Review: Πώς το παρελθόν γίνεται ιστορία;

Πώς το παρελθόν γίνεται ιστορία; Πώς το παρελθόν γίνεται ιστορία; by Αντώνης Λιάκος

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Επιτέλους! Το τέλειωσα! Είναι από τις φορές που ένα βιβλίο το διαβάζεις τόσον καιρό που μέχρι να το τελειώσεις το έχεις ξεχάσει όλο και δεν καταλαβαίνεις καν ποιο ήταν το κεντρικό του επιχείρημα. Ευτυχώς φράσεις και σημεία του με τα οποία συμφωνούσα τα υπογράμμισα, αλλιώς ίσως να μη μου μείνει τίποτα από αυτό, άλλο ένα βιβλίο που θα είχε περάσει σαν μια καταπληκτική ιδέα η οποία σε έχει ενθουσιάσει και θα άλλάξει τον κόσμο αλλά μέχρι το επόμενο πρωί έχεις ξεχάσει.

Αυτά τα υπογραμμισμένα και το κεφάλαιο που έγραφε για τα μουσεία και πώς τα αντικείμενα γίνονται από χρηστικά σε έργα τέχνης/προθέματα μουσείων, λαμβάνοντας ως αφετηρία την επίσκεψη του συγγραφέα στην έκθεση «The Glory of Byzantium», ήταν τα πιο ενδιαφέροντα:

…παραξενεύτηκα που είδα μερικούς ηλικιωμένους επισκέπτες και επισκέπτριες , να σταυροκοπιούνται μπρος στις εικόνες. Ενδεχομένως για να προλάβουν και άλλες, παρόμοιες εκδηλώσεις λατρείας, οι οργανωτές της έκθεσης «Μυστήριο Μέγα και Παράδοξον» σοτ Βυζαντινό Μουσείο της Αθήνας το 2001, είχαν επιβάλει, αντί βιτρίνας, μεγάλη απόσταση ανάμεσα στον θεατή και στο έκθεμα ώστε να μην μπορεί να το ασπαστεί ή να το αγγίξει.

Το όλο κεφάλαιο βρώμαγε Καταπότη από χιλιόμετρα, κι αυτό το λέω όσο πιο affectionately μπορώ — δεν είναι τυχαίο ότι αυτό το βιβλίο το έχω από το πανεπιστήμιο και ότι εκείνη μας το ανέθεσε για το μάθημα Ψηφιακός Πολιτισμός και Πολιτιστικές Βιομηχανίες.

Η αντίστοιχη εμπειρία της δικής μας γενιάς με αυτό που έζησαν οι επισκέπτες της παραπάνω έκθεσης θα είναι σε μερικά χρόνια (ήδη υπάρχουν, δηλαδή) που θα έχουν βίντεο από παλιά ηλεκτρονικά παιχνίδια στα μουσεία, σαν κομμάτι της μόνιμης έκθεσης στην Ιστορία της Ηλεκτρονικής Ψυχαγωγίας, αλλά δεν θα υπάρχει δυνατότητα στον επισκέπτη να τα παίξει. Θα εκτίθονται ως τέχνη ή κομμάτια της ιστορίας του κλάδου, αλλά η αναπαράσταση δεν θα έχει σχέση με την εμπειρία, τη μνήμη των επισκεπτών που τα έκαναν σημαντικά. Εκτός βέβαια αν η μουσειολογία και η πολιτιστική αναπαράσταση συνεχίσουν να κάνουν την έκπληξη, όπως κάνουν από τη στροφή του αιώνα, και δούμε έναν επαναπροσδιορισμό σε όλα αυτά.

Θα έδινα στο βιβλίο 2 αστεράκια μόνο και μόνο επειδή μου πήρε 8 μήνες να το τελειώσω. Επειδή όμως αυτά τα σημεία που υπογράμμισα είναι καλά και δίνουν μια ωραία γεύση του τι σημαίνει ιστορία και ποιες είναι οι προκλήσεις που προβάλλει σήμερα («Να ρωτάμε ή να αφουγκραζόμαστε τις πηγές;»), θα του δώσω 3 αντί για 2 αστεράκια.

