You can listen to it whole, which I’d strongly suggest. Or you can skip straight to 10:00, where the part of the song which is playing its earwormy tricks on me begins.
Somehow, listening to Yes makes me feel as if everything’s going to be okay.
Relevantly Irrelevant
You can listen to it whole, which I’d strongly suggest. Or you can skip straight to 10:00, where the part of the song which is playing its earwormy tricks on me begins.
Somehow, listening to Yes makes me feel as if everything’s going to be okay.
Where the heru did this come from?!
I just love this piece of album art. Here it is in high resolution.
Three years ago tonight, Beduin had been open — more than open.
Last time I checked, it had a “for rent” sign hanging on the metal shutters there to stop any curious passer-by from taking a look inside.
It was one of my favourite places in Athens, but I don’t feel as sad to see it go as I thought I would be. I recognize it all for what it is: something dying to give its place to something that’s just been conceived. I’m happy I crossed paths with it, that I experienced it. But I would have taken it in a bit more consciously last time I was there if I had known I would never get to smell it, taste it or see it again. As Beduin, that is, for who knows what might take its place.
Two separate earworms this time from two different tracks. Good thing they’re on the same album.
One from the title track (around 13:40), the other from Cloudburst Flight, the whole of it.
Is that right? I’d never posted Tangerine Dream on here before?
I have no intention of buying it. It still looks beautiful though (as well as sounds beautiful of course)
Πριν μερικούς μήνες μου είχε ήρθε η ιδέα να το βάλω σαν ringtone για να τρολάρω τον περίγυρο και να τους θυμίζω/κολλάω αυτό το σούπερ κομμάτι από τότε που πηγαίναμε γυμνάσιο και ήμασταν κάπου μεταξύ παιδιών και ενηλίκων και είχαμε (είχα) το Resurrection για ringtone στα 3310 μας (μου).
Λέω μεταξύ παιδιών και ενηλίκων και δεν λέω εφηβεία γιατί, όπως λέει και ο VSauce και όπως είναι γνωστό στην ανθρωπολογία, η έννοια της εφηβείας, μιας φάσης στη ζωή των ανθρώπων η οποία είναι μεταξύ της παιδικής ηλικίας και της ενήλικης ζωής, είναι πρόσφατο κοινωνικό εφεύρημα του δυτικού κόσμου: στις περισσότερες κοινωνίες, η μετάβαση των μελών από τους παιδικούς ρόλους στους ενήλικους γίνεται άμεσα και συχνά με τελετές ενηλικίωσης.
Τέλος πάντων, δεν το έβαλα το Resurrection για ringtone όπως έλεγα. Κάποιος όμως στο μετρό πριν κανα δυο μέρες είχε όπως φαίνεται την ίδια ιδέα με μένα.
ΠΠΤ (παρεπιμπτόντως): οι PPK είναι (ήταν;) ρώσοι, δεν το ήξερα.
Watched this movie recommendation by fellow Spotter Marilena.
I, too, suggest you watch this 15-year-old movie. Especially if you like making lists, can relate to music geekery, can remember what it used to feel like burning mixtapes/audio CDs for people, have been recently, er… disengaged, and most importantly, if you could use some great laughs.
Kind of reposting this beautifully sad song; I’d posted Mockingbird almost 5 years ago too, but the video was deleted. Another digital mockingbird that flew away.