Holy sheat, the opening riff is incredibly catchy. And while I dislike 60Hz for live-action video, I must say I was amazed at what it can do for animation and this music video in particular.
One of SW’s best – I’ll never get tired of saying the same thing for most of his tracks because they are! I even posted this in A Collection of Great Depressing Music but thought it deserved its own little dedicated tidbit. I love this looming then apocalyptic dread and the lyrics; 21 days to the end of the world/consciousness shift/something important, never forget!
What seems so real today, will soon enough become The thing you’ve always craved, surely now I’ve become (the way I hear it: The fear you’ve always craved, will sure enough become — Wilson often makes his lyrics easy to mishear on purpose)
Αναγκαστικό εκλογικό ποστ, ακόμα και αν δεν πιστεύω ότι έχω τίποτα να πω που δεν έχει ειπωθεί ήδη.
Ό,τι κι αν συμβεί, όσο εκπλαγούμε απόψε, ευχάριστα ή δυσάρεστα, με το ποιος θα βγει πρώτος, όσο δυνατή κι αν είναι η Χρυσή Αυγή, απλά ας θυμόμαστε: ο λαός αξίζει τις κυβερνήσεις που εκλέγει. Ας είμαστε έτοιμοι μετά παλικαρίσια να αντιμετωπίσουμε ό,τι μέλλει γενέσθαι.
Haven’t ever posted enough of this fantastic band…
And I wonder what the papers are going to say, another actress, another war, another day
But everything’s changed, the world woke up today, and I wanted to be with you
We know every word to the song, but we don’t want to sing along…
I don’t want to sing about rights and wrongs, I don’t want to sing the same old songs, but I’ll sing them and sing them till there’s no need to sing them, and then I can sing about love, then I can sing about love…
There’s stuff dressed up as truth and there’s stuff dressed up as lies, and it all ends up as stuff that you can buy, on eBay, from Babylon back to Babylon…
I had this song on mySpace. Ah, mySpace… *same look people have when they’re being nostalgic of DDR — no, not the game, I mean East Germany*
I’ve added Paris and Britney and you and Tom, I’d like to find your address so I could visit you at home, I don’t like people but I like to pretend, would you like to add me as a friend. Add me, add me, me mother says she wished she’d never ‘ad me…
…when fine society sits down to dine, remember that someone is pissing in the wine, pissing in the wine, pissing in the wine…
First found out about this song from the credits of Mass Effect, like most people that like it. Didn’t know there was a music video until yesterday. Great stuff.