Review: Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter

Extra Lives: Why Video Games MatterExtra Lives: Why Video Games Matter by Tom Bissell

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

After reading some articles by Tom Bissell on video games, I was fully expecting this to be a revelation on the meaning of video games, with me coming out of the book convinced once and for all that video games do matter (I haven’t made up my mind yet, but then I’m like that with everything). While Extra Lives was very interesting, well-written and informative, it didn’t convince me as I thought it would. Maybe it’s because I’ve moved almost completely away from the genres Bissell prefers (shooters, open-world RPGs) and the consoles he mostly plays them on: for years I’ve shown more and more of a preference towards strategy and an erratic choice of influential, innovative and/or quirky indie games – all the realm of the PC rathen than the console. I have tried maybe half of the games he chose to unfurl his point with –Fallout 3, Mass Effect, Grand Theft Auto 4, Braid– but wouldn’t say I’m a big fan of any of them (except for maybe Braid). I can certainly say that I haven’t gone back to replay -or finish- them , for one.

I wouldn’t want to let our genre discordance influence my judgment, though. Extra Lives was a very enjoyable read and a mature, honest look at the situation of games today 3 years ago. I think Tom Bissell did a fantastic job on showing why the potential of the medium matters and how he himself is torn between realising that on the one hand and on the other “understanding why non-gamers think games are a waste of time”. It’s just that, at this point in my life, I’m leaning -however slightly- towards the latter.

The conclusion? Do games matter? Will they at some point, if they don’t now? Well, that depends on who you are and what your outlook on games is – as well as, I suppose, what your own preferred genres are.

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Faunts – “M4 (Part II)” music video

First found out about this song from the credits of Mass Effect, like most people that like it. Didn’t know there was a music video until yesterday. Great stuff.

I have wondered about you
Where will you be when this through
If all goes as planned
Will you redeem my life again?

Fire the fields the weed is sown
Water down your empty soul
Wake the sea of silent hope
Water down your empty soul

Fight your foes you’re on your own
Holy war is on the phone
Asking to please stay on hold
The bleeding loss of blood runs cold

And I need you to recover
Because I can’t make it on my own