Bones & MurderBones & Murder by Margaret Atwood
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Found this book used for 10lv at Elephant bookstore in Sofia. This was my first real exposure to fiction by Margaret Atwood, and it was enough to make me think that reading longer works from her will be something I’m going to enjoy deeply.

While looking for the real title of the book on Google, I stumbled upon this review which just so happens to portray my feelings for it pretty much exactly. Allow me then to do the unthinkable and use that review’s words instead of mine. Thank you Kelly EasyVegan.

“The stories cover a little bit of everything: fantasy, mystery, science fiction, speculative fiction, feminism, rape culture, gender wars, dating, death – you name it.

Many of the pieces are hit and miss; my favorites are the scifi stories that hinge on an environmental or animal-friendly theme:

– “Cold-Blooded” – An alien race of matriarchal moth people visit planet earth – or as they call it, “The Planet of the Moths,” a nickname owing to the fact that their moth cousins outnumber us by billions – and find humans sorely lacking in both culture and intelligence;

– “My Life As a Bat” – A series of reflections on the narrator’s past life as a bat, including a disturbing (and, as it just so happens, true) anecdote about WWII-era experiments in which bats were made into unwitting suicide bombers;

– “Hardball” – A piece of dystopian speculative fiction in which humans, having decimated their environment, have retreated to live under a giant dome. Since space is limited, the population must be kept in check: for every birth, one person is chosen to die via a lottery. Care to guess what becomes of the remains?

Also enjoyable are those stories which reimagine classic literature: “Gertrude Talks Back” gives voice to Hamlet’s long-suffering mother, and “Unpopular Gals” and “Let Us Now Praise Stupid Women” celebrates those villains and “airheads” without which fairy tales would not exist.

While at times difficult to read, “Liking Men” is another standout; this is the piece that deals with sexual assault, vis à vis a woman’s journey back to coping with – and even loving – men (or rather, one man in particular) again after her rape.

A must for fans of Margaret Atwood!”

But seriously, those eyes on the cover…

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Το εγχειρίδιο του πολεμιστή του φωτόςΤο εγχειρίδιο του πολεμιστή του φωτός by Paulo Coelho
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Δανεισμένο απ’ τη Νένη.

Απ’ τα βιβλία που όσο το διάβαζα με έβρισκα να συμφωνώ και να γνέφω καταφατικά με ό,τι πέρναγε απ’ το βλέμμα μου, κι εγώ επίδοξος «πολεμιστής τους φωτός» με διάθεση να διαβώ το καλό το μονοπάτι ως άλλο παλικάρι. Τώρα όμως δυσκολεύομαι να θυμηθώ οτιδήποτε και αν διάβασα. Kι ακόμα δυσκολεύομαι να αποφασίσω αν τελικά ο πολεμιστής του φωτός είναι πολεμιστής μεταφορικά ή πραγματικά, γιατί πολλές από τις μονοσέλιδες παραβολές του βιβλίου αναφέρονται σε πραγματικές μάχες και ιστορίες από τον πόλεμο. Εκτός κι αν το κ. Κοέλ(ι)ο αναφερόταν στον πόλεμο μεταφορικά, στην μεγάλη μάχη της ζωής. Ξέρω ‘γω πια;

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Brave New World Revisited Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

You can read the book for free on but I recommend you read it either off-screen or not on a web page.

It’s been demonstrated time and time again that people who can come up with incredible, fictional worlds that have something tangible to say about our own, have the ability to do so exactly because they understand this Earth and universe so well. Huxley was no exception, and his addendum to Brave New World is a beautifully lucid account of where his original work, written 25 years previously, had failed to anticipate the great emerging forces that were threatening freedom as Huxley perceived them at the time. This list of the book’s chapters might give you some idea of what those threats were:

I Over-Population
II Quantity, Quality, Morality
III Over-Organization
IV Propaganda in a Democratic Society
V Propaganda Under a Dictatorship
VI The Arts of Selling
VII Brainwashing
VIII Chemical Persuasion
IX Subconscious Persuasion
X Hypnopaedia
XI Education for Freedom
XII What Can Be Done?

I’m incredibly curious what Huxley would have to say about our 21st century society and where his hopes would lie today – whether he’d still think that

“meanwhile there is still some freedom left in the world. Many young people, it is true, do not seem to value freedom. But some of us still believe that, with­out freedom, human beings cannot become fully hu­man and that freedom is therefore supremely valuable. Perhaps the forces that now menace freedom are too strong to be resisted for very long. It is still our duty to do whatever we can to resist them. “

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I can’t figure out why this isn’t included in neither the official CIV VI OST or the 25th anniversary album CIV VI DLC, but it isn’t.

It’s Christopher Tin’s official cover of “Volare, oh oh, cantare, oh oh oh oh” with lyrics by Leonardo da Vinci.

Some more Tin:The Drop That Contained the Sea (contains a link to Calling All Dawns as well). Just listen to this music and tell me it doesn’t make you feel happy to be alive)

EDIT: Oh crap, we’ve got a burrower here. I’ve played close to 7 hours of CIV IV in 72 hours, but I’m quite sure that my total playtime of Sogno di Volare is not far behind.


Pink Floyd’s A Saucerful of Secrets, and especially Celestial Voices (the part that starts after 07:00), as it was recorded live by the original band itself, is nowhere to be found on Youtube anymore; their corporate representatives seem to be taking good care of wiping clean all traces of humanity from their facade. They made sure that a wordless hymn to the sequence of birth, each person’s battle in life, death and the lamentation that such a thing as death even exists, was something to be excluded from the band’s catalogue online. All that is available now is cover versions, plenty of them, some not so bad, but most not even close to this one live recording from 1969 that bests them all.

Even the entire album Ummagumma is there on their official channel, apart from a single song: that one 12-minute track which has been made conspicuously unavailable.

I can’t fathom what the reasons for keeping this masterpiece from the general public in terms of profit could be, but one thing is for certain: it does stand out.

Listen for yourself.


The recording isn’t from Pompeii, where this picture is from, but I imagine every time he’d sing this song and Celestial Voices live there would come some gust of wind out of nowhere and blow his hair around as part of the show.


A song that feels like floating belly-up on the sun’s rays themselves. Dedicated to Whole Light.

Such a pale light
Such a long night
Pick up that key
Don’t drop your gaze in your coffee
Is it me?
Do I look beautiful in the half light?

It’s been so long
Years have gone
Since I belonged
Hold me please
Stay with me
And I will sleep

I will go now
But I will be with you
Hold my gaze
Hold me inside you


En Lefko earworm numero dos. I find it difficult to believe that there is a song that out-happies “Don’t Worry Be Happy” (which, once again, is not by Bob Marley. Milkas, a musician I met in the army, mentioned once that what Bobby McFerin can do with his voice is out of this world, and I’ve been curious about him since then).


Έναυσμα γι' αυτό το ποστ η ανάμνηση αυτού του άρτιου γραφιστικά αλλά εγγληματικά κακού γλωσσολογικά logo.
Έναυσμα γι’ αυτό το ποστ η έξαφνη ενθύμιση αυτού του άρτιου γραφιστικά αλλά γλωσσολογικά εγγληματικά κακού logo.

Ката то  “гриклиш”.

Скефтомун рандомли симера оти енас иданикос тропос на грапсис хорис на се пьанун та спайдерз ине поли апла на графис еци. ке 9 стус 10 номизун оти графис росика. ЛОЛ.

Алитя. Та кирилика ине сан то елинико алфавито v2.0. ОК, пяни ихус пу ден ехуме пя емис, ала ден ехи алус, опос то Θ ке то Δ – то латинико ихе експансьон пакс я на лиси афто то провлима ме тис екатодадес глосес пу то иотетисан: тус тонус. Ексу ке то астио пу екана капоте, отан емена сти София, схетика ме то пос проферете и thrash metal ста росика ке ста вулгарика. Канена алфавито телика ден бори на пяси олоклиро то фазма тис антропинис омилиас – имун етимос на грапсо “то IPA ден пянете” ала мета скефтика пос ден име сигурос. То IPA ден ине алфавито яти апо моно ту ден симени типотал. Паролафта ден пянете сан капьо систима, капьо сайфер?

Уф курастика на пликтролого ме тин тахитита тис манас му. Ан та катаферате ос едо, ньосте перифаня, яти и кирилофони (епитрепсте му тон неологизмо) пу ксерун елиника, и идика и елинофони пу дявазун кирилика, имасте акатаноита дисеврето идос.