Enter the Void

Yesterday I watched Enter the Void.

This film tells the story of a drug dealer-addict in Tokyo that dies while tripping on DMT. He subsequently has the “longest and biggest trip of his life”, together with an Out of Body Experience. After his death, he flies around in Tokyo, watching his sister and close people and how they have dealt with his death.

Some say Enter the Void is meant to be an experience, like a LSD or DMT trip would (even if some say DMT is misrepresented in the film) and is not made to make the audience feel empathy, serenity or any kind of feeling apart from disturbance or boredom. This movie had way too much needless sex — I mean, if you had died, why would you go around looking at your sister fucking? Yes, our… hero does that a lot. And other people fucking of course, lots and lots of them. Then, the question arises: has he really died, or is it just the biggest DMT trip of his life? For starters, it is said (and stressed in the film) that DMT is secreted in every person’s brains when they die. Apart from those unlucky few who have their heads pulverised by a shotgun or something, of course. We get a good look at Tokyo’s underground (strip) club and drug scene and many emotional or startling moments from which we feel detached.

I cannot decide what to think about this movie. It’s way too long and the last part is a long, redundant, boring trip (some compare it with 2001: A Space Odyssey. Just throw some sex in there). The technical aspect of it though is top-notch. I asked myself “how the hell did they film that?!” many, many times over.


The psychedelic effects are also very intense (if you suffer from any kind of epilepsy, avoid ever EVER watching this film. You will probably have several fits, possibly at the same time). For the rest of us, it’s quite a trip.

Which leaves me wondering: is the whole point of the film merely to emulate a psychedelic trip? It sort of succeeds doing that. But it fails being a cohesive cinematic experience. If you want to look at this as an experience –no added adjectives–, you might find it enjoyable. If you’d rather look at it as a film with a particular structure, the common meaning of the word, you’ll be itching to press the fast forward button.

I don’t know what to make of this. It’s a film you can’t not feel strongly about, one way or the other. It’s so unlike anything I’ve ever seen but I wouldn’t feel like watching again some parts of it which were absolutely frustrating in their repetitiveness. A part of me hated it. Another part of me hates to kind of liked it. And another part of me absolutely loved it. This trichotomy, for me, is an indication that at least there’s something about this movie that might be easy to miss or you just need to be in the right (very possibly altered) state of mind to fully appreciate.

Digital Nation

Very thought-provoking documentary about the implications of “technology” (read: web) in mass culture, communication, wars (maybe the C-130 mission in Modern War was closer to reality than comfort), “multitasking”… The mere fact that you will probably not watch this because it’s too long and people suggested another couple of movies for you to watch today already is pretty much the point.What’s the last time you switched off your PC? That you really focused on reading, or doing something else without having the urge to mess around? That you went out without your smart-phone? How long can you go without Internet? Come join me in sad realisations…

The official site

Skyward Sword and Zelda hype

A triumph. 10/10 (early EDGE Magazine review)


As if that wasn’t enough (it really is):

I might just love Skyward Sword because it’s the first Zelda with a fully orchestrated OST! The main theme is already etched in my head (maybe because it’s Zelda’s Lullaby in reverse? That alone brings me goose-bumps!)

What a time to love this music! It wasn’t but a few days ago people in LA and London enjoyed the Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony Concerts… I’d post a few videos that have popped up on the ‘tube but they’re sure to be pulled down by Nintendo.

I don’t mind though because I have eyes firmly set on this.

I will only get to play it a whole month after it comes out. Maybe for the better: I wouldn’t want to spend my last month in Denmark playing Zelda… would I? If I don’t, I’m going to spend all Christmas avoiding friends that persistently will want to see me after 5 months.

Maybe, in the Information & Media Studies library, where they said they’d put some consoles for people to… do research… maybe there I can…*barely audible, almost insane laughter*

But no, no, I must not make these thoughts now, I have to finish A Link to the Past on ZSNES. I must be a good Zelda fan. Yes, that’s what I’m going to do.

