Review: Digital Media Ethics

Digital Media Ethics
Digital Media Ethics by Charles Ess

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Facebook, privacy, video games (I’m writing an assignment of VGs and morality! ^^J), pornography, piracy, copyright, definitions of identity… all parts of the greater discussion on digital media ethics, options, moral frameworks (and consequently ways of tackling them) and institutional approaches showing more or less malevolent understanding of the current cyber-landscape’s true nature. There’s not much else out there on the matter and even if there was, Digital Media Ethics would still probably take the cake as the most comprehensive book on the matter out now.

One of the good things I got from it was how it really helped me understand the differences between the frameworks that exist to tackle ethical problems. Chances are each one of us, seldom with us being conscious about it, has a combination of degrees of the following:

Utilitarianism → For the greater good (ethics quantified)
Deontology → But you promised! (positive and negative human rights)
Feminist ethics → Ethics of care and emotion (stop DUALISM cartel! Logic of both/and )
Virtue ethics → Practicing excellence as a human (can’t you use your time any better?)
Confucian ethics → We are our relationships (I’m a different onion layer with everyone)

Meta-ethical frameworks:

Ethical relativism → Oh, you know, this tribe… (Hitler = Mother Teresa)
Ethical absolutism → I hold the end-all be-all truth! (Dogmatism much?)
Ethical pluralism → There must be a single truth out there… (…but all we can see are multiple interpretations of it!)

My explanations derive from Charles Ess’s very clear and easy-to-understand writing.
Another reason I like this book, perhaps the most important, is because he was the teacher for the Digital Media Ethics course I took in Aarhus University as an exchange student last autumn. It was a pleasure to take this course but now I have to have my respective assignment ready within less than two weeks. Wish me inspiration and hard work.

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Digital Nation

Very thought-provoking documentary about the implications of “technology” (read: web) in mass culture, communication, wars (maybe the C-130 mission in Modern War was closer to reality than comfort), “multitasking”… The mere fact that you will probably not watch this because it’s too long and people suggested another couple of movies for you to watch today already is pretty much the point.What’s the last time you switched off your PC? That you really focused on reading, or doing something else without having the urge to mess around? That you went out without your smart-phone? How long can you go without Internet? Come join me in sad realisations…

The official site

Quotes ~ Αποφθέγματα IV

“What is a facebook? A miserable pile of…”

“Τι είναι ένα facebook; Ένας άθλιος σωρός από…”

Dracula, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, together with us!

Add your own end to the above quote in the comments.
Προσθέστε το δικό σας τέλος στο παραπάνω απόφθεγμα στα σχόλια!


Σκουπίδι με ονοματεπώνυμο

Βάσει νόμου, όσα καρτοκινητά δεν έχουν δηλωθεί μέχρι τις 30 Ιουλιού, θα διακοπεί η λειτουργία τους. Μην το αφήνεις τελευταία στιγμή! Έλα σε ένα οποιοδήποτε κατάστημα Cosmote και δήλωσε το καρτοκινητό σου εύκολα και γρήγορα. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, κάλεσε το 1313.

Για μήνες, αυτό ήταν το μήνυμα με το οποίο βομβαρδιζόμασταν καθημερίνα από τα ΜΜΕ και από τους ίδιους τους τηλεπικοινωνιακούς παρόχους. Η επιμονή τους, αυτή η άλλη τρομοκρατία του “θα κάνετε ότι σας λέμε αλλιώς κινητό yok!” και μόνο θα ήταν αρκετή για να μην δηλώσω το κινητό μου.

Ο νέος αυτός νόμος, για τον οποίο ακούσαμε πρώτη φορά πέρσι τέτοια εποχή, ουσιαστικά είναι μέρος της ευρύτερης τρομοκρατομανίας η οποία έχει πιάσει ολόκληρη την υφήλιο. Σύμφωνα με αυτόν τον νόμο, όλοι οι αδήλωτοι αριθμοί καρτοκινητής έπρεπε να καταχωρηθούν έτσι ώστε να αντιστοιχούν ο καθένας σε ένα φυσικό πρόσωπο, κομπλέ με αριθμό Αστυνομικής Ταυτότητας, για λόγους “εθνικής ασφάλειας”. Δεν χρειάζεται να πάμε πολύ πίσω στον χρόνο για να δούμε τι μας θυμίζει αυτό. Κάτω από κάθε πέτρα στον κόσμο κρύβεται και ένας τρομοκράτης έτοιμος να τινάξει στον αέρα την πολύτιμη “δημοκρατία” μας. Τα πράγματα έχουν ξεπέρασει τα όρια της υστερίας: στην Κωνσταντινούπολη, όταν έφευγα τον περασμένο μήνα, στο αεροδρόμιο είχαν δύο σωματικούς ελέγχους με ακτίνες Χ, για να μην αναφέρω και τα μέτρα σε αεροδρόμια όπως του Heathrow. Εδώ στο αμερικάνικο κογκρέσο συζητιέται η πρόταση που θα δίνει την δύναμη στον αμερικανό πρόεδρο να απενεργοποιεί το Internet σε περίπτωση “κρίσης”.

