Creative Photography in the Finnish Wilderness

Sometimes (often) it’s better to let others do the talking first:

Russians, Greeks, Finns and a camera

Written by Юниорский союз Дорога

June 14, a heavy-loaded bus left Petrozavodsk.

The bus was filled with valenki, maracas, kanteles, hats with earflaps, cameras and kids from the Doroga youth union. They were the participants of a project called “Creative photography in the Finnish wilderness”.

Nobody felt like sleeping the first night. So our group organized a music party with wooden spoons, rattles and maracas. The international audience was thrilled! The Greeks and the Finns were awake as well. The next day the camp was launched leaving no time to sleep at all.

Each participant had to make up a story on any topic. Henna and Sanna from the Steering group helped the participants do it.

Henna, a professional photographer, spoke about basic principles of working with a camera and helped writing a storyline for series of pictures.

The most important thing is to convey your own feelings and emotions but make it understandable to the audience – Henna said.

Sanna taught everybody how to observe face expressions and gestures of other people, nature and how to concentrate on own feelings.


The harder the work, the better the fun afterwards. Recreation was planned as well. The National park Koli met us at the third day with 300-meter rocks. The park turned out to be perfect for photo shoots.


For the last days of our stay we canoed to the other side of the Pielinen Lake to a place called Ellu. This journey was the most exciting of all. Both experienced canoe riders and newbies were canoeing together.


When we arrived to Ellu, a delicious lunch was already waiting for us. After that Sanna held a traditional observation training, where participants form couples, one partner closes his eyes and the other one watches him for 5-10 minutes trying to capture the slightest movements and face expressions.

This training is useful for those who take pictures and for the models, it helps them both relax and focus on own feelings. Due to this exercises pictures turn out relaxed and natural – Sanna quoted as saying.

After the training everybody went on with their business: some took pictures, and some just enjoyed beautiful Finnish landscapes. In the evening we went to the sauna and jumped in the lake, we also taught the Greeks how to bathe with sauna switches. They loved it!


The next day we set off back home. We had to finish our stories, chose the music and voice over. Half of participants hadn’t come up with their ideas yet. But then a miracle happened – each of us prepared beautiful short films about our thoughts, feelings and desires. Some were more professional, some – more personal. But most importantly – they were all very different.


At the final presentation of videos we all felt united due to overwhelming amount of emotions. It didn’t matter whether you were Greek, Russian or Finnish. Each told about the most important and personal things.

In the evening before departure we gave our new friends pins of the Doroga union to remember us by, and of course, we invited them to Karelia. The Greeks already promised to come.


Besides beautiful pictures, we gained experience of organizing international camps. The Doroga youth union is a participant of project. According to the action plan, in a year a new youth center will be constructed in Matkachi. And it will be our turn to organize camps. Lessons learned from the Hyvarila will come in handy.

Many thanks to all participants and especially to the volunteer Steering group – Henna Middeke, Sanna Valkepaa, Magdalena Wollhofen, Karina Sitnik.


Special thanks to the Youth in action EU program that funded the project “Creative photography in the Finnish wilderness” and to the international secretary of the Hyvarila Maija Eskanen who contributed significantly to the project application.

Natalya Yalovitsyna 



Not feeling very prosaic at the moment so I’ll keep it short, sweet and interesting:

  • You must absolutely try going into a sauna and then jumping in semi-cold water. I’d done it once before, that is when I was in Denmark. Don’t be afraid of revealing your junk, breasts and/or “imperfect” body to others. First, they don’t care about your body as they’re too busy being embarassed of their own one and second, it’s just not worth it worrying too much about it compared to the feeling of freedom you are left with.
  • Who would have thought that eating ants may not be that bad after all? Have a look at this video I made. I wish I could show you the rest of the videos everyone made back in Finland, but neither do I have them nor is this the best place to do so.
  • Imagine meeting someone who looks like he could be a member of the Russian mafia and then, on the last day, he makes a video for his girlfriend back in Russia, in which he has pictures of the crocodile plushie she gave him in all the places he visited while he was in Finland. Yeah. Stereotypes you say?
  • The sun set at 11pm and came up around 3am. In the meantime it never went completely dark. It was awesome.
  • Most participants took more and better photographs than I did, but I don’t really care; as long as I have them next to mine, to look at, remember and smile, .
  • At the end of the day, it’s all about the people. This trip had that part covered. I’m thankful to everyone who made this experience special and another episode in space and time I’m happy to have with me. Daphne and I agree: Karelia will see our faces again.
  • Special thanks go to Εμείς και ο Κόσμος for making this, as well as I SEE GREEN, a reality.

