Anodyne Review

Anodyne's script ain't no "It's dangerous to go alone! Take this!"
Anodyne’s script ain’t no “It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this!”


Take Link To The Past, a David Lynch film (or any other work based on a stream-of-consciousness or dreamscape narrative) and some Nietzsche. Put them in a blender. Blend. Serve with Indie™ sprinkles. You’ve got Anodyne.

What I enjoyed:

compact dungeons;
card collectables;

creative use of the graphical limitations.

What I didn’t enjoy:

the map was more Zelda ’86 and less Link to the Past;
floaty controls (don’t use analogue sticks, trust me);
difficult in an awkward way, ie I was falling too much into pits and not being killed by enemies enough – also had to do with the very short invincibility window after being hit.

What I will remember:

the ultimate broom which could be used as a weapon as well as a means to push dust on water to create a raft with;
the Master Sword Get! moment after completing the first three dungeons (it has to do with a wind power generator);
the philosopher bosses who always had something deep to say before and after the battle;
the ending (which I had to fight for twice because  I comically drowned after defeating the final boss the first time around);
the humour – something we don’t see in games that often unfortunately.



I would recommend it to everyone who:

• likes Zelda, especially the 2D ones;
enjoys short games (it won’t take you more than 5 hours);
• is bored of dry dialogue (no text is wasted in Anodyne, there are no “Isn’t it a beautiful day?” or “This is the way to the lake!” moments);
feels comfortable with philosophy and/or poetrythe game makes little sense in terms of what we’d normally expect from the genre; it takes a mind that can grasp abstract ideas to follow what might be happening or derive enjoyment from the calm realisation that maybe what is happening doesn’t matter as much as how it’s happening;
likes it indie (just two people worked for this. I hope, if you’re that dedicated of an indie person, that you’ll overlook the fact that the game’s main outlet has been Steam. I personally got it from some Humble Bundle and would happily share a DRM-free .exe with you if you’d like me to, but I’m sure you’d rather have the achievements, wouldn’t you?)

Review: Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter

Extra Lives: Why Video Games MatterExtra Lives: Why Video Games Matter by Tom Bissell

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

After reading some articles by Tom Bissell on video games, I was fully expecting this to be a revelation on the meaning of video games, with me coming out of the book convinced once and for all that video games do matter (I haven’t made up my mind yet, but then I’m like that with everything). While Extra Lives was very interesting, well-written and informative, it didn’t convince me as I thought it would. Maybe it’s because I’ve moved almost completely away from the genres Bissell prefers (shooters, open-world RPGs) and the consoles he mostly plays them on: for years I’ve shown more and more of a preference towards strategy and an erratic choice of influential, innovative and/or quirky indie games – all the realm of the PC rathen than the console. I have tried maybe half of the games he chose to unfurl his point with –Fallout 3, Mass Effect, Grand Theft Auto 4, Braid– but wouldn’t say I’m a big fan of any of them (except for maybe Braid). I can certainly say that I haven’t gone back to replay -or finish- them , for one.

I wouldn’t want to let our genre discordance influence my judgment, though. Extra Lives was a very enjoyable read and a mature, honest look at the situation of games today 3 years ago. I think Tom Bissell did a fantastic job on showing why the potential of the medium matters and how he himself is torn between realising that on the one hand and on the other “understanding why non-gamers think games are a waste of time”. It’s just that, at this point in my life, I’m leaning -however slightly- towards the latter.

The conclusion? Do games matter? Will they at some point, if they don’t now? Well, that depends on who you are and what your outlook on games is – as well as, I suppose, what your own preferred genres are.

View all my reviews

Tom Bissell


During one of my latest web strolls I stumbled upon (not using StumbleUpon but doing it the old-fashioned way, you know, by actual chance) Tom Bissell. He’s an author and columnist who writes, among other things, for and about video games. I thought his style and content was heartfelt and had something genuine and important to say. Here’s what made me instantly interested in his work:

Video games: the addiction (his story of being simultaneously a GTA4 and a cocaine addict and how he reminisces both experiences)Poison tree: a letter to Niko Belic about GTA5 (the way I see it, a spiritual successor to the above article. Includes big realisations and critiques on the industry with which I completely agree)

I’ll leave the rest of the reading to you. Now I’m waiting for a couple of books he wrote to arrive in the mail, one on video games (Extra Lives) and another (The Disaster Artist) he co-authored with Greg Sestero -that is Mark from the legendary movie The Room (!)- on the story of the film and that of Tommy Wiseau. Can’t wait!