Στα πιο δικά μας, το όλο θέμα φαίνεται να ξεκίνησε σοβαρά στην Ελλάδα με τα χτυπήματα της Σέχτας Επαναστατών πέρσι, οι οποίοι εμφανίστηκαν ξανά φέτος με την ανάληψη της ευθυνής για την δολοφονία του Σωκράτη Γκόλια. Δεν θα σχολιάσω περαιτέρω για αυτό το περιστατικό. Όσο και αν έχω διαβάσει τα περιταύτα, δεν μπορώ να κρίνω αν η Σέχτα είναι αυτή που λέει πως είναι και αν η επιλογή του θύματος μπορεί να αποδείξει την ιδεολογία που προβάλλει με την πρόσφατη προκύρηξη της, αν είναι προβοκάτορες ή αν η δολοφονία ήταν συμβόλαιο θανάτου. Αυτά είναι ερωτήματα τα οποία δεν μπορεί κανείς από την απ’έξω να απαντήσει. Αυτό που μπορώ να παρατηρήσω, και δεν μπορώ να φανταστώ ότι είναι σύμπτωση, είναι η επιλογή της στιγμής για την δολοφονία. Είναι φυσικό ότι 2 βδομάδες πριν την λήξη της προθεσμίας δήλωσης των καρτοκινητών, ένα τόσο σημαντικό χτύπημα στον “ελεύθερο λόγο” από υποτιθέμενους τρομοκράτες θα ωθούσε πολλούς περισσότερους να βοηθήσουν την κυβέρνηση με αυτό το βήμα της προς την τήρηση της “εθνικής αφάλειας”, να πιστέψουν στην ουσιαστική ανάγκη της ταυτοποίησης.

Ωραία. Δέχομαι ότι επίδοξοι τρομοκράτες (όποιοι κι αν είναι αυτοί) θα μπορούσαν όντως να χρησιμοποιήσουν ανώνυμα καρτοκινητά για να σχεδιάσουν τις ενέργειες τους, όπως και άλλοι εγκληματίες. Όμως, στον βωμό αυτού του στόχου, δεν θα μπορούσαν να γίνουν και άλλες θυσίες, όπως να ξεριζωθούν όλα τα καρτοτηλέφωνα, να γίνουν όλα τα WiFi spots επώνυμα και οι ISPs να είναι υποχρεωμένοι να δίνουν χωρίς περιορισμούς στοιχεία των πελατών τους στις αρχές; Χε, αυτά βασικά είναι σενάρια τα οποία θα μπορούσα άνετα να δω να υλοποιούνται στο μέλλον με την πρόφαση της εθνικής ασφάλειας, και ειδικά το τελευταίο θα ήταν ένα βαρύ, βαρύ χτύπημα στην ελευθερία του λόγου και της διακίνησης ιδεών (και αρχείων!) Μου έρχεται και στο μυαλό η υπόθεση του κλεισίματος του gamato… (διαβάστε, παρεπιμπτόντως το εξής πολύ ενδιαφέρον, το οποίο ακόμα βέβαια δεν έχω δει καθόλου να παίρνει διαστάσεις, αν τελικά όντως ισχύει. Καλύτερα να γνωρίζουμε! Και αλήθεια… τι είναι αυτό;) Το κλείσιμο του gamato ήταν από τα πρώτα δυνατά χτυπήματα στην πόρτα του μέχρι σήμερα αναρχικού διαδικτύου στην Ελλάδα. Τα πρόσφατα νέα σχετικά με την δημιουργία νομοθετικού πλαισίου για τα blogs δείχνει ότι η κυβέρνηση είναι στραμμένη και προς αυτή την κατεύθυνση, με ό,τι αυτό συνεπάγεται για το μέλλον. Σίγουρα πάντως τα κινητά είναι μόνο το πρώτο βήμα αυτού του ατελείωτου αγώνα κατά της τρομοκρατίας…

The war against terror is not meant to be won…

Κι ερχόμαστε πίσω σε μένα. Εμένα δεν μου αρέσουν όλα αυτά τα παραπάνω και βλέπω πως η ταυτοποίηση συμβολίζει μια νέα (;) εποχή όπου όλοι θεωρούμαστε ύποπτοι αλλά ταυτόχρονα δεν μας ενδιαφέρει η ταχύρυθμη απώλεια συνταγματικών μας δικαιωμάτων. Πολλοί θα πουν, μάλλον, μου έχουν ήδη πει, πως τα στοιχεία μας είναι ήδη διαθέσιμα σε τράπεζες, εταιρείες, στην εφορεία (και άρα στο κράτος), στον ΟΤΕ. “Ήδη μας παρακολουθούν”, έχω ακούσει τόσες φορές με μια αφοπλιστική χαλαρότητα. Δεν διαφωνώ… Τα προφίλ στο Facebook και οι σύνδεσεις όλων μας είναι καταχωρημένες κάπου. Το τι αγοράζουμε, τι κερδίζουμε, οι ιδέες μας (στην προκειμένη περίπτωση)… it’s all out there. Όμως αυτά ειναι καθαρά οικονομικά στοιχεία. Συμφωνώ, η καταγραφή ή/και η παρακολούθηση συνομιλιών μέσω των σταθερών τηλεφώνων είναι σίγουρα ιδέα παλιά όσο και το ίδιο το τηλέφωνο (μου έρχονται στο μυαλό “Οι ζωές των άλλων”). Η ειδοποιός διαφορά είναι ότι τα σταθερά τηλέφωνα είναι ακριβώς αυτό: σταθερά. Κάθε αριθμός, επομένως και όνομα, συνδέεται αναπόφευκτα με μια φυσική διεύθυνση.