Until November 18th, feast your eyes on this:

September’s GamesMaster had a 1,5m poster of this as a freebie. Did I buy the issue just for the poster when I found it in a Presbyrån in Stockholm? Did I? *another very scary bout of silent laughter*


«Τι Άλλο Πρέπει Να Κάνουν;…»

Εγώ ήμουν η αυγοβόλος

Πω πω! Ένα αυγό στον καναπέ μου! [κείμενο γραμμένο με αφορμή την αυγοβολή — το τέλειο σχόλιο]


Η 33χρονη φοιτήτρια

Αυτό το είπε ο κ. Δήμαρχος και ήθελε να τονίσει βέβαια και από την δικιά του μεριά ότι η συγκεκριμένη διαμαρτυρόμενη κοπέλα για την πολιτική τής κυβέρνησης είναι μια αιώνια φοιτήτρια (θεωρώντας κι αυτός ότι είναι άνευ σημασίας να ρωτήσει πότε άρχισε τις σπουδές της και σε ποιο στάδιο βρίσκεται), ότι είναι με λίγα λόγια ένα κοινωνικό παράσιτο όπως και όλοι(-ες) που αποδοκιμάζουν την κυβερνητική πολιτική. Αν ρωτάτε πάλι για πόσο ηλίθιους μας περνάνε, η απάντηση είναι γνωστή: δεν τους ενδιαφέρει πια αν τους πιστεύουμε.

Αντιπαρέρχομαι το γεγονός ότι και έτσι να ήταν εγώ δεν ξέρω τι λόγο έχουν πια οι φοιτητές(-ριες) να βιάζονται να τελειώσουν. Για να μεγαλώνουν τις ουρές στον ΟΑΕΔ; Αφού για τη συγκεκριμένη κοπέλα ξεκαθαρίστηκε πάντως ότι δεν είναι φοιτήτρια, σφραγίδα της ηλικίας που της έβαλε ο κ.Δήμαρχος της έμεινε κι ας υπήρξαν πλήθος οι διαμαρτυρίες για τις δηλώσεις του. Μέχρι εκείνη τη στιγμή ήταν η Μαρίνα. Μετά έγινε η 33χρονη. 33χρονη την ανεβάζουν, 33χρονη την κατεβάζουν όχι μόνο τα ΜΜΕ αλλά και πολύς κόσμος πού δεν συνειδητοποιεί ότι μιλάει έτσι τη γλώσσα της εξουσίας που του έχει επιβληθεί από τα πάνω.

Αν και την χρησιμοποίησε, αυτή δεν είναι μια νοοτροπία που την επινόησε ο κ. Δήμαρχος.΄Ολο τον τελευταίο καιρό παρακολουθούμε με κατάπληξη εμείς της πλέμπας αυτή τη μανιακή εμμονή στις ηλικίες να έχει εξελιχτεί σε πραγματικό παραλήρημα.΄Ολοι οι άνθρωποι κατατάσσονται σε μια ηλικιακή κατηγορία σα να μην έχουν όνομα και σα να μην έχουν τίποτα άλλο που να τους καθορίζει. Κάποιους τους εξυπηρετεί βέβαια αυτό. Αντί να τους ονομάζουν: ο δολοφόνος, ο βιαστής, ο καταχραστής κλπ τους βολεύει σίγουρα να αποκαλούνται: ο 45χρονος.

Συχνά, πολύ συχνά, η αναφορά ενός ατόμου με την ηλικιακή του κατηγορία συνοδεύεται με απαξιωτικούς υπαινιγμούς όσο η ηλικία απομακρύνεται από τα 20 χρόνια, για να καταλήξει σε καθαρό ρατσισμό για τις μεγάλες ηλικίες, έναν ρατσισμό που δεν εντοπίζουν και δεν ασχολούνται μ’ αυτόν στις αντιρατσιστικές ομάδες γιατί δεν είναι προνόμιο κάποιας ακροδεξιάς οργάνωσης, αλλά διαπερνά όλον τον ιστό της κοινωνίας μαζί με άλλες ανάλογες ιδέες που για τον ίδιο λόγο δεν εντοπίζονται σαν ρατσιστικές. Και είναι μια νοοτροπία πολύ δύσκολο να καταπολεμηθεί γιατί εκπορεύεται από πανίσχυρους κύκλους που ελέγχουν και τα ΜΜΕ τα οποία φανατικά τις διαδίδουν.

