A couple of weeks ago I wrote a little something about doing a short media fast. Here is my experience and my short conclusion:

  • You don’t automatically have more motivation when you have more free time, but when you get rolling you’re more likely to keep working and keep creating.
  • The longer you’re away from the internet the less you miss it. Doing my half-hour per day wasn’t as inviting as I thought it would be.
  • My guess is that that is so because when you have a time limit, you have to prioritize. And prioritizing probably means excluding. It feels safer and easier to just avoid things rather than being forced to make decisions like including/excluding.
  • Cooking counts as creating. Oooh yes.
  • Media including movies is a bitch.
  • Next time we should probably do no books and see what happens. Julia Cameron had something to say about that, didn’t she? In The Artist’s Way, the theme for one of the weeks was not read a single text for a week. Again, back then there was no net.
  • This thingie below would have never existed if we hadn’t sat down with Daphne and said “okay, let’s make a collage”.


And this would have never existed if we hadn’t said “okay, what should we do now? Let’s paint!” — “OK, what?” — “eachother!”


But motivation is still a limited resource that can be separated into qualitative levels: you can have good motivation, bad (negative?) motivation, pure motivation and unstoppable motivation. All the lack of distraction does is bring forward the standard kind of motivation that under ordinary circumstances simply isn’t strong enough to become a greater priority than habit and addiction (media/internet). I suppose the kind of motivation we’re after is the one that needs no media fasts to rear its elusive head; it just trumps anything and everything!

But then again, you have people like Frank Herbert who just wrote motivation, inspiration, or no… How about it, qb?

Review: The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity

The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher CreativityThe Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Artist’s Way is one of those books that change you – one of those that are made to change you, and you buy them because you yourself want to change. It’s a course in self-discovery, acceptance and creative birth.

These are the basics: for every morning of every week for the 12-week duration of the course -one chapter for each week-, the blocked artists choosing to follow the Way have to:

1)Do three pages of free writing every morning, a daily ceremony known as the Morning Pages. This acts as a mind-clearing meditation routine, a brainstorming machine and a way of spotting trends: weeks after writing the pages the artist on the Way may analyse his or her morning pages and notice trends in his or her daily writings: unfulfilled artistic urges, changes that need to be made for the person to reach harmony and happiness, sudden ideas and other great things.

2) Take themselves out to at least one Artist’s date per week, in which they have to indulge in whatever it is they love doing but would not normally allow themselves to be lost in (remember, this book is meant for blocked artists -read: most of us-).

3) Complete tasks in personal archaeology and self-discovery, wherein they have to dig up favourite creative childhood pass-times they gave up because of humiliation, “growing up” or other creativity-killing reasons.

I completed my 12(+1 lazy one) weeks a few days ago. I can safely say that it had great effects on me. Doing morning pages has now become more of a good habit of mine, and even if I didn’t do all of the tasks, it’s one of the books you have to go through at some point again for inspiration. It says so in the end, too.

If you’re a blocked artist, believe you can’t do art because you think you’re too old to start or “can’t draw” (or are “tonedeaf” or “terrible at writing” or “have no ideas” ad nauseam), think whatever you do needs to be perfect from the beginning or don’t bother because what you would create wouldn’t appeal to the masses, you should really try following The Artist’s Way.

The only thing I would add to the course itself would be a special NoSurf task or, even better, a complete revisit to the book that takes what the world looks like in 2013 into account; I strongly feel the internet is becoming, at the same time, the most important invention and the single strongest creativity and motivation killer mankind has ever known. I mean, in the 1993 edition that I have, there’s already a no-reading week included in the course for eliminating distractions and for focusing time and energy on the creative juices within, but the internet is proving to be a distraction magnitudes greater than reading the paper or a book could ever be. We come in contact with the works of the world’s most talented and creative on a basis of addiction, almost.

What I really mean is that I’ve grown tired of and alarmed at the great artists I personally know who keep getting demotivated by seeing someone else’s graphic, photo or drawing on Tumblr or listening to that fantastic song or watching that clever video on Youtube, instead of getting inspired, as they claim they should be. It’s more “look how much others have progressed instead of me” and much less “this is possible and I could do it too.”