Η λειτουργία των κινητών είναι τελειώς διαφορετική. Οι εταιρίες τηλεπικοινωνιών εξ ορισμού γνωρίζουν την τοποθεσία κάθε κινητού μέσω της κυψέλης από την οποία λαμβάνει σήμα ανά πάσα στιγμή. Πλέον, σε αυτές τις πληροφορίες δεν θα έχουν πρόσβαση μόνο οι εταιρίες αλλά και το κράτος. Δεν είναι δύσκολο να φανταστούμε να υπάρχει μια global database κάπου στα βάθη της υπηρεσίας πληροφοριών με κάθε ύποπτο και μη κινητό, με ονοματεπώνυμο και αριθμό κυψέλης. Οι συνδέσεις θα ήταν έτσι μέχρι τώρα, και από τώρα και τα καρτοκινητά. Σας θυμίζει τίποτα; Κάτι που αρχίζει με τσι και τελειώνει με πάκια;

“Αν δεν έχεις κάτι να κρύψεις Cubi, γιατί να σε πειράζει αυτό;” Ποιος καθορίζει τι είναι για κρύψιμο και τι όχι; Οι εποχές είναι δύσκολες και βλέπετε τι συμβαίνει κάθε μέρα. Οι ίδιοι άνθρωποι οι οποίοι μας ληστεύουν ξεδιάντροπα με την πρόφαση μίας πλασματικής οικονομικής κρίσης και της ανάγκης ενός ΔΝΤ το οποίο το μόνο που κάνει είναι να σπέρνει καταστροφή και να φροντίζει για περισσότερη φτώχεια στους φτωχούς και περισσότερα πλούτη στους πλούσιους, είναι αυτοί οι οποίοι φροντίζουν και για αυτούς τους νόμους περι “εθνικής ασφάλειας”. Η Ουγγαρία προσπάθησε να μείωσει το έλειμμα της φορολογώντας τράπεζες και το ΔΝΤ διαφώνησε, λέγοντας “απαπά, δεν θα τα πάρετε από τις τράπεζες, μόνο με περισσότερα μέτρα λιτότητας πρέπει να τα καταφέρετε“. Αυτοί οι μασκαράδες είναι οι ίδιοι οι οποίοι δίνουν ρεσιτάλ εκμετάλλευσης και στην Ελλάδα, με όλα αυτά τα μέτρα λιτότητας… Θα εμπιστευτείτε αυτά τα λαμόγια σχετικά με το τι χρίζει κρυψίματος και τι όχι, τους ανθρώπους που εδώ και δεκαετίες δεν ντρέπονται να αυτοαποκαλούνται “κυβέρνηση” και είναι πανέτοιμοι και κάτι παραπάνω από πρόθυμοι να κάνουν την ζωή μας κόλαση; BTW, δεν χρειάζεται πολύ μυαλό για να δούμε ότι το ΠΑΣΟΚ δεν έχει κρατήσει καθόλου διαφορετική στάση από την ΝΔ αυτούς τους 10 μήνες, για να μην πω ότι είναι χειρότερο. Χρώματα και ιδεολογίες απλά μάσκες και προφάσεις. Όπως ο Ολυμπιακός και ο Παναθηναϊκός. All the world’s a stage…

Από προχτές, περίμενα το κινητό μου να φάει φραγή, όπως όλα όσα δεν είχαν δηλωθεί. Το δικό μου όμως λειτουργούσε κανονικότατα. Με πήραν και τηλέφωνο σήμερα! Το μυστήριο δεν άργησε να λυθεί: πέρσι και πρόπερσι έχασα δυο φορές το κινητό μου και έκανα αίτηση για καινούργια κάρτα με τον ίδιο αριθμό. Προφανώς τότε έδωσα τα στοιχεία μου και έκανα πρόωρη ταυτοποίηση χωρίς να το ξέρω… Τώρα δεν υπάρχει πια επιστροφή, όπως και με το Facebook… Once in the Cloud, forever in the Cloud. Ποιος ξέρει, μια μέρα μπορεί να είναι απαραίτητο να κάνεις και για το Facebook ταυτοποίηση. “Βάσει νόμου, όλες οι συνδέσεις στο ίντερνετ που δεν έχουν ταυτοποιημένο λογαριασμό στο Facebook θα κοπούν. Μην το αφήνεις τελευταία στιγμή…” Δεν είναι πολύ διαφορετικό σενάριο από αυτό που ζούμε τώρα. H διείσδυση των κινητών στην κοινωνία ήταν σταδιακή. Πήρε λιγότερο από 10 χρόνια μέχρι να έχουμε όλοι τουλάχιστον δυο-τρεις συσκευές (τουλάχιστον) και διπλάσιες κάρτες. Το Internet διαγράφει μια παρόμοια πορεία και φοβάμαι τις μέρες όπου οι ελευθερίες του θα τεθούν σε κίνδυνο.