Βέβαια αυτή η κατάταξη και προσφώνηση των ατόμων πού έχουν χάσει το όνομά τους σύμφωνα με την ηλικιακή τους κατηγορία, δηλώνει ταυτόχρονα ότι το συγκεκριμένο άτομο είναι ένα άτομο της μάζας, της πλέμπας, έξω από εξουσιαστικούς κύκλους και επομένως οποιαδήποτε άλλα χαρακτηριστικά ή επιτεύγματά του από τα καλύτερα ως τα χειρότερα, είναι “άνευ σημασίας”. Σ’ αυτά τα πλαίσια, η Μαρίνα μπορεί να ορίζεται σαν 33χρονη, ο κ.Όθωνας όμως και ο κ. Δήμαρχος συνεχίζουν να αναφέρονται με το όνομα ή με το αξίωμά τους. Και σε τίποτα δεν θα άλλαζε την ουσία αυτού του φαινομένου αν βγουν κάποια στιγμή, όπως συμβαίνει πολλές φορές με άτομα της δικιάς τους κατηγορίας, στα καλά καθούμενα και χωρίς κανείς να τους έχει ρωτήσει ή να ενδιαφέρεται να μάθει και πουν: είμαι τόσο χρονών για να δηλώσουν ότι ασπάζονται αυτήν την περίεργη νοοτροπία. Το ξέρουν καλά ότι εκείνοι ανήκουν στην ελίτ η οποία έχει διατηρήσει το δικαίωμα για τα μέλη της να έχουν όνομα, ενώ η Μαρίνα για τα ΜΜΕ θα μείνει σαν 33χρονη, μαζί με όλους(-ες) εμάς τους άνευ σημασίας, που μας έχουν μπαγλαρώσει στα συρτάρια πού έφτιαξαν για την περίπτωσή μας.


[πηγή: ΠΡΕΖΑ-ΤV]

τα της δίκης


Στην αρχή της διαδικασίας αναγνώστηκε φαξ από τον κ. Όθωνα που δικαιολογούσε λόγω ανειλημμένων υποχρεώσεων την απουσία του και λόγω της μεγάλης απόστασης της κατοικίας του από το χώρο της δίκης και ζητούσε την κανονική συνέχιση της διαδικασίας και τη δίωξή μου. Πέσαμε από τα σύννεφα. Τόσο για τη διάψευση της φήμης περί ανάκλησης της μήνυσης από έγκυρη πηγή που επεδίωκε προφανώς να μας βρει απροετοίμαστους, όσο και για τη θρασύτητα του κ. Όθωνα να μην κάνει καν τον κόπο να παρουσιάσει ισχυρά τεκμήρια για το ανέφικτο της παρουσίας του, όπως οφείλει να κάνει οποιοσδήποτε πολίτης.



Danish Diaries #9: Nordisk Panorama 2011 — Various shorts and The Green Wave

Some of the films I will remember from Nordisk Panorama 2011, a Nordic-centred film festival that took place in Aarhus.

From The Animation Workshop in Viborg. I’d love being an animator myself…

I regret this does not exist online in its entirety, I’m sure everyone would love it as much as I did. I still sing “Eg har klina med ein skallamann!” whenever I remember it, not caring about the risk of people misunderstanding me!

Eläimiä eläimille, a deliciously disgusting Finnish short. No trace of it exists online. I hope one day it does so it is available for all to see.

