Originally posted on our EVS in Sofia City Library blog.

On June 23rd we celebrated Jāņi together with our Latvian friends, which is their celebration of midsummer, complete with fires, homemade cheese, beer (very important) and attempting to stay up until sunrise – whoever fails to do so is cursed with sleepiness for a year, at least in Latvian tradition. What is important to note here is that of course the night of June 23rd in the high latitudes of Latvia isn’t more than 3 or 4 hours long, which means that Jāņi doesn’t translate so well for countries that aren’t situated quite as close to polar bears and baby harp seals as the Baltics are – call me Bulgaria. Some of us made the brave attempt, but the idea of sleeping around the fire, or in custom hammocks, beat the spirits of all but the toughest.

The celebration took place in a summer house on Stara Planina close to Rebrovo, which is in a forested valley next to Sofia. It never ceases to surprise me with how many beautiful spots of nature, mountains, lakes, rivers and forests, exist no farther away than a single hour’s trip from Bulgaria’s beating heart.

A taste of the 40-minute train ride, together with Janis, Rian, Zanda and Vicente.

Latvian homemade “cheese”
What? ZANDA is evolving!
So much green… Jāni had his day
Wild strawberries! City boy was excited!
Picking flowers for the Jāņi crowns

After the sun set, the fireflies came out to play. Some of us, including myself, had never seen a firefly before, and that we were excited doesn’t even begin to describe it. The attempt of a video above doesn’t remotely do the experience justice, but at least you can catch part of the vibe, especially played by the sound of the chatter of the crickets and the song of other little creatures of the night.

I’ll leave you with an interesting observation: Greece, Bulgaria, Spain, Latvia, Denmark and I’m sure further countries still, all share the same obviously pagan celebration on the same day – the summer solstice – but it’s everywhere under the guise of the same obviously christian name: St. John’s. Vicente’s theory is that the pagan festival had existed everywhere in Europe since ancient times, and very early on in its history christianity decided to keep it intact in order to not not alienate the recently-converted pagans. It added, however, the “front” of the christian saint to more covertly incorporate the old celebration to its own traditions. Who knows?

POLYGLOT DIARY — 24/6/2014

I’m very happy to say that yesterday was the first time in my entire life I saw fireflies with my very own eyes! They were so pretty. Completely magical. I will upload the videos I took soon, although I severly doubt they will show anything that might capture even 10% of the magic of the moment.

We were in the mountains for the Latvian midsummer celebration together with – you guessed it – Latvians. A bonfire, crowns of flowers, homemade cheese, copious amounts of beer – that one not Latvian, unfortunately)and brave attempts to pull an all-nighter were made, as traditionally, if you don’t stay up to see the sunrise, you will be sleepy for the rest of the year. In Latvia it’s much easier to pull an all-nighter on that day, when the night is 3-4 hours long; in Bulgaria it was a slightly different story! At least I got to sleep in a hammock. Really, if you’re ever looking for a hippie pagan nation, Latvia is it. Great people all around.

Greece tonight also got through to the second round of the World Cup. I was listening to the match from NERIT’s webradio (I still hate that name. I wonder whether people have already forgotten what happened last year), and the moment when Samaras scored the penalty kick was one of those moments when I get why football is so well-loved around the world. I don’t really know or care if they deserved it or if Ivory Coast deserved to win instead, and neither do I believe that it means much, but I’m happy, because people in my environment are happy, even just for a moment. That’s my interpretation as far as why I wanted Greece to win. It’s not that I’m proud of the team – it’s not me who is playing – or the fact that the players are Greeks. It’s nothing like that. It’s the fact that people, other Greeks, the group of people I identify most with – for better or worse -, or one of the most important things I have in common with some of the people I’m closest to, think it’s important and are influenced by it. Or maybe they don’t really think it’s important and are like me a little bit, wanting everyone to be happy. So I want us to all be happy, even if the reason is silly and inconsequential like our national team winning a stupid game.

This is getting too complicated and I don’t have the mind to think or try to explain my thoughts. I’ll stop now.

POLYGLOT DIARY — 22/6/2014

Има много тексти, че съм пишал по български тези дни, но още не ги съм поставал тук.

Скоро ще купувам нов лаптоп, и през уикенд търсих и четих критики за най-евтино и едновременно най-добро разтваряне, нещо, че ще използвам за работа и игри за много години още . Мисля, че намирах го накрая.  Утре говорих с човека от магазина на компютри и отивеше много добре. Радвам се, защото говоря с помощници по-често, и бързо уча български. Елена и Боряна помагат много, и другите и аз ходим на уроките с веселие.