Σε όποιον (εκτός μίας λαμπρής εξαίρεσης…) είχα προτείνει το να μην δηλώσει το κινητό του η απάντηση ήταν ίδια. Κανείς δεν μπόρεσε να πει όχι στην ανάγκη του κινητού. Μάλιστα, κάποιοι ήταν και αμυντικοί, συχνά σε βαθμό επίθεσης: “Είσαι στο σύστημα, δεν μπορείς να βγεις από αυτό με το έτσι θέλω”, “Πώς θα σε βρίσκουν για δουλειά; Δεν θα σε κυνηγάνε, ξέρεις!”, “Δεν βλέπεις που δεν βλέπεις το κινητό σου, πώς θα μπορούμε να κανονίζουμε τώρα;”, “Τι θα κάνεις όταν ταξιδεύεις;”, “Κι αν πάθει κάτι ένας δικός σου άνθρωπος, χτύπα ξύλο, πώς θα το μάθεις;”, “Καλά, δοκίμασε χωρίς κινητό και θα τα ξαναπούμε. Δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση να αντέξεις.” Όλοι μας, μαζικά, έχουμε απλά αποδεχτεί την εξάρτηση σε αυτές τις συσκευές ως κάτι το αναντίρρητα καλό (εκτός από την περισταστιακή ένσταση για την επικίνδυνη ακτινοβολία). Όπως και με το ηλεκτρικό ρεύμα. “Θέλεις να γυρίσουμε στις σπηλιές;!” Μα, οι άνθρωποι των σπηλαίων ήταν πιο ικανοί από εμάς. Τολμώ να πω και πιο ζωντανοί από εμάς. Μόλις πέσει το ρεύμα, ξαφνικά δεν αντέχουμε το σκοτάδι, δεν μπορούμε να μαγειρέψουμε, δεν μπορούμε καν να περάσουμε την ώρα μας δημιουργικά, βαριόμαστε δίπλα στους ίδιους τους ανθρώπους που αγαπάμε (αν και το απόλυτο σκοτάδι μπορεί και να προσφέρει… ωραίες στιγμές!). Ποιος χρησιμοποιεί ποιον, τελικά;

Δεν μπορώ να αγνοήσω πάντως την βάση της παραπάνω κριτικής. Πιάνει την ουσία των λόγων για τους οποίους οι περισσότεροι προχώρησαν στην ταυτοποίηση ακόμα και αν δεν συμφωνούσαν στην θεωρία. Όπως και να το κάνουμε, δύσκολα μπορώ να σκεφτώ κάτι πιο πρακτικό από το να επικοινωνείς με όλους όπου κι αν είσαι, και σίγουρα θα μου λείψει. Το θέμα είναι ότι εκεί που είχα αποφασίσει ότι δεν θα είχα πια κινητό, ξαφνικά έχω την δυνατότητα να το κρατήσω. Δυνατότητα μεταμφιεσμένη σε υποχρέωση. Αποφάσισα να προσαρμόσω την δυνατότητα αυτή και να μην συμβιβαστώ: θα αφήνω το κινητό μου σπίτι κλειστό και θα έχω αυτόματο τηλεφωνητή ή προώθηση κλήσεων στο σταθερό μου. Θα το ανοίγω μια φορά στη μία ή στις δυο μέρες για να δω αν έχω σημαντικά SMS. Όμως θα βγάλω το κινητό από την καθημερινή μου επικοινωνία. Το καρτοτηλέφωνο με εξυπηρέτησε μια χαρά πριν λίγες μέρες (και φτηνα, ακόμα και για κλησή προς κινητό!) Το Skype με έχει βολέψει και αυτό πολύ, και η ιδέα του να έχω ένα laptop μαζί μου και να μιλάω με φίλους από κάποιο hotspot όσο είμαι έξω δεν είναι άσχημη! Ακόμα και σε κάποια συμβατή συσκευή, αν κάποια στιγμή έχω. Επίσης, e-mails, MSN, γράμματα (λατρεύω την γραπτή επικοινωνία, όσο παραπλανητική και ξεχωριστή από την φυσική, προφορική πραγματικότητα και αν μπορεί να είναι μερικές φορές.) Και γαμώτο, πραγματική, φυσική επικοινωνία, the only thing that really matters…

Ζητάω από τους ανθρώπους μου να καταλάβουν αυτή την επιλογή μου. Μόνο εσείς θα μπορέσετε να το κάνετε πιο εύκολο, έτσι όπως θα έπρεπε να είναι. Ήδη θα έχω να αντιμετωπίσω δυσκολίες επικοινωνίας με όλους τους υπόλοιπους… Θα κάνω ό,τι καλύτερο μπορώ για να δείξω (στον εαυτό μου και στους άλλους) πως όχι μόνο δεν είναι απαραίτητο το κινητό για να κρατήσεις επαφή και να μπορείς να βρίσκεσαι με όσους θέλεις, αλλά η επικοινωνία έτσι θα είναι τελικά πιο αγνή, απολαυστική, χορταστική και αυθεντική, κάθε στιγμή με τους ανθρώπους σου θα είναι πολύτιμη, μακριά από την σιγουριά του αυτονόητου και του βολικού. Γιατί, δυστυχώς ή ευτυχώς, έτσι είμαστε εμείς οι άνθρωποι: όταν κάτι δεν το έχουμε πλέον ως δεδομένο, αποκτά άλλη αξία…

Further “reading”: Mr. Freeman: Είμαι αληθινός Mr. Freeman: Τι είναι οι γνώσεις σας

Blue Moon

Last December had two full moons. Popularly, a second full moon in a single month is called a blue moon, even if that is not the correct definition (check here for more details). This moon rose on December 31st and set on January 1st. It was a full moon that connected two years. Or should I say, it connected two decades? I find it strangely symbolic that the last day of the year and decade just happened to be a full moon day… It was surreal going out to see the fireworks and having the huge light in the sky illuminating everything.