Από τον επίλογο:

Εν κατακλείδι και με λίγα λόγια: Στις κοινωνίες της νεωτερικότητας (και της μετανεωτερικότητας) η σχέση της ιστορίας με την κοινωνία λειτουργέι όπως ο διάλογος που έχει ο καθένας ή η καθεμία μας με τη συνείδησή του/της. Φέρνει, δηλαδή, τις κοινωνίες αντιμέτωπες με τον εαυτός τους. Και όπως, συνήθως, συμβαίνει με τη συνείδηση μας, συμβαίνει και με την ιστορία: μαζί δεν κάνουμε και χώρια δεν μπορούμε.

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Review: xkcd: volume 0

xkcd: volume 0xkcd: volume 0 by Randall Munroe
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

xkcd is one of my favourite web comics. Not that I’m following a whole lot of others; it’s just on the top of a smallish stack. That said, the humour can be very hit or miss depending on the reader’s mastery of the niche subject in question each time. The über math geek jokes fly right over my head but every so often I might be able to understand some of the not-too-obvious computer/internet or somewhat less specific science jokes. This can be very gratifying, therefore I think I can envision the satisfaction one feels when they get the joke, when most others wouldn’t. In that sense there most definitely is something for everyone in xkcd, even for those who could only leniently ever be called geeks.

As far as the specifics of this collection of strips go, the selection isn’t bad, though it is a bit outdated by now. I should also note that I can’t for the life of me understand the meaning of the extra sidenotes printed in red throught the book. It would be not at all unfitting of mr. xkcd if he had put them there just to troll readers and make them feel stupid. No biggie though: see above.

Overall I’m giving this 4 stars because I think the web presentation suits the material better, not to mention there’s always access to the entirety of the content. But I wouldn’t want to give the impression that I’m complaining, no no: if there ever was an experience worth having, smartphones and laptops barred, reading xkcd on the loo would be it.

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Review: The Way of Zen

The Way of ZenThe Way of Zen by Alan Wilson Watts

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Alan Watts is considered by many as the bringer of eastern philosophy to the west, a Marco Polo or Carlos Castañeda of Zen and Buddhism. This honour is by no means unwarranted; I don’t think I’ve ever read anything on the subject which was this clear or in which the author read as if he really knew what he was talking about. Raymond Smullyan and Ray Grigg come close but Alan Watts takes the cake if only because he did it decades before anyone else. I honestly can’t think of anyone else who has notes on the subject in the original chinese ideograms (not that I’ve read that many books on all this) and goes into so much detail –sometimes just a bit too much– on all the different ideas and traditions. By the end it’s all come nicely together but the occasional trudging robs The Way of Zen from its fifth star. This guy obviously had had an inside look on everything he wrote about but at times his explanations were a bit too dense. Could it have been any other way?

Read The Way of Zen and feel as if you are one step closer to understanding the whole philosophy of Taoism, Buddhism and Zen. Understanding is not knowing and being mindful about it defeats the whole purpose, but it’s a start for going beyond the stereotypes and for actually trying to understand these completely foreign philosophies that are gradually disappearing even in their lands of origin. As Smullyan puts it: just read chapter 1 of The Way of Zen in which he introduces Taoism. If you like it, chances are you’re going to find the rest of the book equally agreeable, highlight- and nod-worthy.

I especially liked the parts in which he explained Zen’s connection to haiku, calligraphy and the ceremonial serving of tea. Quite nice and cosy.

It’s quite appropriate that this book played no small part in the cultural revolutions of the ’60s. One has to wonder though why no reconciliators of western and eastern mentalities haven’t really made a difference since.
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Review: On the Duty of Civil Disobedience

On the Duty of Civil DisobedianceOn the Duty of Civil Disobediance by Henry David Thoreau

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

My small review for this book was lost; Goodreads shamelessly told me, after I had clicked save, that my review didn’t exist. Well, it existed up to the point you told me it didn’t exist anymore — which must had been true at that specific point in time, even if as a fact by itself it can’t explain the reason it did not exist anymore. Anyway, before I go on in stranger circles of logic, I’ll just say that the reason I’m giving this one two stars is because I read it/listened to it at the very same time I’ve been reading Walden, which I find superior in every way. If On the Duty of Civil Disobediance is the cherry leaf, Walden is the whole cake tree (changed the metaphor for it be more in line with the prevailing naturalism). Thus I will hold my words of praise for the mystery and inspiration of a man that was Henry David Thoreau until I come to review Walden.