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Review: The Shallows: How The Internet Is Changing The Way We Think, Read And Remember

The Shallows: How the Internet Is Changing the Way We Think, Read and RememberThe Shallows: How the Internet Is Changing the Way We Think, Read and Remember by Nicholas G. Carr
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you’re reading this review, you most probably belong to the group of people this book is targeted to: surfers of the net with accounts on multiple social networks, members of the “church of Google” (as Mr. Carr describes it in the book), all-around internet addicts but with the kind of soft addiction that hardly gets noticed, like drinking alcohol or thinking in clock time.

Actually, The Shallows makes many analogies on how the Internet has and will physically change our mind based precisely on the way clocks and even maps rewired the way we think — more mechanical, more abstract, more scientific. In the Web’s case, it’s also more up-to-date, more social, more ___ . You fill in the blanks with your favourite hip word used to describe how we’re all connected 24/7, how we’ve all got access to instant gratification/information, etc. I won’t trumpet the Web’s success in this review.

Marshall McLuhan, a pioneering media studies academic often referenced in the book, said that “our tools end up numbing whatever part of our body they amplify. When we extend some part of ourselves artificially, we also distance ourselves from the amplified part and its natural functions. […] Today’s industrial farm worker, sitting in his air-conditioned cage atop a gargantuan tractor, rarely touches the soil at all–though in a single day he can till a field that his hoe-wielding forebear cound not have turned in a month. When we’re behind the wheel of our car, we can go a far greater distance than we could cover on foot, but we lose the walker’s intimate connection to the land.” How would these analogies transfer to the information age? Which parts of us have been amplified as well as numbed by the Web? Are we conscious of these changes? Is it possible to really be aware of them when they have made us?

People gained a lot by inventing writing, books, maps, clocks, but always lost something in the process. Even though a lot is said about what was gained from the evolution of information technology throughout the ages (I should know that a lot is said, I studied cultural technology and communication!), there is little discussion in respect to what was lost with every new development. The human capacity for memory has definitely been one of the biggest sufferers: a punch from writing, a second one from printing, a kick from multimedia… The stab to the vital organ, however, is definitely coming from the Web. I don’t want to sound technophobic, I’m obviously far from it, but that doesn’t and shouldn’t stop me from observing my own loss of memory and ability to focus as it is being outsourced to the Web and related technologies, realising that my concentration, brain, interests and personaliy are being formed by the Medium Of The Most General Nature. If the Web proves to be the really great change it has already successfully shown and promised it shall further be, then there must be at least some discussion about which parts of us are most threatened by this new sacred technology and whether or not we should, in fact, duly sacrifice them for it.

The Shallows isn’t a perfect book but it does an excellent job of showing the darker side of what we’ve grown to love or use so much we never even think about (when was the last time you thought that writing and reading isn’t “natural” the same way speaking is?) In doing so, the book is quite fascinating. What it brings forward ought to be discussed this very moment, in the shaping years of this new technology, for change has never been this dramatic, so quick, what’s at stake has never been so important and far-reaching — both the potential liberating benefits as well as the dangers. I don’t have much hope there will actually be any discussion; just have a look at all other areas of importance and how great we’re doing with those. I do however appreciate that there is at least some pondering going on on what being human means and how the recent developments have changed this question as well as the questioners themselves.

I realise that people from antiquity all the way to more recent years have always welcomed the respective changes with similar scepticism. Socrates thought that writing would bring forgetfulness to the soul; the radio, it was feared, would kill books forever. Nevertheless, “we’re still here”, one might say, usually adding “better than ever”. We forget, of course, that there is no way of knowing what we used to be capable of. We can’t know what the human mind was before the universal adoption of every change, the same way we can’t know what a language sounded like in the days of old. Neither can we perhaps stop these changes from happening. But what we at the very least can do is talk and think about them. Be aware of them. The Shallows helps in that respect and therefore deserves the 5 stars.

If you haven’t been distracted from Facebook or some other flashy website away from this review already, do also have a look at the book’s review by The New York Times.

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