Somewhat obscure gaming reference FTW!

I will not treat the turn of the decade as time to contemplate change, look back or act as if starting today the world’s going to be different in some sort of way. It is still too early for us to even be able to say what the decade we just left behind us will be remembered for, let alone compare it with the fresh new one that’s just a signle day old. I will thus spare with the retrospective craze about how the past decade changed our lives. All I have to say on that is that every change made during this decade was sort of transitional… We ain’t seen nothing yet (sic).

My refusal to look back in sets of tens does not mean that I do not want to see what last year brought, however. It was certainly a full and interesting year for me. I’d like to take you to a sort of new year’s resolution I wrote last year, “More and Less of 2009”. This year’s “More and Less” will consist of all that I did not manage to do during 2009. I’ll give it a go:

More movies, more games, more languages, more activities, more biking, more photography, more people, more travelling, more new experiences, more love, more animals, more beauty, more cooking, more reading, more knowledge, more stars, more planets, more cleaning, more housekeeping, more real working, more specialisation, more subtitles, more cubimension, more music, more peace, more awareness, more spirituality, more science, more history, more dreams, more thoughts, more tea, more vegetables, more cake, more e-mails, more writing, more art, more friendliness, more phone calls, more letters, more enjoying the moment in the right way.

Less procrastinating, less shyness, less lazyness, less internet idleness, less msn, less stupid spending, less sleeping till the afternoon, less caffeine, less absent-mindedness.

These are my personal wishes for 2009.

Alex: You forgot more sex. And more anime. You forgot less facebook too. Less flies too! Yiek!Enloying the moment in a right way eh?..Dunno if you wishing this to yourself ooor you’re trying to tell me something… :P

More movies: I guess this is kind of a pass. I’m doing the whole kinimatografiki thing together with Garret, I’ve watched my fair share of movies in the past year… There’s definitely a lot more in my”want to see” list on Flixster, but is there anything out there really for which this can’t be said? I mean… not on my “want to see” list on Flixster, generally speaking…

Honourable mentions: Kubrick Month, District 9, Dogtooth, Some Like It Hot, The Shawshank Redemption, Inglourious Basterds

More games: Hmmm… my overall “games played” meter in 2009 is fairly similar to, if not lower than 2008’s. I did sign up for Game 2.0, which is good, but I feel that I haven’t played enough games that I’ve been aching to play. I’m up to the neck in music games, if that’s any development. I even  got more of an acquired taste in strategies!

Honourable mentions: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts&Bolts, Victoria, The Longest Journey, Modern Warfare 2, Peggle Nights, Luxor, StarCraft

More languages: My go at learning Japanese crashed and burned and I’ve made little progress with German…next question!! :/

More activities: That’s a check in many different ways.Theatriki, Kinimatografiki, Fotografiki, being out a lot, I have the distinct impression I’ve been pretty active, thank you!

More biking: um… R.I.P.

More photography: That’s a check as well! Just have a look at my Flickr for the results! :}

More people: Yes, met many new people this year but got to know few. This one’s up in the air as is always has and always will be I guess.

More travelling: Turkey, Peloponnese, Kerkyra, Rodos… Good, but I don’t think it can compare to 2008 in any way, many plans died out or haven’t been realised yet. But there’s much hope for 2010, I’ll tell you that.

More new experiences: Always on the lookout! Many experiences I shall cherish forever.

More love: That’s a tough one. I’ll say check, even though I’m not sure if everything I have in mind is aspects of love or something else entirely.

More animals: Does the army of cats on the watch outside my apartment count? 😛

More beauty: Just like new experiences, always looking for more!

More cooking: FAIL UNLIMITED! 🙁

More reading: Hmmm… I give this one a hearty check. In the past 12 months I read many books that I’ll remember for years to come. Coming in contact with Saramago, Gaarder and Mazower are no small matters.

More knowledge: Yes! I I owe this largely to Despina Catapoti for being the best prof ever and leading me to planes of gnosis I always wanted to visit but I wasn’t aware of. Cultural studies, postmodernism, philosophy were all redefined in my head.  I feel like my mind has opened even more.

More stars: I don’t have a telescope… yet… but it’s been a fine astronomical year with many a starry sky and gazing alone or in good company.

More planets: If this is astrology (I don’t remember), I’m now feeling a bit mixed on the issue.

More cleaning/housekeeping: This has reached an all time low… For shame.

More real working: I made my first real money in 2009, which is great. Game 2.0 or my EAA Museum and other uni projects also count and I stand proud!

More specialisation: …hm… nah.

More subtitles: Yes indeed, I did some and I was paid for it. Moar plz.

More cubimension: Another healthy check and it’s getting better!

More music: Not many new bands came into my attention this year, but I’ve been listening to music, yay! 😛 Buying The Incident in Special Edition is something I’m not sure I regret yet.

More peace: No, I wasn’t in peace for much of last year. Good or bad? I cannot tell.

More awareness: Not very successsful, many a time did I let my wandering thoughts cloud my perception of the present. Not a good thing.