Game 2.0 – Europa Universalis IV Review


65 ώρες και συνεχίζουμε, εξαιρόντας τις ώρες που άφησα το παιχνίδι να τρέχει μόνο του για να δω τι περίεργος διαφορετικός κόσμος θα έβγαινε μέχρι τη 2α Ιανουαρίου του 1821. Ο λόγος -ένας από αυτούς δηλαδή- που δεν γράφω όσο θα ήθελα αυτές τις μέρες. Να, τώρα ας πούμε. Ήθελα να τελειώσω ένα ποστ που γράφω εδώ και έναν μήνα αλλά με συγχωρείτε, το χρέος με καλεί…


This looks like it could have been made -at a basic level at least- in Extending Perception, Extending Action from last July. *sigh* What beautiful memories. I haven’t really posted here about that, have I? About that and the whole Academy of Fine Arts and my rejected application for the Digital Arts MA last autumn? I already feel a kind of perverse nostalgia about the time when that window seemed momentarily open. I’m content with how things have unfolded so now worries, though.

Back to Soundself:

Antichamber is pretty good and the sound design is decent too. I’m looking forward to this, so much so that I wanted to contribute to their Kickstarter, something that I’ve to date never done before. Too bad having to say goodbye to ~€280 for German + Spanish B2 exam fees today and the €4 left in my bank account don’t exactly help. No complaints here either. Just saying.

Doesn’t this look cool too? Deep Sea: The scariest game ever

Metroid Prime auf Deutsch spielen

Viele meiner Freunde, wie auch ich, haben English aus Videospiele gelernt. Die Kindheit ist die beste Zeit fürs Lernen, und Kinder spielen viel und gern. Deshalb ist sie eine Gute Idee, lernen und Unterhaltung zu kombinieren. Obwohl ich nicht mehr ein Kind bin, ich habe noch die Lust auf spielen und lernen. Ich hoffe dass ich nie diese Lust darauf verlieren, ich glaube sie sind große Teile von was uns Kinder bleiben hilft, und Kinder sind immer so begeistert über der Welt und dem Leben. Natürliche Weise sind sie im Jetzt und wir Erwachsene haben viel von ihnnen zu lernen.

Also, spiele ich nun Metroid Prime auf meinem Wii, ein von meinen Lieblingsspielen, obwohl es ist eine lange Zeit, nicht viel weniger als 10 Jahre, seit ich es für letztes Mal gespielt habe. Es gibt viele schwierige und wissenschaftliche Wörter drinnen, deshalb muss ich immer ein Notizbuch daneben haben, um die unbekannten Wörter darauf zu schreiben. Außerdem und deswegen muss ich sehr langsam spielen – was würde normalerweise z.B. eine Stunde dauern jetzt dauert zwei oder noch mehr. Trotzdem dieser Weg macht viel Spaß und ich kann das Spiel auch viel besser genießen. Laß uns sehen wie es geht!

Ich schliesse dieses erstes Post auf Deutsch mit dem Intro und dem Menübild von dem Spiel. Was kann ich ja sagen? Es ist ein Meisterwerk von Ton und Bild Design (wie das ganzes Spiel auch, natürlich).

North Korean Mass Games

If you want an existing state that’s more like Oceania than any other, look no farther than North Korea, at least as far as complete control on the population’s lives and the adoration of a leader and a banner go. The videos are literally awesome: they are awe-inspiring.

High-quality photographs and article on German photographer receiving permission to photograph the games for the first time in 2011. Softness is what killed Kim Jong-il.

Finally, and while we’re still on North Korea, it didn’t take me a lot of YouTube Hopping to reach to the following. It was too good not to post!

Instruments of Robot Repair FTW!

No idea what the concept is (apart from “let’s sample aaaall of our musical instruments in a single montage — how neat!”), but I still like it! It’s addictive, actually.

While we’re at it… (no, I haven’t completed Portal 2’s co-op yet*hi-fives Mordread*… still addicted to this track from the OST though!)