Three “censored” TED talks

Source: High Existence

Nobody can ignore TED, a powerhouse of fast, mind-blowing and paradigm breaking talks that last around 20 minutes. Experts in diverse fields such as anthropology, entrepreneurship, cosmology or brain science deliver a presentation all under the motto of ‘Ideas Worth Sharing’. But as TED has grown over the years and the TEDx events have spread to all the outskirts of our globe it seems it has shifted its focus from controversial ideas to the goal of preserving its own brand. Is it trying to defend science or is it trying to defend the ones who use science as a political tool?

Rich People Don’t Create Jobs

Around a year ago TED banned Nick Hanauer‘s talk named ‘Rich People Don’t Create Jobs‘. The talk was deemed too ‘political’ and was never put online. However, after word got out, a large number of people signed a petition and demanded the rights to view it. TED reluctantly published Nick’s talk which you are able to view right here:

The Science of Delusion

In this fascinating talk Rupert Sheldrake in ‘The Science of Delusion‘ questions current scientific dogmas and challenges us to reconsider them. According to TED, talks like Sheldrakes ‘strays well beyond the realms of reasonable science. Yet, ironically, this philosophical talk is exactly about such opinions of what science is and is not. Watch the controversial talk here:

The War on Consciousness

The third censored talk is by Graham Hancock and called ‘The War on Consciousness‘. Graham talks about the end of his 24 year Cannabis addiction and how another ecodelic drug named Ayahuasca helped to change his consciousness for the better. He argues that we live in a culture that wages war on certain states of mind and promotes others, exactly what TED tried to do.

“If this is how science operates, by silencing those who express opposing views rather than by debating with them, then science is dead and we are in a new era of the Inquisition.”

– Graham Hancock

Do you think any of these talks should be CENSORED? Why or why not?

It’s hard to maintain the same level of radicality once you escape the grassroots. After that, the more you grow, the necessity to conform to the tastes of a forever greater number of people slowly arises as well. Since they still have the videos online they’re not really censoring them, just saying “we don’t believe these ideas are worth spreading, but if you’re seriously going to make such a fuss about it…” Come to think of it, maybe that’s the way “civilised” people censor things without looking too bad. Still an interesting development any way you look at it.

There is the relevant enlighting discussion on TED’s website itself.

Ο αόρατος ορατός κόσμος

Βάζω στοίχημα ότι δεν μπορείτε να βρείτε ποιος το έκανε.

Αν είστε από αυτούς που μόνο αν δείτε κάτι το πιστεύετε, μάλλον θα πρέπει να αλλάξετε κοσμοθεωρία. Τι κρίμα που η όραση είναι η πιο βασική αίσθηση του ανθρώπου.

Ken Robins

Κοιτάχτε, το ξέρω ότι δεν έχετε χρόνο για χάσιμο και ότι είστε πολύ απασχολημένοι με το να βλέπετε βιντεάκια με γάτες και να ελέγχετε το facebook σας κάθε τέσσερα λεπτά, όπως κι εγώ άλλωστε, αλλά θα τα βάλω εγώ εδώ αυτά και ό,τι θέλει ας γίνει. Πιστέψτε με, ο άνθρωπος έχει καταλάβει κάτι. Δείτε τα με τη σειρά:

Η υποκρισία των σαρκοφάγων

Κλικ για περισσότερες ωραίες εικόνες


Στην απόσυρση από την αγορά 50.000 τόνων «βοδινού» κρέατος υπό το φόβο ότι μπορεί να περιέχει κρέας αλόγου προχώρησαν οι αρχές της Ολλανδίας, όπως μεταδίδει το δίκτυο BBC. Η απόσυρση του κρέατος έγινε με εντολή της Αρχής Ασφαλείας Καταναλωτικών Αγαθών και Τροφίμων της Ολλανδίας, λόγω αδυναμίας να εντοπιστεί η ακριβής προέλευση του κρέατος. Προμηθευτές της συγκεκριμένης ποσότητας κρέατος είναι δύο ολλανδικές εταιρείες εμπορίας κρεάτων. Τουλάχιστον 130 επιχειρήσεις στην Ολλανδία και 370 σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη θα επηρεαστούν από την απόσυρση. Η απόσυρση του κρέατος έγινε με εντολή της Αρχής Ασφαλείας Καταναλωτικών Αγαθών και Τροφίμων της Ολλανδίας, λόγω αδυναμίας να εντοπιστεί η ακριβής προέλευση του κρέατος. Προμηθευτές της συγκεκριμένης ποσότητας κρέατος είναι δύο ολλανδικές εταιρείες εμπορίας κρεάτων. Τουλάχιστον 130 επιχειρήσεις στην Ολλανδία και 370 σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη θα επηρεαστούν από την απόσυρση.
Πηγή: TVXS

50.000 τόνοι. Ένα αεροπλανοφόρο κρέατος· 50.000.000 κιλά. Αν κάθε αγελάδα είναι 500 κιλά (ενδεικτικό νούμερο, δεν έχω ιδέα αν είναι ακριβές), τότε 100.000 ζώα γεννήθηκαν, μεγάλωσαν, βασανίστηκαν, κατανάλωσαν νερό και τροφή, έχεσαν τόνους κοπριάς και τελικά έχασαν τη ζωή τους, και όλα αυτά χωρίς κανέναν λόγο γιατί υποψιάζεται ότι μέρος της ποσότητας κρέατος (φανταστείτε να μιλάγαμε για τους εβραίους του ολοκαυτώματος με όρους τόνων κρέατος — απλά μια σκέψη) μπορεί και να μην είναι από γνωστά εκτροφεία αλόγων.