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Review: The Minimalists: Live a Meaningful Life

Minimalism: Live a Meaningful LifeMinimalism: Live a Meaningful Life by Joshua Fields Millburn
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was my Audible registration freeby. Because of the service’s horrible DRM I had to go through a multi-step procedure to get the files in MP3 on my mobile phone to listen to while walking around. Many thumbs down for counterintuitive marketing and copyright infringement boogeymen.

I first got to know about The Minimalists through their blog, their essays and their links to and from other awesome people with awesome blogs like Julien Smith or Leo Babauta. I thought they had some advanced ideas and wanted to get more in-depth. I thought, (mis)guided by the way they advertise the book, that by reading it I would be getting to enjoy content they don’t have on their blog. That is true to a certain extent: the complete backstory of Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus isn’t presented very clearly on the blog but the book features a whole chapter on the way the minimalists quit their six-figure salary jobs and set out on their quest for happiness and meaning. This chapter was the only one that contained information that was unknown to me. If one has already read their blog, their disection of the meaning of life into five pillars and related material won’t be very enlightening. It has some solid advice inspired by their lives and experiences as well as exercises anyone can do to find out how they can contribute more, be healthier, have more meaningful relationships etc. — all on the basis of minimalism. This information is geared, I felt, toward people that have never looked into minimalism before and works as a self-help, change-your-life guide, just like what the subtitle so magnanimously promises. If again one has read and enjoyed their essays, they might be disappointed by the lack of focus and depth. That is why I’d much sooner recommend their blog than this book.

Nevertheless, there is some value to this “finest, most important creation to date”: having a concise, basic yet radical handbook on the steps one must take to cut off the excess (the “excrement”, as Shevek would have it) is always useful if only for the connection the reader can have to the book, the physical presence which can work as a reminder for one to act on what they’ve learned. I might not own the printed book to look at and remember what I’ve learned, going through the notes the authors had asked me to make if I wanted to see progress and inspire change. I can appreciate, however, the fact that there is significant value in this kind of connection, a relationship which is much more difficult to cultivate on the web due to its apparent weaknessses: distractability, pluralism and low retention among them.

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Review: Making History

Making HistoryMaking History by Stephen Fry

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

“I don’t know why I find it intensely erotic to stand naked before an open fridge, but I do. Maybe it’s something to do with the expectation of a hunger soon to be satisfied, maybe it’s that the spill of light on my body makes me feel like a professional stripper. Maybe something weird happened to me when I was young. It is an alarming feeling, mind, because all those assembled food-stuffs put ideas in your head you’re on the rise. Stories of what you can do with the unsalted butter on ripe melons or raw liver, they crowd your head as the blood begins to rush.
“I spotted a big slab of Red Leicester and pulled off a piece with my hands. I stood there chewing for some time, buzzing with happiness.
“Thas was when the idea came to me, full born.
“The force of it made me gape. A mashed pellet of bread fell from my open mouth and at once the blood flew upwards to the brain where it was needed, leaving my twitching excitement below with nothing to do but shrink back like a started snail.”

No wonder this man can write so eloquently and wittily about penises. It’s a great thing it’s not just them he can write like that about.

Stephen Fry is some sort of homo universalis: a modern day Leonardo Da Vinci, only much funnier. He’s an actor, a humourist, a TV show preseneter, a walking encyclopedia, an activists for gay rights, a linguist… an intellectual all around. I had no idea he was a writer on top of all that but it comes as no real shock. One can’t resist but nod silently, in contemplation and agreement to Mitchell & Webb’s “who doesn’t want to be like Stephen Fry?”.