More spirituality: I’ve been trying to delve into the secrets of eastern philosophy… Tao and Physics is an excellent book on the subject, but Tao is so deep and mistifying I’m confused and left in awe at the same time. Somewhat healthy.

More science: Web Science Conference?! Hehe, well I’ve been reading some pop science books, if that counts…

More history: Yes yes! Playing Victoria, reading Mazower and looking into alternate histories, listening to Despina talk…

More dreams: After “Counting Sheep”, my take on sleep was briefly something completely different and new. Now I’ve somewhat subconsciously returned to my bad old take of “sleep cuts away from your waking time”… I must make it a point to follow some online lucid dreaming classes.

More thoughts: I’ve been thinking…

More tea: I got this huge bag of tea from Ayvalik (which cops mistook for half a kilo of weed…) and I still haven’t made any of it. Maybe I’m still recovering from the tea overload in Turkey. Or maybe my boiler is kaput. No wait, it is.

More vegetables: uh, I don’t think I’ve been eating any more or any less… I shoud make a habit of making salads a la mama though, they’re downright awesome.

More cake: fail. Or is it?

More e-mails: And all to the same handful of special someones as last year. Pah, no good. 😛

More writing: Judging from my surge of cubimension interest, that’s a positive.

More art: I’ve done my part. That collage for Alex and a lot of digital art tidbits… I know I can do better though.

More friendliness: I think I might be going well with this. Might.

More phone calls: and to whom, I wonder… But you know that I dislike phones!

More letters: I don’t think I wrote a signle one.

More enjoying the moment in the right way: I… think I got that one. Or maybe not. Or maybe both. Or maybe it’s too hard to tell as a rule. Or maybe I’m still trying to do it.

Less procrastinating: No one ever entirely gets away from this one… But it is the goal.

Less shyness: I’ve seen myself be very shy and very not shy. Soooo…

Less lazyness: I think I’m less lazy than usual. Yes.

Less internet idleness: Working on that one but I think I’ve made some progress.

Less MSN: Considerably.

Less stupid spending: …yes, but I still turn out with less money than I calculated. Maybe the definition of stupid has simply jumped around.

Less sleeping till the afternoon: …to which I’ll add: less going to sleep after dawn!

Less caffeine: HAH! Good one!

Less absent-mindedness: Hmmm. Yes.

More sex: Quantity-wise or quality-wise? It makes all the difference in the world.

Less Facebook: I managed to deactivate it. TOTAL SUCCESS!

More anime: Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of One Piece. But where’s my Cowboy Bebop?

Less flies: Less flies, I agree. And less cockroaches please!


Is it really Christmas?

fuck christmas

So here I am, sitting in my room at my place in Nea Smyrni, stealing someone’s WiFi (together with 6 other people… Logging in to routers with default WEP settings and changing the keys is soo tempting… but I am not that evil), blogging when I should be working on my projects. I’ve been here for a few days already and I’m not feeling like it is Christmas at all. I look at all the constructed, fake festivities around me and I am feeling nothing but disgust for this joke of a festival centered around “love”. Just sneaking a peak at all the advertisements targeted at children, the true targets of this consumeristic parody, is borderline depressing. It’s no wonder we all have a sort of nostalgic aftertaste of Christmas which really stems from our childhood, when it all seemed so magical, so true, so happy… Is it the presents, the holidays, the sweets, the music? Maybe it is the sheer fakeness of it all, the same thing that draws children to Disneyland, that manages to enchant them so. What can indeed be said about the “holiday season”, a cultural curiosity which is one of the best examples of globalization today? I feel that if I let myself loose I’m going to fill pages upon pages of ranting about something that everybody knows is true yet decides to turn a blind eye to, preferring to drown their sorrows in ethical and guiltless super-consuming.

The fact, then, that I’m not feeling as if it’s Christmas is probably a good sign.

Maybe it is because so much has happened in my life in so little time. Maybe it’s because I have been consciously looking away from the very strong build-up that typically leads to an all-encompassing “Christmas spirit”. Maybe it is because I’ve grown mature enough to be able to appreciate being close to my loved ones and having some free time without associating the holidays with consumption, fake feelings of love for the world and this hideous “spirit”. It may be all, it may be none, it may be just one of these things, but whatever the reason, I am happy that I can see past the worryingly ultra-happy social appearances…

OK, Christmas flaming over. :] I started writing this post wanting to share what I’ve been doing the past few days and how I’m going to spend my holidays. Interesting much? It’s the fatal compulsion of blogging…

University Projects

One of the slighter reasons I’m not feeling too Christmas-y and/or relaxed is that I have a serious amount of work to get done for university. Four projects. It was going to be five originally but I decided to drop the project for Virtual Worlds and Digital Animation — my well of inspiration was looking a bit too dry for me to realise my relatively ambitious plans.

1. PHP. My project for WWW Technologies is to build a complete computer hardware online shop. That is much harder to do than it sounds, at least for someone who has little to no knowledge of dynamic website developing. This project is supposedly for two people but Garret doesn’t look like he might be a lot of help; he still needs to get his HTML sorted out. Anyway, it’s online tutorial and lab note time!

2. Cultural Representation. I chose to represent my top 5 favourite cities in the world for this one. I will have to make the workflow chart for an interactive application. I won’t fully develop it, but just designing a workable and attractive User Interface, as well as making it have the distinct Cubi style will take some full hours.

