There’s No Tomorrow

Amazing film on energy, growth and food (έχει και ελληνικούς υπότιτλους). It’s Ecology 101, really. Watch it; if you can come up with a good way to get out of this mess -apart from mass conversion to degrowth– tell me. In the meantime, also tell the rest of the world; if no inhuman corporate interest intervenes (including in the form of public disapproval/indifference), you just might become the most important person of the 21st century, if not the whole of human history, at least as we can envision it today.

Alas, many have tried, and today, as far as I can see, there truly seems to be No Tomorrow, at least for the world as we have come to know it. Young people alive today will have to be ready to take the responsibility of being the founders of the post-collapse society.

Are you up for it?

Thanks to Séverine from Heterotopies for posting this on Facebook some months back; only today did I decide to clean it from my tab dump by actually watching it. Internet distraction… ><