Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs

This is one of the few times that watching a movie has actually made me want to write a thing or two here.

I was prejudiced against “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs”. Ever since Mario told me of this “movie that has food falling from the sky”, I was very, very skeptical. I thought this movie would be a symbol of everything that’s wrong in our world. What a society creates to show to and entertain its children with, speaks wonders about what holds this society together. I thought watching this film would attack me with great and ugly revelations of this kind.

I decided to give this one a spin to see how right my prediction might have been (I rented it from Movieland. Hadn’t rented a movie for watching at home for months). Turns out I was both right and wrong.

This film is all about food falling down from the sky. Flint uses his invention not to help, let’s say, the poor places on Earth that have no food — not even his hometown’s famed sardines — but to raise the bar of his own community’s affluence, to feed every American on his island, that is to say, feed people hungry for all kinds of junk food. I saw lots of burgers, spaghetti, ice cream, eggs, hot dogs, meat, candy and similar examples of culinary exquisiteness but of course only little fruit or salad. You know, things that you can actually eat a lot of without getting sick or otherworldly fat. Things our parents always force us to eat to the point of torture only for us to discover the pleasures thereof with a minor delay of ca. 20 years.

All this I expected. I expected this movie to be all about junk food. But what I didn’t expect was the movie to actually be funny and good! It had excellent comedic timing, very smart one-liners, incredible visual gags, it was chock-full of double entendres (jokes the kiddies understand but with an extra layer of joke on top only the “grown-ups” will catch *wink*). It was, astonishingly for me, one of the best animated comedies I’ve seen, and not one I would imagine myself to have enjoyed 12 or 15 years ago. What’s even more interesting was that the whole “food falls from the sky” thing was a big double entendre all in itself. It contained a hidden message. The way the movie was presented made the “food falling from the sky” thing funny in film terms but totally unacceptable and irrational, dangerous in “real terms”. In other words, the film did criticise itself and the modern behaviours that were its source content but it only did so subtly and indirectly; brilliantly. The way people attack the food like maniacs, this crazy gleam in their eye; the way the mayor never seems to have had enough and keeps eating in his delusional binge… lots of tiny hints and easily missable jokes buried in there that get the point across. The way these people eat, munch, gobble up, what a part of their lives the rain becomes… This display of total obsession with food is in itself a comment, an attack to the culture that gave birth to the mere concept of this movie.

I expected others to had made the same observations as me, so I quickly hit IMDB to check up with other people’s opinions about the movie and see what their take was. I was shocked to discover that not only most people hadn’t noticed a single thing wrong about the whole film, they were insulting people that had actually made the same connections as me.

Alright check it out:
The town in the film is a characterization of America.

Science has allowed us to create an abundance of food (the water-food machine) but instead of using it to help the people who are starving we just use it to glorify our state, and over-eat.

Over the years portion sizes have gotten bigger and bigger (the “mutations”) as have americans waistlines (the mayor)

The food industry (the water-food machine in the atmosphere) has grown so powerful that it’s gotten out of hand and is defending itself against change, and elimination. But it’s become a monster and our food has begun to kill us because it’s no longer really food, but a strange “mutation” of it.

I found this pretty obvious, but no one else mentioned it.

Did you guys pick up on this?

The thread had few replies but mostly in agreement. However, one of the replies (the final one, to be exact), went like this:

Wow… english classes have really messed with peoples minds and caused them to try and find a hidden meaning behind everything. I believe you make a good point, but I think it was just a kids movie that was supposed to just entertain.

Most of the replies in this and whatever similar threads inviting people for a deeper discussion there was, were in a similar dismissive tone. People were saying that this film was pure entertainment! And just for kids! They were behaving to this film as if it was as I thought it would be before I had watched it: a cheap film for cheap laughs that pays no respect to the importance and gravity of its subject matter. But not as if not paying respect to food was a bad thing. “Man, it’s just food, chill”. Most people were really, honestly looking at it like that! I was appalled. Have a look at this thread of the same board as well (Meat is Murder). The level of intelligence shown within hits rock-bottom. Typical of IMDB boards, you might say. But in the end, IMDB boards are the minimum common denominator; if it’s discussed there, you could expect to have a similar discussion anywhere. IMDB boards capture the American zeitgeist perfectly. And it’s a sad, sad sight to behold.