3 & 4. These are secret projects… ^^D

I promise impressive things… It’s not that I’m too bored to write about them or anything like that, no! It’s because I want to surprise everyone!

Flickr, Facebook and Online Identities

It’s been a a few weeks now that I deactivated my Facebook account. After a point, it felt downright hypocritic posting bad stuff about it but having a perfectly healthy account. Nevermind the less than impressive number of pictures I had on it.

Tell you what, I haven’t missed it a bit. A lot of people seem to find it strange that I’ve done so and have tried to persuade me to re-activate it. They say: “We miss you!”, just like Facebook said they would (and I thought it was being ridiculous…) To them, all I have to say is this. Sorry, but I will indulge in pathetic spying and “maintaining expired relationships” no longer!

Some other people, mostly from the Theatre and Photography groups, have told me that I should re-activate my FB so that I can upload photographs for all to see. I have a different reply for them: Flickr! Maybe you’ve noticed, maybe you haven’t, but I’m uploading more and more of my photographs there. It’s a very good image site, well-made, professional, respectful to the applying web laws as far as content protection goes. That is where you can head for my full lowdown of pictures! Look at that: it’s even got integrated support for WordPress (the sidebar pics are from my Flickr photostream, also have a look at my previous post). What else can one possibly ask for?!

To sum up:
Facebook sucks,
Flickr rules,
if you want to see my pics,
you surely oughta choose!

Windows 7 for free! Legally! How?

Casually browsing the web, a few days ago I stumbled upon MSDN Academic Alliance through my.aegean. What’s this, you say? It is a Microsoft service that allows students to download some of their software for free, all in the name of academia. Amazing eh? I was excited to discover that the University of the Aegean is eligible for this service. Why hasn’t anybody, ever, told us anything about it?

I really did download Windows 7 Professional, as well as a valid license key, for free, just by putting in my CT user name and pass. I burnt it on a DVD and now it’s waiting for me to tidy up my laptop HDDs before I format. This might take a while actually… heh.

Check it our for yourself!

Three Sequels and a Classic.

My gaming activity in the past few weeks has centered around four games: Modern Warfare 2, Banjo-Tooie, Half-Life 2 and StarCraft. Let me tell you a few things about these games.

Modern Warfare 2 is a great game in multiplayer, haven’t touched SP yet, as “controversial” as it may be. Enough said, I believe.

banjo-tooie christmas

Banjo-Tooie. Oh, Banjo-Tooie. I am very aware that about 2 years ago I placed it #20 in my 20 Favourite N64 games. I did not remember it very well back then, having only played it once before, when I was only 11. Not long ago I downloaded it from XBLA and decided to give it another spin, especially when I had so much fun downloading, replaying and 100%ing Banjo-Kazooie this time last year from the same service.

Tooie must be one of  the deepest, most innovative platformers in the history of the genre, not to mention one of the most expanding sequels ever. The level architecture is brilliant, how each world connects with a few others is something that hasn’t been used in other games since, even though it was such a good idea. The game is truly massive — getting 100% might take me 20+ hours when Banjo-Kazooie took me around 6. It’s definitely because I remember Kazooie almost perfectly even from my early years while now with Tooie it’s like playing it for the first time… Yes, the game is massive. TOO massive and time-consuming at times, when the original was a lot tighter and pure. I just have to comment on some of the humour displayed in Tooie; there are a lot more sexual references than in the original, and that can only be a good thing.

It doesn’t feel like I’m replaying it so it all feels fresh. If remade it could easily stand next to contemporary platformers and surpass them in many ways. Still, even if I have redeemed it a bit, the original still stands proud of its proximity to platforming perfection even when it obviously offers less, is shorter, much easier and has a fraction of the content of its sequel. I guess that is what separates a very good game from a classic. And talking about classics…

StarCraft. Yes, Blizzard’s other franchise that is about to see its full revival in a few months (and then we’re going to talk about sequels, period. Any new IPs please? :P) Even though I’m a strategy game fan, I’ve never shown great interest for Blizzard games. I’ve tried to like the WarCraft universe but I find it bores me. I still cannot exactly say why I like StarCraft and even worse, explain the on-and-off relationship I’ve had with it for years. Now, this Christmas, I’ve decided  to follow its story and see why it’s a game celebrated like few. So far I’m loving it! Haven’t had this much fun with a Single Player RTS campaign in years.

Want another game I’ve had an on-and-off relationship with for even longer? That’s none other than Half-Life 2 for you. I downloaded and tried it when it was released more than 5 years ago and was blown away by its atmosphere. For some weird reason I lost interest somewhere along the way. I tried to pick it up three times since, once after I bought the Orange Box, another time sometime last Autumn and another shortly thereafter… again and again, I kept losing interest a bit further along the road. My last save was two hours or so before the end of the game, in the City 17 streetfights. I had reached this point last time I’d felt like playing, that is last February. The morning before I left Mytilini and after a good dose of  caffeine, I finally took the bold step, closing a 5-year circle: I finished Half-Life 2.