C помоща на Memrise, също уча да пиша с клавиатурата, но още много бббааавввеееннн съм. няма проблем, добро нещото закъснява да стане! :Ъ

POLYGLOT DIARY – 15/6/2014

Heute waren wir für das erste Mal in Pernik. Wir haben dort unseren Freunden Kuba und Anna, bzw. aus Polen und Österreich, gesehen. Es war echt schön: Theaterspieler, Obstsalat, Kirschen, Pizza, unseren Länderfähnen ans Gesicht schminken (ich musste dieses Wort in dict.cc suchen…)

Kennen sie Kasetophono? Es ist mein neuester und bester Weg online Musik zu hören. Die Auswahl von dem Stücken ist phänomenal. Hat nur eine Person alles dieses gemacht, alle diese Wiedergabeliste zusammengebracht?

Ich wollte nicht etwas besonders heute schreiben, aber meine Anforderung sagt ich muss dass doch machen! Es ist zu spät und ich bin ja müde, ich will BSG ansehen, ich kann einfach nicht konzentrieren. Ich habe sowieso viel diesem Sonntagabend gearbeitet. Trotzdem, hier ist es. Bist du denn zufrieden, Arschloch Selbst von 8. Mai?

NS: Griechenland – Kolumbien = 3-0/ Oops! Niederländer gegen Spanien war aber ein grossartiges Spiel. Die knusprige Blase hat nochmal das gut noch besser gemacht.

POLYGLOT DIARY – 11/6/2014

Sí! Os dije que esta vez tendría la claviatura internacional! ÓωΌ

Estos días tenemos el trabajo de guardar una exhibición de arte en la biblioteca. Es siete horas cada día, así que cada uno de nosotros tiene de quedarse en la galería por 3-4 horas. Para mí no es problema para nada, porque puedes dejarme en una habitación con un libro por horas sin que proteste. Hoy hice un mucho de bulgaro – tengo ahora un libro para aprender bastante bueno, era un regalo – y seguí leer PiHKAL. De verdad, muy poco gente hoy aceptaría lo que Shulgin quiería compartir. El daño ya está hecho. Pero, bueno, el mundo está cambiando rapidamente, y claro que no son solamente malas cosas parte de este cambio. Quizás pronto vamos a ver pasos grandes al dirección de “vive y deja vivir”.

Mi grupo de discurso en inglés hoy era totalmente lleno de gente! Estaba completamente loco! Parece que todos, ahora que hace tanto calor, les apetecía por algo más tranquilo! Pondría aquí fotos también, pero estoy demasiado aburrido de cojer mi camera, pasar las fotos, encargarlas etc. Debéis que creerme, la gente simplemente seguió venir… Tan gracioso!

Después de eso, también vimos Vivir Es Fácil Con Los Ojos Cerrados en Cine Lumier. Era en español con sutítulos bulgaros, que era interesante para tratar de entender y era buena practica. Andalucía es tan bonita. Dicen que el pasado es un país extranjero. Lo sentí con esa peli. Y después, cuando salimos del cine, vivimos un grande tormenta que puso el cielo entero casi negro.

Los ojos se cierran…


Es wird schwieriger und schwieriger, alles im Gleichgewicht zu bringen. Und, wenn ich “alles” sage, meine ich: mein neuestes Experiment mit NoSurf, dass ich erst für 4 Tage versuchen habe (und es ist nicht so schwer, wie ich gedacht hatte); die 7×7 Anforderung, Bulgarisch – so viel wie möglich-, ausgehen, mein kleines Rakun denken, jetzt noch mehr, wenn ich mit ihm nicht so leicht reden oder chatten kann. Ich frage mich, ob alle diese Spannung (und vielleicht die wichtigste Sache von meinen Monaten in Bulgarien underbewusst vermeiden) lohnt sich.

Diese Tage waren hier ein Paar von Zandas Freunde, die den ganzen Weg von Latvia bis hier mit Autostopp gefahren sind. Ich habe es sehr interresant gefunden – sowieso finde ich Autostopp sehr toll – also habe ich ihnen gebeten, einen Interview mit ihnen machen. Einer Tag wird ich ihn hochladen, wenn ich mit den anderen Teilen des Podcasts fertig bin… Sehen sie, was ich meine, wenn ich sage, dass es schwieriger und schwieriger wird? Ich habe auch andere Aufnahme von einem Paar Konzerten, wohin wir heute und gestern gegangen sind. “Langsam langsam!”, als wir in Griechenland sagen mögen. Ich frage mich, ob etwas ähnliches, im Geist und in der Mentalitát, auch in Deutschland geben könnte… Bin ich ein bisschen zu stereotypisch?