If you’re wondering what the hell I might be talking about, a single sentence might be able to sum it up: Just imagine how people might have reacted to this movie during WWII. Or however entertaining a child (supposedly within this movie’s target group) dying of starvation might have found it.

Me after I visited the IMDB boards for "Cloudy..."


This story taught me a few things concerning over- and underestimation. I’ll let you figure out the rest. And while you’re at it, watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, have a great laugh and maybe we can start our own discussion in the comments!

OK, perhaps THAT’s overestimating.

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When I’m told to imagine
my vanity kills my creativity
When people look serious out of the blue
I try hard to bury my smile
When I’m told to listen closely
only my ears are really there
When they remind me that I have the power to destroy
my arms can only hug
When they say my existence means nothing
do they ever realise we’re partners in crime?
When affection is shoved down my throat
loneliness doesn’t seem so bad
When they tell me I’m late again
I wish they hadn’t bothered waiting
When they ask me “How are you?”
I never believe that’s really what they’d like to know

When they tell me to grow up
it’s like they’re suggesting I give up
When they keep telling me it’s not worth it
suddenly I want to make it so
When I think I’m unique
it’s next to remember that so does everyone else
When people talk about the value of life
cockroaches and livestock spring to mind
When they tell me I’m a good person
it’s as if they’re meaning to put me down
When they insist I am selfish
…what a funny thing to say
When I know it’s time to cry
knowing keeps my eyelids dry
When I leave a woman’s embrace
my hands can smell how I feel

When the impossible looks possible
the possible becomes trivial
When the possible looks trivial
the trivial becomes impossible
When all the world’s a stage
how does one get over stage fright?
When mind becomes self-conscious
that is when it drops un-conscious
When I think I’m going against the flow
a part of me pretends I’m going with it.
But when I’m not minding my own reflection
the sound of water says what I think.


Joined at the soul with a pair of headphones
We need nobody to let ourselves go
Always on my side as we rock a stage show
In an ocean of music we move with the flow

Her hand in my hand I don’t wanna let go
A partner in life on this mean old road
We got the wind on our back that blows
We can’t drift apart, we just move with the flow

Joined at the soul with a pair of headphones
We need nobody to let ourselves go
Always on my side as we rock a stage show
In an ocean of music we move with the flow

Her hand in my hand I don’t wanna let go
A partner in life on this mean old road
We got the wind on our back that blows
We can’t drift apart, we just move with the flow

We can’t drift apart, we just move with the flow

Well it started with a chat with the lips,
But why is it so I’m intrigued?
Does my heart understand do its feelings exist,
Fits in with all my beliefs,
I’m not as strong as I’d like to believe,
An impulse I cannot control,
My feelings are something I thought I could leave,
To keep and come back as a whole

It’s inevitable and understandable that my body feels this way,
I feel no inhibitions yet the contradictions of my feelings lead me astray,
Well I understand that I cannot deny my,
Human instinct that lies inside

Dredg – Sang Real


I’m the addict on the corner
I’m the lawyer in the tower
I’m the body with the coroner
No, the leader with all the power
You’re the pillow, the cool side
The sand during high tide
The cocktail, poolside
The water when clouds collide

From the inside out we were formed
From the inside out we will fall
Soon this all will come to an end

I’m a local but a foreigner
Still the addict yet I’m sober
Still the body with the coroner
Many friends yet still a loner
You’re the pillow, the cool side
The sand during high tide
The cocktail, poolside
The water when clouds collide

From the inside out we were formed
From the inside out we will fall
Soon this all will come to an end
Soon this all will come to an end

From the inside out we were formed
From the inside out we will fall
Soon this all will come to an end
Soon this all will come to an end

What’s This? Περίεργες Γραμμές Στο Νερό

Σήμερα καθόμουν στην Πλατεία Νέας Σμύρνης, δίπλα στην τελευταία “πισίνα” (αλήθεια πώς αλλιώς θα μπορούσες να πεις αυτό το σύμπλεγμα διακοσμητικού τρεχούμενου νερού — όταν τέλος πάντων είναι όντως τρεχούμενο;) Ο καιρός κρύος, τα βραδινά χιόνια είχαν όλα λιώσει. Περίμενα τηλεφώνημα από τον Mordread για να δω τι θα γίνει με την εξουσιοδότηση και την εγγραφή μου. Χάζευα αμέριμνος, όταν ξαφνικά άρχισα να παρατηρώ περίεργα σχέδια στην επιφάνεια του νερού.