I had been thinking that the game would have a tedious ending. How wrong I was. Getting rid of the Striders, climbing up the Citadel and then… *spoilers* was just so EPIC! Not only wasn’t it tedious, it was awe-inspiring. The rest of the game was like this, what in the name of Valve made me think the end would disappoint? Silly Cubi… Now, if only I could get Episode I to run on this laptop. Oh, don’t we wish…

That’s it for now! I have more things to share but they’re still being digested. Hey, there’s still lots of happenings left for the rest of the holidays anyway, they’ve only just begun! Soon it’s going to be the turn of the decade as well. Now that’s going to be awesome

Abandoning the System: Addendum

Not really an addendum, since I haven’t written any of this myself, just some links to very interesting texts about Facebook and what it is all about. They come as a nice addition to the original post and the discussion that it sparked.

(why Facebook is evil at its core)

(why Facebook is detached from reality)

(why Facebook has its uses)

Abandoning the System

“The Matrix is a system Neo. That system is our enemy, but when you’re inside, what do you see, business men, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save, but until we do these people are a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. Most of these people are not ready to be unplugged, and many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.
– Morpheus, Matrix

Last night we had a big discussion with Alex about Facebook… It made me think a lot about my use of the site. It was nothing new though. Alex has been frowning upon the whole trend of Facebook for months now. Huh, frowning upon is an understatement actually. She hasn’t missed a single chance to express how much she hates it and how it should not exist at all.

Now, I’m not a particularly heavy Facebook user but the past few weeks I’ve been logging in more and more. The Kinimatografiki Symmoria and organizing it has played a role in this but there are just so many new people I’ve met  recently that checking up with them seems natural.

Well, Alex argued last night that Facebook does not fulfil any real needs. It only creates more and more needs that revolve around itself. Basically, she said that time spent on Facebook is 100% wasted: the only activities one engages in are voyeurism and pseudo-socialising with few “real-world” implications. “Why should anyone have a Facebook account?”, she pondered. “It’s just for self-promoting of the worst kind, I cannot see how it might be useful in any other way.” We argued for hours. I said that Facebook has become an integral part of one’s web identity and that it has become as necessary and versatile as a “real” mobile phone in some cases. I told her that my recent spark of interest was purely functional.

Deep down though, I knew that she was right. She had a point, at least. OK, Facebook is useful for managing groups and events. But apart from that? One creates photos for them to be seen, oggled, admired. One creates the perfect representation that most often comes from a mold of familiar shape. One exposes everything to his or her circle of imaginary friends… “Would you shed a single tear if any of these damn friends of yours died?? Would they ever call you to tell you their problems? Would they?!”, said Alex screaming almost but trying not to wake up my mother. It was late you see.

“They’re contacts, not friends.” I told her. “At least, most of them are contacts, but there’s friends in there as well, people I meet in my everyday life.” -“Do you need to contact them through Facebook? Is this the kind of communication you want?” -“No, but you cannot deny the usefulness of having your entire cirlce of friends within your digital reach.” -“Isn’t this what MSN is for? Can’t you send them an e-mail? How many people actually register on Facebook so that they can speak with their friends? Few, if any. Most just want to show off their entirely simulative representation which often has little connection with reality, find chicks or boys, create a circle of friends so that they can have the impression of being a part of something. Well, it’s not like this. If a group of friends decides to do something and forgets about me because I’m not on Facebook, therefore I’m not in, I won’t care. I do not want to be a part of anything that might resemble this. It sickens me!”

“Weeell… I understand what you’re saying but it’s not necessarily like this. I can do without my Facebook”.

-“Oh yeah? Delete it. Tomorrow. You can’t.”

-“I can! It’s not that I can’t, I don’t want to (that sounds very… not addicted, doesn’t it?). I mean, I’m using it everyday and I need to manage the Kinimatografiki through it. I would delete it if I didn’t need it as a basic means of representation on the world’s biggest social network. It’s part of my studies and field, after all.”

-“If you really wanted to quit it, you would have when you deleted all your photos and put that kangaroo as your profile pic. That was a nice middle finger. But no, you stayed. Something kept you in it. And now you’re hooked again. You just can’t do away with checking girls’ profiles, can you? You want to be seen.”


-“Have you even thought of how much idle time you, everyone you know, and everyone you don’t know, spend on Facebook? Doing nothing productive, just having the impression that you’re socialising, when you’re only there sitting in front of a computer, writing comments on pics, not because you really mean to comment on them, but becase you want everybody else to see that you made the comments. Do you really think anyone cares about what you have to say on Facebook? I mean anyone who wouldn’t sit and listen to what you have to say in real life?”


Long story short… I realised yesterday that when presented with the dilemma of deleting my Facebook profile or not, a profile on a site that isn’t really all that important for me, I couldn’t press myself to do it. I was making excuses, I could see this much. But as Alex was quick to point out, it was showing signs that it was controlling me and that I wasn’t fully able to control it. Keeping my Facebook use to the bare-minimum, would I truly be able to control the urge to play around with it, look at pictures, use applications, make my profile look good? Even if I get outside it, people still inside it might look for me. And then?

The whole question concerns the whole world wide web (WWWW), especially now that everyone has a voice and anyone can speak. Now that blogs are a force majeure. Is the “System” just Facebook, or does escaping mean abandoning the web altogether? If not, what constitutes being outside, or for that matter, inside the System, especially when everything is linked? Such questions might prove to be very intriguing, not to mention crucial, in the following years.

After much thought I decided not to delete my Facebook account altogether, even if such a move would be brave indeed. I’ll hide behind my excuses of responsibility but I’ll delete my pics as I had done a few months ago…

And I shall ask you:

“Would you fight to protect the System?”


Bonus thought-provoking: