Steam, we’ve got to talk

And if you didn't catch today's deals, don't worry!
And if you didn’t catch today’s deals, don’t worry!

Steam’s Autumn Sale 2013.
Here we go again. Daily deals. Yesterday’s deals. Flash deals. Community picks.

There are 86 games in my account: most of them I’ve bought in different Humble Bundles or other sales, such as the ridiculous Holiday Sale of 2011. I’ve played less than half of them and even less than half of those have I “completed” –  quotes because the games that I prefer nowadays are generally speaking impossible to complete. A relatively small  fraction of those 86 games I got through Game 2.0 for reviewing. I don’t receive physical copies anymore, but I’ve long  got over the need of owning real copies of games, especially after getting stuck with boxed copies of games that are tied to Steam keys and which I therefore can’t sell – I’m looking at you, stack of Total Wars!

This time around, you threw in our faces Skyrim Legendary Edition for 13€, Bioshock Infinite for 7.5€, Spelunky for 3€ and Civilization V Gold and the expansion Brave New World for 10€ each. Of all of the above I only resisted to buying Skyrim (it sounded very enticing but I doubt I can give it the time it probably deserves at this point), and still believe I will buy more games before the deals are over (eyeing Super Hexagon and Anno 2070). Only a fool would skip on those prices… And then you’re going to have the Holiday Sale, of course you will. I hope we’ll at least have enough time to enjoy Civilization V online with Garret and Daphne who both got the game the day before during the sale – actually, I got it for Daphne because she seems to love it so much; who would have thought that the hot seat would have grown this hot?

I feel as if I’m being manipulated to no end. It’s confusing to my Fi (ethical system/inner values to you MBTI beginners!) – which dictates that I should at least be trying to avoid being exactly like women going crazy in the shopping mall – as well as it is destructive to my wallet and my time management. You’re tearing me apart, Steama!

But seriously. What gives? How can this even work? How can you have 1532 sales every year without cheating all of the producers and developers? How is this system viable at all? I mean, with these sales and the existence and dominance of Humble Bundle, combined with the ridiculous prices games have at launch only for them to be reduced in a matter of months through these offers (and given the extreme oversaturation of the market), it’s no wonder top AAA games are slowly becoming obsolete. Given of course that people just don’t have enough money to spend on consoles (most of the people I know don’t want to buy a new console, either because of lack of interest, money or both), it’s really no wonder that you, with your cheap, flexible and robust system (and your upcoming Steam Machines) and iOS with its innovation and low prices are looking like you will together dominate the industry even further. And really, what would happen if everybody eventually stopped buying games on day one or – god forbid – stopped preordering like tiny little consumeristic muppets? I’ll tell you what would happen: the entire industry would collapse. Again.

You know something? As cool and comfy as it is, deep down it makes me feel uncomfortable having all of my games in this digital vault made out of thin air. Now you look healthier than ever, but will that be the case in 10 years? 20? You had your DRM creep on us and had us get used to it, and now we bash everyone who tries to steal some of your limelight (yes, I know it’s fun to hate EA and forbidden to even slightly criticise mama Valve). Even if you have allowed offline play, you have made reselling games impossible. Why? How can I trust you, Steam? These cheap games are like a trojan horse: you’re becoming the Google of gaming – people put up with your shitty monopoly because you’re just so damn useful. What if tomorrow I have to buy your SteamMachine to play? What if I suddenly have to, say, pay a fee to access my games – even just a small one? I’d probably pay up just in order to still be able to play 90% of the games I own or play on a regular basis (most of which I certainly won’t have played even by then). Oh, maybe you’re like the other great benefactor, Facebook, which promises that it’s free and always will be. Isn’t that a role model of a company.