Raider II ist so ein tolles Lied, gerade höre ich es nach langer Zeit zu. Ich habe viele Male geschrieben, wie ich so merkwürdig finde, dass Steven Wilson als Musikant nicht weiter bekannt ist. Na ja, ich kann mir vorstellen, dass viele Leute das gleiche sagten, oder schon sagen, wenn ihren Lieblingssänger nicht von anderen gewürdigt wäre. Wer weisst, was von Musik das ich lieben würde, nie werde ich zuhören. Das Leben ist nicht so kurz, aber trotzdem ist es, um alles zu entdecken.

Am Dienstag bin ich nach vielen Tagen endlich gelaufen, aber ich konnte sogar nur 20 Minuten gehen – warum, weiss ich nicht. Ich war sehr enttäuscht darüber… Allerdings habe ich mich heute gefreut, weil ich 10,5km in weniger als 60 Minuten gelaufen bin. Das ist mein bester Tag bis jetzt.

Ich schreibe, und ich schreibe, und so geht es. Schreiben auf Deutsch braucht Zeit, weil ich alles so gut wie möglich beschreiben will, und wie wenige Fehler so möglich machen (eine Kindheit von Overcorrecting – das ist mich), und das Schriff und das Denken benutzen, um zu üben. Auch wenn ich deshalb sehr langsam schreibe, weil ich die ganze Zeit online Lexikons und solche Sache benutzen brauche, es macht mir vielen Spass. Deutsch gibt mir ein sehr einzigartiges Gefühl, dass ich damit komplett and kreativ mich äussern kann.


For music, if you need some.

The simple fact of the matter is that I’m sick of the internet.

Got your attention?

I’ve been wanting to write this post for the past several days. It came to me when my laptop stopped working for a day, and I was somehow relieved that I had an excuse not to check my e-mail, my facebook, follow through with my obligations. In truth, I think I’ve wanted to write this for the past several years, but the time was never just right – or I was not ready to take things seriously.

Now the time is right. I know because I’ve had this heavy feeling in the greater area of my heart and stomach all day, the same bodily sensation I get every time I get the urgency to publish something important for me. In fact, it’s the exact same feeling I get before I ask a girl I like out, have an exam coming, or need to make a phone call to somebody I’ve never met before. It’s the flinch, but it’s funny how a simple sudden need to write something makes me experience the same physical reactions to insecurity, the knowledge of what’s to come, the question of whether it will be accepted or rejected (tell me again, which one’s worse?)

Before you say anything, I know. I know all that. All of it. I’ve had my life shaped by being online, guided by it. If there was a poster child for this brand new technology 30 years ago, I could have been it. I even studied the thing in university, both from a more theoretical, humanistic perspective and a drier, technical approach. The only reason I believe I might not be the most suitable person to talk about it today is that every day, to I’ put it politely, I’m becoming less of a fan.

To give you a rough idea of how long I’ve been a user, I have had access to the internet generally available to me since I was 8 years old – my father’s 28.8kbps with GroovyNet. That meant web surfing about twice a month on the weekends I used to spend with that side of my family. All I would search for on AltaVista or Yahoo would be related to Nintendo, Mario or Donkey Kong. I’m talking about 1997 here.

I’m not going to say more about my own personal history and milestones of net use (i.e. when I made my first e-mail address, when I first had a net connection of my very own, my first online game, my first download from P2P networks or my first social network account, even the first post on this very website), for the very simple reason that, for the majority of my life, these internet-related milestones had been so closely connected (heh) to my real-life history, that any attempt of recording or writing about them would be like trying to write something about my life the past 15 or so years in general. The boundaries between online and offline life would be arbitrary. It would be like a book no-one wants to read, because they have their own sitting right next to them.

I won’t go into details about how the internet is important today, either, but I will do a rough run down. We all know about it more or less: it’s the fastest growing (tele)communications technology in the history of our species, at least as far as we know; it has created new dynamics in virtually every field, accelerating change in unprecedented rates and paving the way for greater shifts yet; it has proven a disruption in the status quo, an experiment gone wild, an almost unharnessable beast with inner workings that global capitalist, democratic, free market societies weren’t prepared for and still don’t know how to manage.

For human communities and communication, it’s been the culmination of all human inventions to this point, the convergence of all human endeavours to create this network of everything, everywhere, a single entity that contains the entirety of our heritage and makes it available to all. It’s the connection of anybody with anybody else. In 20 years – less! – we’ve created this thing, this pulsing, vibrating cybernetic superconstruction that would make science fiction writers of just 30 years ago pee themselves with excitement and anticipation. We live in the future!

How do you, personally, feel about that? Do you realise what important times we live in? Speaking for myself, writing the above gave me a rushing sensation, just for a second there. It was surprising, to tell you the truth: the net nowadays has been making me little more than numb.

Which brings me to my initial point. I’m sick of it.

Rant incoming.

I’m sick of Facebook. Sick of everybody obsessing over themselves so much. Sick of selfies, sick of  cries of attention which are answered by other, louder cries for attention. Sick of how our stupidity, our short-sightedness hasn’t been cured or at least lessened by our newfound ability to communicate more efficiently than ever, but instead we’ve inadvertently used these tools to make stupidity travel harder, better, faster, stronger.

I’m sick of having to think about checking my multiple e-mail accounts, their unusually high number explainable by my taste for playing around with nicknames and forever tranforming identities, and my peculiar distaste for comfortably centralising my communications. Call me also slightly paranoid – I’m sick of that too. I’m sick of having to worry about not replying as soon as possible, sick of “not having checked my e-mail” not counting as an excuse anymore. Who cares if I really don’t have a smartphone – for how much longer still unknown?

I’m sick of the routine of it. Checking the same site again and again, the pointless refresh. If I’m going to do something in the morning, why does it have to be checking the false news of a false world on a website full of shills paid to swerve public opinion this way and that? Do I really need to know what’s happening, all the time, if I can only ever remember so little of it, talk about less of it and act on almost nothing of it? If the net is the most democratic medium we have, what happens when, after everyone and their grandmother has facebook and can make their comment and opinion public for all to see and be somehow influenced by, the same shit we experience in everyday life is copied to the web?

I’m sick of a web, a “democracy”, where trolls set the scene and have the upper hand, sick of pitiful little men that externalise their social anxieties and complexes in a space that can’t really harm them, being the driving force in some of the worst cybercultural phenomena we get to see online. But I wish it was just trolls: I’m sick of everybody’s self-centered non-trolling opinions, too. If we give everyone a voice online, we should be able to call the bullshit. But why do our bullshit detectors work so much less effectively online than in real life? Isn’t it a little bit like the mere fact that somebody’s doing something online, it’s given more validity than if it were done offline? Is that just the novelty of the medium that will soon pass? It’s no wonder @AvoidComments exists and that some sites have disabled their comments features altogether…

I’m sick of people smugly declaring they don’t have a television when asked if they’ve heard of the news on this or that celebrity, but they spend more time watching Youtube videos or TV series than they ever spent on watching classic old WeTube in the past.

I’m sick of writing “I’m sick of”, so I’m going to externalise and project a little bit here.

How do you feel about having to stack up against the whole world with your creativity? How many times have you had a great idea but did nothing to make it happen, because the thought that “somebody else must have done it already” killed it on the spot, and to make matters worse, you googled it just to be sure and somebody else had already executed it 5 times better than what you had even conceived of, sending you even farther down that internal pit? How does that make you feel? Why?

When was the last time you talked to each of those tens of Skype/MSN/whatever friends? Are you still interested in what they’re doing? Would you consider that the internet is bringing you closer to them?

How about reading? What was the best article you read the past week? The past month? No, you’re not allowed to look up your browser history. Go on, tell me what it said. What’s that? You can’t?

The pictures you have online, things you wrote a while ago, all that… Do you ever consider that people looking up your name have access to that and can paint a mental picture of who you are now based on who you were 5 years ago? In another 5 years or 10 years from now, these numbers will have skyrocketed. Do you want that? How does it make you feel? For me it used to be really stressful that somebody might have the wrong idea of who I am (I have some form of social anxiety IRL about being misunderstood and rejected, which translates in interesting ways in the webosphere) but there’s increasingly nothing I can do and I’ve just sort of embraced the fluidity. You can’t win them all anyway. I suppose you just have to live with your everything being public and always be appropriately mindful of your actions online.

All this makes it very hard to disown things you did and said in the past, however. We’re not allowed to purge, which is I think very normal behaviour we should be encouraging more, and neither are we allowed to change as people; if we change we instantly create inconsistencies across the various existing representations of us online. If I wish to stop using the name cubilone, for example, because I no longer identify with what the name carries with it, who will be the tens of cubilones you can find on the web?

Talking about public, have you been finding it more stressful to decide what you should be sharing and what not? I have been very bad with sharing lately, and don’t consider most details about my current life as worth sharing with others, including things I would definitely post here in the past. Remember, though: I’ve had the ‘mension for almost 7 years. Who’s not to change his or her habits in that time?

But no, I’m talking also about sites like Tumblr, Pinterest etc. Sites that force the whole damn interestnet (read that again carefully) down your virtual gullet before you’ve even had the chance to blink/chew. Tumblr especially is excellent at making you insensitive to beauty. Time and time again I’ve caught myself and others scrolling down the feed, giving a split second of attention to pictures that under different conditions would have made it to our desktop background. What happened? Have we forgotten to stop and appreciate? If we haven’t yet, I reckon we’re well on our way down that path.

I’ve talked and written about the web and infinite novelty before but, as you can see if you click on that link, I wasn’t able to limit my susceptibility to it in the 7 months that have passed since the post above. It’s a dangerous thing that can silently devastate a mind such as mine that feeds on new ideas and connections and is always on the lookout for the novel and the untried. Indulging myself in infinite novelty feels right, more or less because surrendering myself to it is one of my strongest habits, but at this point I think it’s time I admitted that it’s poisonous for my creativity and my ability to concentrate; it’s detrimental for my already distracted personality constantly spread thin, and it’s bad for my mental health, my relationships and happiness in general.

Does any of this resonate with you at all?

Good. It’s time we did something about it, don’t you agree?

I’ve decided to do it the hard way, since everything else I’ve tried to this day has more or less failed. I will use the internet less – I will force myself to use it less. Everything: skyping, downloading, facebooking, e-mails, checking up on that book I learned about earlier in the day, writing on the blog, working on my sites… Everything.

At this point, I want to make it clear that I don’t think the internet is all bad. It’s an extremely powerful tool that can be used to do incredible things, spread world-changing ideas or just help people keep in touch, and it’s very practical, too. I’m not saying we should forfeit all the great things the internet has brought in our lives – at this point we can hardly turn back, anyway. What I’m trying to say with this post is that the power of the internet has to be harnessed. One has to be smart about using it and not surrender oneself to its siren song. I believe that by dramatically limiting my access to it I will be in the position to use it more purposefully, and I believe so would you.

My internet access days will be Wednesdays and Saturdays. I might add another day or two for emergency Skype calls that can’t be avoided, but generally, this will be it. I will keep it up for at least the next 24 days, the duration of the rest of my 7×7 challenge, but I aim to keep it up past that point.

This is a personal experiment, but I wish to find other people to join me in this quixotic quest. Will you take a stand with me, friends?



A few weeks ago, while looking on Reddit for some material on how to get motivated and disciplined, I stumbled upon this comment on this submission:


TLDR; in order to make a new habit stick, just try to do it every day for 7 weeks – 49 days. The catch? You have to have a card like a calendar on which you’ll physically draw a big red X on and for each day you’ve worked on your habit.

Like this:

From this guy: www.reddit.com/r/theXeffect/comments/21mv06/told_myself_id_post_this/
From this guy: www.reddit.com/r/theXeffect/comments/21mv06/told_myself_id_post_this/

The above comment became such a hit (notice the 4× Reddit gold? That’s having won the internet) that it inspired a whole new subreddit, theXeffect, and even a whole new website dedicated to this idea, fortyninedays.com.

As you might have realised by now, I like this sort of challenge thingies, because they help me structure my life, which in its normal state makes a random splotch of red paint on a wall look like the epitome of predictability and order.

So I decided to try it.

On May 8th I made not one, not two, but four cards. I thought it would be challenging, but entirely feasible.

3 weeks + 1 day later, this is the state of things:


The habits I thought I wanted to make permanent in myself by using these cards are:

  • Making a daily sketch;
  • Watching something in the languages I’m studying;
  • Writing something apart from morning pages every day, be it posts, poems or working on those stories I have in my head;
  • Meditating.

Some of these daily habits were more successful in their conception than others.

The state of things right now is that, as you can probably see, it’s become pretty difficult to stick to my goal. Week 1 was more ore less smooth sailing, but since then I have been finding myself more and more in situations where I just can’t focus on my tasks, be it because of oversocialising (here in Sofia it has come to the point where there’s almost never a time when we don’t have a guest staying over – which means going out with them, spending time together etc, on top of the usual EVS chaotic experience), travelling, internet distraction…

Three weeks in, as things are now, I think I can safely say that I have bitten off more than I can chew . Two of the habits are creative, one needs me to clear my head from all the day’s little nagging things (which I’ve always found very difficult, hence I’ve found meditation to be so demanding and never really stuck to it) and the other needs me to have at least a block of undistracted 45 minutes to spare every day in front of a screen. It sounds easy enough, but my life right now is so disorganised (perhaps for good) that I’m struggling to find even the structure needed to work on structuring it!

The most trouble I’ve had with creative writing, which is just too broad a term. I combined it with writing something in the languages I’m learning at the moment, which has culminated into my polyglot diaries, but this doesn’t seem to be working out right now, since it’s already been a week since I wrote anything for them. At least today’s X has already been taken care of by me writing this post.

My progress on the rest of the challenges isn’t in much better shape: watching something in a different language has been reduced to watching Battlestar Galactica with Bulgarian subtitles – I don’t have the patience to watch anything else dubbed -, after many days, it was only yesterday that I sketched anything apart from logos or plants, and my meditations have been so full of inner noise I often come out more stressed out than I was when I went in. It’s adviseable to meditate in only certain altered states: experience says that mild-to-moderate drunkenness is not one of them.

I wanted to share my progress on this because I think it’s time I did something to make these challenges a priority. What is that which is most direcly influencing the way I spend my time, how much free time I think I have, and what I do with it? What is it that is so deeply influencing my capability of finding and creating stillness, the flow of my creative juices, my focus on my EVS and my language studying – in other words, how I use my alone time?

POLYGLOT DIARY – 23/5/2014

Opa! El proximo post en espaniol! Pfff, seguir escribir sin el enie se siente muy… extranio!

Pues, ahora puedo escribir con un poco mas detalles, asi que el ultimo post del diario poligloto era en bulgaro.

Estoy aqui en Sofia. Vicente no esta aqui, esta en Espania por estos dias y estar en la habitacion solo es una sensacion que casi habia olvidado. En lugar de el, Niina la finlandesa nos esta visitando. Las otras chicas de Shar Planina 55 y ella estan en todo tiempo juntas. Ahora mismo que estoy escribiendo estas lineas, han salido en los bares sofianos con intenciones salvajes! Despues las ultimas semanas, puedo decir seguramente que necesito mas tiempo solo con la presencia y la amistad de mi mismo. Eso creo que es lo mas que me falta aqui.

Hoy y el dia penultimo corri 9-10 kilometros, cerca una hora… Lentamente pero seguramente (se puede decir esto en espaniol?) me preparo para algun semimaraton. Encontre un bueno estadio de entrada gratis, y, aunque no esta en buena condicion, ya me gusta mucho ir alli, correr bajo del sol de mayo sin camiseta.

Siempre siento que tengo demasiadas cosas de hacer, y cada dia el estres de muchas obligaciones poquitas se anada y se hace grande. No se que podria hacer para organizar mi vida mejor. Incluso ahora me parece que he olvidado algo, algo importante… Sin embargo, mi nuevo libro sobre el MBTI lo dice: los INFPs tienen problemas con equilibrio entre todas las cosas que necesitan su atencion. El P… El P crea todos los problemas! Demonios!

Antes poco tratamos con Rena y Daphne jugar Civilization IV sobre el internet… Y lo conseguimos… por los primeros veinte minutos o tal. Mi laptop, que ya tiene casi 5 anios, no puede llevar un juego de casi una decada. Bueno, cuando lo compre, ya no estuviera muy actual para nada. No se, mi relacion con mi laptop es bastante mala estos dias. Dejo todos mis archivos en el escritorio, no trato de organizar ni mis fotografias.

Lei algo muy pertinente en el libro de Benny Lewis que estoy leyendo estos dias, Fluent in Three Months.Originalmente es en ingles, por supuesto, pero en espaniol seria algo asi:

La disciplina simplemente significa elegir entre lo que quieres ahora y lo que quieres mas.

Debo de admitirlo, tengo dificuldades hacer la distincion…

POLYGLOT DIARY – 21/5/2014

Пффф вече има 4 дни от последен път че пишах в моят полиглот дайяри и тези е най-трудно от всички езиците койте мога да говоря – горе долу – о да пиша.

Пиша изречени вземе повеце от 20 минути… Моят Цел №1 за сега е да съсредоточавам се на български езикът. Радвам се че има творчески начни за да се прави го.

тези малки до сега.