually since Tuesday but I decided to not sit for Globalization; I felt that I still haven’t studied it properly. My copper project was rushed but completed and my respective exam went well. Yesterday and today, though, I gave in two blank sheets. I hadn’t studied for these two subjects, namely Graphics & Animation and Introduction to Digital Audio and Video Editing. They were both subjects that require a more involved, deeper kind of studying. Since last year, I’ve been mostly putting off studying for subjects such as these; I already did it for the alleged Flash project, which turned out to be too much for everyone. Today, while my attention was hovering over my perfectly white sheet and the disappointingly incomprehensible questions on the much less white one sitting right next to it, I wondered.

The main reason I chose Cultural Technology as my theoretical career path somewhat less than 2 years ago was because I thought that it’d give me all the valuable knowledge and technical expertise for a job I would enjoy in the future. Isn’t that scandalous? I believe that in university, one has the perfect opportunity to explore themselves and their true interests and develop as a person, learn lots of new things about the world. Discovering that, in the end, it’s all there to throw another person in the job market is rather shocking. Where’s the real knowledge? Why do we receive 15 huge books every semester but only a tiny little fragment is ever taught or needed? Professors themselves only assign certain parts of books as study material as if the rest is irrelevant. And how can anything work when students and academics alike all know that there’s cheating going on? Why would anyone want to cheat in the first place? The prof today casually announced “If you’re gonna cheat, at least don’t make yourself obvious”. What?

Myself, I hate cheating for the reasons stated above. What’s the point? We’re in university to learn, not get a stupid essentially worthless piece of paper. If I feel like I haven’t had enough of a particular subject, I don’t even sit for it. Neither do I sit for it if I haven’t completed a difficult and experience-rich project or essay for it. Yet an alarmingly high percentage of people think it’s perfectly OK to pass subjects they have no idea about just by cheating. And what happens next? They get the same bachelor’s as me, perhaps even with a higher mark, and then proceed to discredit me and others that have the same degree by not having a single clue about their job.

Generally, I have this feeling that I’m not going to get really involved with Cultural Technology in my life. But only time will tell. I’m not really worried about my studies, the above were just thoughts I had today and have had for some time now. Maybe it’s because I’m LAZY and not a model student. Still, I do feel that I’m way more responsible than most of my fellow students but that can’t be good exactly. Maybe I should take a more focused approach, but I can’t NOT enjoy my time when Alexandra is here and when such a full and exciting summer is ahead of us…