Imagine my surprise when I found out that the book I had picked from Politeia, just because it had “Stephen Fry” and “History” written with large playful letters on the cover where it also had a picture of a cat, had to do with WWII and alternate history. I was thrilled! It’s been some time since I last read a 500-page book in less than 10 days. It was a good page-turner, not too memorable or original, but for a lover of good alternate history and for one that wouldn’t turn down well-written science fiction, it was rather good.

I know that the best part of such stories, at least for me, is finding out the little details of the “fictional” worlds that have branched out differently. Therefore, I shall not disclose anything but what’s necessary to whet your appetite: if Hitler had never been born, how can we be sure that the evil he was responsible for would have been equally prevented? Would Rock & Roll have ever been born? Would Orwell live to write 1984? What would the computers look like in 1996 — the year the book was written? Stephen Fry in his signature cerebral style includes real historical tidbits on many personalities of the past as well as science and cultural background that make the thing more believeable. It seems only right that a man with a broad range of interests such as himself would be the perfect candidate to write such a demanding genre as alternate history.

I’ll roll this review up leaving you with this: at one point of the book, the protagonist decides that the format of a novel is not enough to convey the action; the book promptly switches to telling the story by means of being a film script, only to switch back when the heavy action’s suddenly over:“I fade from Hollywood screenplay format to dull old, straight old prose because that’s how it felt. That’s how it always feels in the end.


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Review: H τέχνη του να γίνεσαι βαρετός με τις ταξιδιωτικές σου αφηγήσεις

H τέχνη του να γίνεσαι βαρετός με τις ταξιδιωτικές σου αφηγήσεις
H τέχνη του να γίνεσαι βαρετός με τις ταξιδιωτικές σου αφηγήσεις by Matthias Debureaux

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Βρίσκεται στη βιβλιοθηκούλα του Υπερωκεάνιου, όπου το ρούφηξα μαζί με τον καφέ μου σήμερα. Είναι ενδιαφέρον το ότι αυτό το μικρό βιβλιαράκι των 50 σελίδων και της μίας ώρας το έχει γράψει ένας Γάλλος που δουλειά του είναι να γράφει για ταξιδιωτικά περιοδικά! Ποτέ δεν ξέρεις αν τις συμβουλές που σου δίνει στις δίνει επειδή τον ενοχλούν συνάδελφα βαρετά ταξιδιαρο-ποζέρια -δηλαδή είναι το απόσταγμα πολυετούς εμπειρίας και μεγάλης βαρεμάρας- ή απλά περιγράφει το τί ο ίδιος συνηθίζει να κάνει (εμπνέοντας χασμουρητά στους γύρω του από άλλη μια δόση εξωτικού λογυδρίου και αντίστοιχης υποχρεωτικής παρουσίασης πολυάριθμων και όχι και τόσο ενδιαφέροντων φωτογραφιών) και θέλει πολύ απλά να εξιλεωθεί, βγάζοντας τα από μέσα του και αναγάγοντας σε τέχνη το χαρακτηριστικό του που περισσότερο τον κάνει κάπως ανεπιθύμητο σε φιλικά πάρτι.

Το βιβλίο μου θύμισε, για άλλη μια φορά, κάτι που κάποτε είχα διαβάσει στο Matador: 6 ways to not be a holier-than-thou traveller. Βέβαια, την ανάγνωση αυτού του άρθρου το οποίο μόλις ανέσυρα από τα έγκατα της μάλλον πρόσφατης μνήμης μου θα την πρότεινα μόνο σε κάποιον που έχει σκοπό το ακριβώς αντίθετο από αυτό που πραγματεύεται το βιβλίο αυτό: να ΑΠΟΦΥΓΕΙ να κουράσει το ακροατήριο του με τις περιπέτειες που είναι ενδιαφέρουσες μόνο σε εκείνον. Χμ. Κάποιον αστείο παραλληλισμό ήθελα να κάνω αλλά μπερδεύτηκα μέσα στην ίδια μου την ειρωνεία. Ας είναι.