Δεν είναι κιόλας ο λόγος της απόσυρσης ότι η ποσότητα κρέατος μπορεί να περιέχει κρέας εξωγήινου, να είναι μολυσμένη με σαλμονέλα ή έστω μέρος της να αποτελείται από κουράδες. Όχι: τροφή η οποία θα μπορούσε να θρέψει στην κυριολεξία εκατομμύριους ανθρώπους πετιέται επειδή μπορεί να περιέχει ένα άλλο είδος κρέατος το οποίο ούτως ή άλλως είναι βρώσιμο και τρώγεται σε πολλές χώρες.

Σύμφωνα με την ειδησεογραφία, βέβαια, το θέμα είναι ότι οι συνθήκες μεγαλωμάτος και σφαγής αυτών των ζώων είναι άγνωστες και ότι δεν είναι επικυρωμένα και τυποποιημένα. Αλλά από πότε ενδιαφέρεται πραγματικά η κοινή γνώμη για την ποιότητα και την προέλευση του κρέατος που καταναλώνει; Πιστεύω ότι η επιτυχία των σουβλατζίδικων, των χοτ-ντογκάδικων, των McDonalds και των βιομηχανικών αγροκτημάτων/εκτροφείων ανα την υφήλιο αποδεικνύει πόσο λίγο μας ενδιαφέρει τι είναι αυτό που σκίζουμε με τους ατροφικούς μας κυνόδοντες που περήφανα επιδεικνύουμε σαν τη σαρκοφαγική μας γεννετική κληρονομιά.

Ορίστε η τυποποίηση, πάρτε την, όλη δική σας:

Να ξέρετε πάντως πως τα ζώα της γιαγιάς σας στο κτήμα μάλλον δεν θα την περνάγανε την τυποποίηση και την επικύρωση.


This looks like it could have been made -at a basic level at least- in Extending Perception, Extending Action from last July. *sigh* What beautiful memories. I haven’t really posted here about that, have I? About that and the whole Academy of Fine Arts and my rejected application for the Digital Arts MA last autumn? I already feel a kind of perverse nostalgia about the time when that window seemed momentarily open. I’m content with how things have unfolded so now worries, though.

Back to Soundself:

Antichamber is pretty good and the sound design is decent too. I’m looking forward to this, so much so that I wanted to contribute to their Kickstarter, something that I’ve to date never done before. Too bad having to say goodbye to ~€280 for German + Spanish B2 exam fees today and the €4 left in my bank account don’t exactly help. No complaints here either. Just saying.

Doesn’t this look cool too? Deep Sea: The scariest game ever

We Will Most Likely Regret Not Travelling More

This is the message you’ll most likey take from video and blog post below. But please, let it not be just that. Make it be the motivation I got from it, the call to be fearless in front of the unknown, for it is only that that you are afraid of — all of the rest is just in your pretty little head.

I, for one, am leaving for the Netherlands for a few days. Take care and heed those words. Don’t be the one who regrets.

Learn to Travel (Matador Post)

Words for the New Year (don’t let the title mislead you — it really is about travel, yes it is.)


The Raven That Refused To Sing

The album has leaked. Even though I can easily listen to it on Grooveshark, I feel waiting for the proper release date is the least respect I can pay Mr. Wilson for gracing us with yet another collection of awesome music, especially since I won’t be buying the album — another habit and ceremony flushed down the toilet by the internet, the abolition of which will soon render the music industry even more unrecognisable than what people 20 years ago would think the scene looks like today.

Is the fact that I haven’t bought a record in years deplorable, not even the ones prepared with love and affection by my favourite musician? There’s no right answer, not anymore. When I complete my imaginary masterpiece “The Moral Dilemmas of the 21st Century Media Consumer”, I’ll get back to you – probably with still more questions than answers.

Rosmarinus Officinalis Ή Δενδρολίβανος ο Φαρμακευτής

Γλυκό, καλοφτιαγμένο, σημαντικό. Μαθήματα για το πώς να κάνεις το δεντρολίβανο ενδιαφέρον και το σταρ της παράστασης. Πολιτισμικάριοι, κρατάτε σημειώσεις;

Ευχαριστώ τον Βαγγέλη Θεοδωράκη για το λινκ!