Ο ήλιος έλαμπε δυνατά, και το νερό ήταν ρηχό, οπότε η σκιά των σχεδίων αποτυπωνόταν ξεκάθαρα στον πάτο της πισίνας. Τα σχέδια διαγράφονταν λες και ένα αόρατο κλαδί ή ένα δάχτυλο μόλις που ακούμπαγε την επιφάνεια του νερού. Ξεκίναγαν και σταμάταγαν το ίδιο ξαφνικά. Αλλά δεν ήταν μόνο ευθύες αυτές οι γραμμές, τα υδάτινα αγγίγματα έκαναν και καμπύλες αλλά και σπιράλ. Μερικές φορές κατέληγαν να είναι σωστά whirlpools (πώς λέγονται αυτά στα ελληνικά εκτός από το κάπως άκομψο «ρουφήχτρες»; :P) Έβλεπα πολλές τέτοιες μαζί ταυτόχρονα. Σκέφτηκα ότι θα μπορούσαν να είναι έντομα. Όπως αυτά:

Όμως δεν υπήρχαν έντομα. Το φως ήταν άπλετο, θα φαίνονταν. Για την ακρίβεια, δεν υπήρχε τίποτα στην επιφάνεια του νερού που να μπορούσε να δημιουργήσει αυτές τις γραμμές και αυτά τα κύματα. Ήταν σαν κάτι το αόρατο αλλά με φυσική υπόσταση να τα δημιουργούσε.

Τα σχέδια αυτά ήταν πραγματικά όμορφα, και ένιωθα μεγάλη ηρεμία απλά παρατηρώντας τα. Όμως, τι μπορεί να ήταν; Ξέρω ότι δεν ήταν άνεμος. Σε κάποιες φάσεις όντως φύσαγε και έβλεπα να δημιουργούνται ομοιόμορφα κυματάκια σε ολόκληρη την επιφάνεια του νερού, όπως έμαθα να τα αναγνωρίζω και στην θάλασσα στην ιστιοπλοΐα. Δεν ξέρω αν ήταν ρεύματα από το νερό που ερχόταν από τις άλλες πισίνες. Αλλά και πάλι, πώς δημιουργείται ένα ορατό ρεύμα ξαφνικά, κομπλέ με κύματα και γραμμές, και άλλο τόσο ξαφνικά εξαφανίζεται; O_Ω My mind cannot comprehend it… Θα είναι για πάντα ένα όμορφο μυστήριο…

8-bit Conservatory (Boss Music for the Exams! Part V)

Εργασία για Μαυροφίδη και Προγραμματισμό Εφαρμογών Πολυμέσων ΙΙ. Κάτσε να βάλω μια ανάλογη μουσική για την περίσταση, παρ’όλο που η εξέταση ήταν 3 μέρες πριν… Πολύ γαμάτες ερωτήσεις by the way. Και νομίζω έγραψα καλές απαντήσεις. Πολύ μπροστά ο τύπος…

Η ActionScript3 είναι περίεργη. Είναι πολύ πιο δυνατή από την 2, αλλά κάποια πράγματα που μπορούσες να τα κάνεις στην 2 πανεύκολα, ορισμένα βασικά πράγματα, πρέπει να περάσεις από χίλια κύματα για να τα κάνεις στην 3! Είναι σαν να πηγαίνεις από το να μιλάς σε όλους με απλή καθομιλουμένη, στο να τους μιλάς σαν να είσαι (και να είναι) robot. Θα είναι πολύ ακριβές, πολύ αποτελεσματικό, πολύ λογικό… but where’s the fun in that?

Αρκετά. Απολαύστε τα δημιουργήματα συνθετών μιας εποχής που η μουσική των video games είχε μια άλλη μαγεία… 🙂

And with that, we’re done for now!! 😀