And the one that struck me the most, The Green Wave, on the forged elections of Iran in 2009 and the uprising that followed (click on the link just for the website design excellence, if regrettably you are not interested in the film itself).


Green is the color of hope. Green is the color of Islam. And green was the symbol of recognition among the supporters of presidential candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi, who became the symbolic figure of the Green Revolution in Iran last year. The presidential elections on June 12th, 2009 were supposed to bring about a change, but contrary to all expectations the ultra-conservative populist Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was confirmed in office. As clear as was the result, as loud and justified were the accusations of vote-rigging. The on-going Where is my vote? protest demonstrations were again and again worn down and broken up with brutal attacks by government militia. Images taken from private persons with their cell phones or cameras bear witness to this excessive violence: people were beaten, stabbed, shot dead, arrested, kidnapped, some of them disappearing without trace. What remains is the countless number of dead or injured people and victims of torture, and another deep wound in the hearts of the Iranians.

THE GREEN WAVE is a touching documentary-collage illustrating the dramatic events and telling about the feelings of the people behind this revolution. Facebook reports, Twitter messages and videos posted in the internet were included in the film composition, and hundreds of real blog entries served as reference for the experiences and thoughts of two young students, whose story is running through the film as the main thread. The film describes their initial hope and curiosity, their desperate fear, and the courage to yet continue to fight. These fictional ‘storylines’ have been animated as a motion comic – sort of a moving comic – framing the deeply affecting pictures of the revolution and the interviews with prominent human rights campaigners and exiled Iranians. Ali Samadi Ahadi’s documentary is a very contemporary chronicle of the Green Revolution and a memorial for all of those who believed in more freedom and lost their lives for that.

After watching The Green Wave in Øst for Paradis, the local cinephile theatre, there was a live Skype discussion with members of Amnesty International (one of them was in Iran in 2009) and Ramy Raoof, an activist from Egypt that leaked info out through Twitter during the “Arab Spring” (and still does). He tried to make clear the point that Facebook and Twitter, often used as the taglines of the Arab Spring by Western media, were not pivotal in organising the revolution; even after Mubarak had cut off the Internet and SMS, people of course used other means along side digital means. Ramy stressed that, even if Twitter and Facebook had not existed, the revolution would still have taken place…

…and added that, in Egypt today, the “temporary military government” after Mubarak has taken too many liberties and is not looking to be all that temporary at all…

 This film shook me as few have. Imagine living in a country where you could be tortured or killed just because you were out in the streets demanding your vote to count, where the government would stop at nothing to muff you or your blog. Where merely me posting this could be deemed a crime punishable by… well, any means necessary. Maybe it’s far too easy to imagine other countries having such horrible regimes. Anyone who has read or watched Persepolis will be familiar with Iran’s difficult recent past and to see that things have certainly not improved is at least troubling. It also made me think about our own situation in Greece and how far things could go before spiraling into a similar scenario… When Alex Grigoropoulos was shot in December 2008, Greece was in flames for a couple of days. What would happen if (young) people got shot every day? Would people still go out to protest? Or would our generation freeze in terror, remembering that real protest against governments caught with their pants down could very well mean very real death, or worse? I have to admit that I don’t know how I would act if faced with these options. Looking at all of history’s failed revolutions, I do not want to shed blood for a pre-determinedly lost cause. Hell, even if the cause was not lost, I don’t want to die! Would a successful revolution won with the blood of hopefuls be worth it? Is anything won with blood worth it?

Faunts – “M4 (Part II)” music video

First found out about this song from the credits of Mass Effect, like most people that like it. Didn’t know there was a music video until yesterday. Great stuff.

I have wondered about you
Where will you be when this through
If all goes as planned
Will you redeem my life again?

Fire the fields the weed is sown
Water down your empty soul
Wake the sea of silent hope
Water down your empty soul

Fight your foes you’re on your own
Holy war is on the phone
Asking to please stay on hold
The bleeding loss of blood runs cold

And I need you to recover
Because I can’t make it on my own