Maybe I’m expecting too much – or I’m too sceptical/paranoid. Maybe my thinking is a relic from a different era, when physical mattered more – was more tangible – than digital. Maybe in this Brave New World there really will be no difference between offline and online, the physical and its digital counterpart. As far as I can see, the counterpart in many ways has already replaced the original or is indistinguishable from it (or they really are the same thing). The strictly private has become public, a single thought or utterance shared with the world is immortalised and pinned to its creator forever (or at least for what the word ‘forever’ means in the beginning of the 21st century). The social as well as the commercial sphere is changing too quickly for us to figure out, and, well, honestly we’re just not that smart to understand in what ways we’re being manipulated, controlled and generally taken advantage of at this time by “free” or seemingly harmless services.  I hope you can understand, though: all these huge companies who are operating as monopolies (mostly in the digital plane) at the same time working with the secret services of the world or using us in other mostly unknown nefarious ways are just scaring me. No corporation can inspire my trust. That’s all.

I hope you can understand and won’t block me from playing Civilization V because I told you these things. You know I still love you. Right?

Map of Metal

This looks like it could be the world map off Brütal Legend. This gives a heavy clue of what to expect right from the start. What we’ve got here is a very interesting example of cultural representation, this time on the history of heavy metal and all the different music genres it spawned, complete with music playlists you can just leave playing and go on doing your thing. It’s an excellent, excellent job. Very cool.

Map of Metal

Also, allow me to do the map dance. I do it whenever I see unique, strange, accurate or just plain well-made maps! What might the map dance look like, you ask?

*does map headbanging*

Μουσικά μπουντρούμια

Αν διαβάσετε το τελευταίο post της Άλεξ θα δείτε ότι το έγραφε απο το εργαστήριο υπολογιστών του ΤΜΣ. Αυτές τις γραμμές τις γράφω αυτή την στιγμή υπο τις ίδιες ακριβώς συνθήκες, μπορεί ίσως και απο τον ίδιο υπολογιστή! Είμαι βλέπετε και εγώ τώρα στα έγκατα του κόσμου της μουσικής… Και αυτη την στιγμή ακούω ντουέτο ντραμς και γυναικείο τραγούδι (σαν… σοπράνο είναι;) και επίσης ένα φλάουτο! Τώρα δεν ξέρω αν είναι το ίδιο φλάουτο που εκνέυριζε την Άλεξ πριν έναν περίπου μήνα…

Είμαι εδώ ψάχνοντας για υλικό για τις ΠΑΡΑ πολλές εργασίες μου για την σχολή: διαγράμματα ροής για πολιτιστική αναπαράσταση, οδηγίες για draggable backgrounds στο flash, ιδέες για animation… Τα πράγματα έχουν σφίξει και δεν χαλαρώνουν ακόμα και όταν έρχομαι επιτέλους στην Κέρκυρα! Τέταρτο έτος όμως είναι αυτό πλέον… Academia, όχι αστεία.

Και με αυτά τα λόγια, συνεχίζω, όσο προλαβαίνω με το λιγοστό ίντερνετ που έχω στην διάθεση μου απο αυτές τις ωραίες μέρες που είμαι εδώ, την αναζήτηση προς την γνώση.

Η σκέψη ότι ψάχνω,  εδώ, σε ένα κτίριο του Ιονίου Πανεπιστημίου, υλικό για εργασίες που έχω απο το Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου, στην άλλη άκρη της Ελλάδας, ενώ γύρω μου σε διάφορες αίθουσες μουσικοί κάνουν ακριβώς το ίδιο πράγμα αλλά με άλλο αντικείμενο, με γεμίζει με μια παράξενη αίσθηση… ολότητας.

Ποιός να μου το έλεγε πριν τρία χρόνια ότι εδώ θα ξαναεπέστρεφα…

BTW  και κλείνω: Η ΛΕΣΧΗ ΤΗΣ ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑΣ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΑΠΙΣΤΕΥΤΟΤΑΤΗ και είναι πολλά επίπεδα πάνω απο τα χάλια της Μυτιλήνης. Εδώ σαν εξω-πανεπιστημιακός δίνω 1,20 ευρώ για κάθε γεύμα όμως τουλάχιστον το ευχαριστιέμαι! Δεν θα είχα κανένα απολύτως πρόβλημα να δίνω αυτά τα χρήματα και στην Μυτιλήνη για την ίδια γεύση, ποιότητα, ποικιλία, ευκολία και ΣΑΛΑΤΕΣ!

The top 250 best movies of all time Map

Also from (I just found it linked there, it’s not hosted there), I found the following.


Based on the Top 250 movies on IMDB, June 2009.