«Αν τυχόν έχετε ταξιδέψει, αποφεύγετεε να το αναφέρετε κάθε τρεις και λίγο· οποιοσδήποτε με χρήματα και ελεύθερο χρόνο έχει τη δυνατότητα να ταξιδέψει», έλεγε κάποιο βικτωριανό περιοδικό για ευγενείς κυρίους και παραθέτει με τη σειρά του το βιβλίο. Ας θυμόμαστε όλοι τα σοφά αυτά λόγια την επόμενη φορά που θέλουμε να μοιραστούμε τις φωτογραφίες μας από το Λονδίνο, το Παρίσι ή την Νέα Υόρκη, τις οποίες παρουσιάζουμε λες και δεν απεικονιζόμαστε σε μέρη τα οποία επισκέπτονται εκατομμύρια άνθρωποι τον χρόνο, ή το πόσο ΓΑΜΑΤΟ ήταν εκείνο το ζευγάρι με το οποίο κάναμε CouchSurfing στο Ανατολικό Τιμόρ και πόσο μας έδειξαν όλες τις μαγευτικές μεριές του νησιού που αλλιώς ποτέ δεν θα ανακαλύπταμε και πόσο οι ρυθμοί εκεί είναι τόόόσο πιο ήρεμοι, μέσα στο τροπικό δάσος της Ινδονησίας, εκεί που τα χρήματα δεν έχουν σημασία και οι άνθρωποι είναι μακριά από τον δυτικό τρόπο ζωής…

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Review: The Dispossessed

The Dispossessed
The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A few light years away from Terra, there is a dual system of a planet and a moon, similar to the one back home. The planet, Urras, is a beautiful planet, rich with natural splendour, floral and faunal variety and the kind of society you’d find on Terra: full of social inequalities and a global culture founded on ownership, reflecting almost nothing of its beauty on the lives of the population.

The moon of that planet is Anarres. It has an atmosphere that paints the sky violet but is little more than a large desert with not too much water and only a few species of plants and animals – the most advanced species apart from humans living there are fish. Humans from Urras have settled Anarres 150 years now, in the space-age equivalent of ’30s Catalonia, after a massive social movement in Urras following an important religious/revolutionary figure by the name of Odo forced the Urrasti to make concessions and agree with the revolutionaries to let them put themselves into exile on the moon, founding an anarchist society in the process.

Since then, the Odonians have led quiet, balanced, happy lives on Anarres. Odo’s theories/preachings supported that people are like cells of a single organism, together with the rest of life forming a greater consciousness, and should act the part, leaving ownership and “egoising” behind and focusing on the welfare of the community. Every man’s or woman’s duty in this society is to do the thing they can do and enjoy doing best, similar to a specialised organic cell, so that they should be productive as well as happy and fulfilled in the process: that was her secret of a balanced and healthy society, in tune with its environment and living space. As a sidenote, I’d like to point out here that the same ideology is represented in 1984: that IngSoc is an organism that consists of tiny cells which are the members of the party. It asks a completey different quesion based on that assumption though: “do you die every time you clip your fingernails, Winston?” It uses this train of thought to argue for the survival of the organism even when its individual members have to be eliminated in order to ensure survival of the greater consciousness; quite the opposite of what Odo says, which is that the welfare of the organism depends on individual welfare as well as the co-operation and solidarity between its cells. In both sides of the argument, egoism is repressed, but for completely different reasons.

To return to Odonianism: to allow themselves to have such a lifestyle, people would have to get rid of such distractions as wasteful culture including ownership, money and egoistical behaviour. The experiment worked and the results we catch a glimpse of in The Dispossessed.

People on Anarres share everything, even their homes and their sexual partners — keeping a partner for yourself is regarded as egoistical and equivalent to having them as your property; it is thus disencouraged (as are all possessive pronouns, even when it comes to family relationships) unless it’s for rearing a child. People are free to lead the lives they please as long as they don’t get in the way of their ammars, that is to say their brothers, doing the same.

The protagonist is a guy named Shevek, a name given to him by a computer as is the tradition in Anarres, which ensures the uniqueness of every individual and the uselessness of last names, in turn weakening family ties in favour of a more collective familial sentiment. The reader follows Shevek throughout his life and the problems he has growing up in this society when he is not as sociable as others. You see, he is a scientist, a theoretical physicist with great potential. But what happens when his society, good, balanced and just as it may be, doesn’t allow him to be the best he can be? For games of power exist in Anarres as well, and the person in charge of him in the institute knows the ropes very well; the difference is that the payoff is influence and fame, not money. What should he do: try leaving Anarres for Urras to make his ideas known and accepted there, making the world better in the process, or stay in his society following the norms that forbid most kinds of communication with the outer world?

The answer is given in the first chapter of the book, whence we follow Shevek in his stay in Urras. The book is chronologically mixed up (fittingly, in my opinion, as Shevek’s main goal in his field is to make a unified theory of simulaneous time) and alternately follows Shevek’s backstory in Anarres and his present life in Urras. Both settings were equally satisfying: looking at a foreign anarchist who’s never known anything else coming in contact with “profiteer” (a horrible insult in Pravic) society, is just as interesting as looking at how people have managed to build a fully working bona fide anarchist society in Anarres and the details of their day-to-day existence on the arid planet.

I have divulged this much of the book’s plot for it is not therein that its charm is hidden. I don’t think I’m blurting out spoilers here. There is little mystery or what we’d recognise as development in the story. The feeling it gave me was much less of a thrilling narrative and much more of a beautiful journey in a foreign land. All the other characters apart from Shevek, even perhaps Shevek himself, were there only to guide us through this utopia. The little things the traveller discovers are what make The Dispossessed a zen-like, heart-warming experience: Shevek’s first encounters with animals; his discussion with a Terran embassador; labour allocation in Anarres; the contrast between the placentas being kept after birth in Anarres as part of their zero-waste culture and the huge shopping malls in Urras, which could make any Anarresti physically ill; sex in Urras and how Shevek finds it so foreign and pretentious, and so on.

Furthermore, and I think this is very important, we get a look at the disadvantages of living in an anarchist society as Shevek experiences them; the necessity of sacrificing certain ambitions in favour of the common good, the morality of the question itself, the tendency of people, no matter what political inclination they have and culture they belong to, to grow conservative over time and forget their very own beliefs, growing rigid and rule-abiding rather than flexible and people-friendly, utilitarian rathen than deontological…

“She [Le Guin] invites, as Tolkien does, a total belief”, reads a snippet of a critic on the back-cover of my copy. If a sci-fi novel can make me believe in the existence of a real anarchist society somewhere in the galaxy and by extension in the real possibility of an anarchist society much closer to home, I can’t but heartliy agree with the above snippet.

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Review: 1984 : Ο μεγάλος αδελφός

1984 : Ο μεγάλος αδελφός
1984 : Ο μεγάλος αδελφός by George Orwell

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Under the spreading chestnut tree
I sold you and you sold me
There lie they, and here lie we
Under the spreading chestnut tree

I always loved how, in the book, pop prolefeed songs are manufactured by computers; no human creativity is needed. I involuntarily recall this tidbit whenever I listen to the newest radio hit these days.

I originally read Nineteen Eighty-Four (the original title, though understandably usually shortened to 1984) in Greek a few years back. 10 days or so ago I felt a need to return to it in English and did so in audio book format, read by Simon Prebble.

They say that Brave New World describes our world much better than 1984 does, that the blissful ignorance is much more prominent in our society than 1984’s “boot stamping the human face”. I’ve always held at heart that our own dystopia in the making is the neat blend of the two: the blissfully ignorant sex, drugs and genetically determined human strata, go hand in hand with a government that is in love with power and has merely chosen this more subdued but no less effective way to prolong its ever-lasting dominion.

In this world, wars never end; the enemy is unbeatable and ever-present. Bombs go off randomly every now and again just to allow your mind to come in terms with this fact. Telescreens follow the population everywhere. Nowadays people even take little telescreens with them and have feelings of withdrawal if they are ever separated from them. Those who control the present control the past, and those who do so, do it very, very well. So well, in fact, that public opinion can be swayed one way or another in a matter of weeks or even days — so little do people actually remember, so easily do they forget. Relativism is used as the end-all be-all argument to support that might is right following sickening twists of logic: that there is no nature “out there”, thus truth is dictated by the government and the government only. A similar argument hides behind the saying “who wants to ban fascist groups is against freedom of speech and a fascist themselves!” The encouragement of doublethink, of which the above is but an example, ultimately has people holding two contradicting beliefs at the same time: “I’m not a racist, but everybody knows that our race is more advanced” or “war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength”. In a similar vain, the government body that is responsible for hitting people and quenching peaceful protests is named “Ministry of Citizen Protection” and the one which makes sure that everyone starves is called “Ministry of Development”, releasing false figures to mask the facts and manipulate the masses. They are allowed to do so; there are no real laws, since the judiciary body is also controlled by the government. What about the proles where the hope for revolution lies? They’re either too busy surviving to actually think for themselves or they’re blindly consuming the “prolefeed” the party is providing them with, including of course their own propaganda.

…oh, sorry about that. I got carried away there and started describing our own living, breathing 2012.

This is definitely one of the masterpieces of the 20th century and is one of absolute favourites. It stands as a beaming symbol of the totalitarian societies of the past and of political oppression, violence, propaganda, hunger for power etc. Orwell’s vision was so ironically vivid, realistic and reverberated with so many that his name has even come through this book to stand for a whole arrangement of things that smack of real-world totalitarianism. Even if he did write it for a different world than what exists more than half a century later, it’s evident that when it comes to human societies, old loves die hard; whether it is totalitarian socialism/communism or hardcore neo-liberal capitalism, it makes little difference. The essence, displays Orwell masterfully, remains the same. Reading 1984, especially for a second time, I got the same feeling Winston, the protagonist, gets from reading a certain book in the book itself: that he had always known about these things and that he was grateful that he had found someone who could articulate them for him.

Parts of 1984 are extreme, I’ll admit. Part Three is a punch in the gut every time. I just wanted to lie in a fetal position in the corner of my room after first reading it. It is that hopeless, that horrible. I can’t believe that states like Oceania et al. could be set up and maintain themselves on force, pain and hatred alone; call it conscience, call it a belief that people are basically good, I just can’t see such a place existing. It’s too evil to exist! That said, I can’t think of a way that such a regime, if already having been set up properly, could fall, either. Not to mention that in many ways, our own world and reality is full of unnecessary evil. Who’s to say if it’s within the bounds of possibility for the next logical step in this progression of evil and imbalance to be taken?

This nightmarish inevitability hidden within, the terror of the idea that if someone really wanted to create IngSoc and Oceania, they could, is what plays with my mind and I believe with every reader’s mind. We might, like Winston, think that such a world is just a work of dystopian fantasy; if we look around us carefully, we just might realise that the absoluteness of the pain, the torture and the future being described as “a boot stamping on a human face forever” might not be such absurd ideas after all.

The owner of the boot is creating his shoelaces made of hatred and fear as we speak. What if we could create our own artificial shortage of shoelaces?

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Review: In Watermelon Sugar

In Watermelon Sugar
In Watermelon Sugar by Richard Brautigan

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

In Watermelon Sugar is one of those books which you kind of get the charm of but simply can’t like. It’s tiny, with a chapter for every one or two pages, and is very easy to read, yet it took me some six months to finish. I see here on Goodreads I’m in the minority but I can easily see why someone could be taken with its simple prose, dreamy lack of narrative and the accordingly floaty characters who always live for the moment, nurtured in a unique, post-modernist culture.

I could find very little pleasure in this book. It’s not just that it’s so much stuck in the era it was written in; I got sick of trouts and that watermelon sugar stuff of which apparently everything is made in that peculiar world. The easy-going style I found pretentious and forced. What I found the most annoying though were the characters: they were wafer-thin, completely naive and perfectly interchangeable. Again, perhaps, that’s what’s made this book so famous and loved by so many. Obviously, I beg to differ.

I must admit it, though: the idea of having a sun the colour of which changes every day, and when it’s black the world has an extended night with no stars and everything is completely silent, tickles my Extraverted Intuition.

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