Ρε Χωλλ! Πριν κάποιες εβδομάδες έχασα (πάλι) το MP3 player μου — ή μάλλον μου το κλέψανε, δεν θα μάθω ποτέ. Ήταν στα Γιάννενα, στο Game Core, το ίντερνετ καφέ όπου ξεκίνησα να γράφω αυτό το ποστίο, και ήταν το μπλε Sansa Clip Zip μου που πολύ το αγαπούσα και με είχε συντροφέψει σε πολλές διαδρομές, τρεχάλες και όμορφες στιγμές. Είχα μέσα φορτωμένο Beirut, Sigur Ros, Steven Wilson, Tim Minchin, King Crimson, Θανάση, Gramatik, Conversations with God, το Sapiens, πολλά επεισόδια Mysterious Universe, και μια ηχογράφηση από έναν κύριο στην Κερκίνη ο οποίος μας είχε παίξει έναν αργό ρυθμό στο τυμπανό του και έλεγε ότι αν το παίζαμε αυτό κάθε μέρα (ή μήπως ήταν κάθε βδομάδα;) για 10 λεπτά η ζωή μας θα γινόταν καλύτερη. Ότι θα μπαίναμε σε έναν ρυθμό. Δεν θυμάμαι ακριβώς τι είχε πει, αλλα μου φαινόταν τότε πολύ βαθύ και καλή συμβουλή. Δεν το ξανάκουσα ποτέ, παρόλο που το είχα ηχογραφήσει τότε με το Sansa. Ίσως επειδή το είχα ηχογραφήσει με το Sansa.

Συνειδητοποίησα κάποια πράγματα αγοράζοντας από τα Public Αλεξανδρούπολης (μακάρι να υπήρχε η ποικιλία για να τον αγοράσω από αλλού) τον αντικαστάτη του παλιού μου Sansa: ότι όσον αφορά τα consumer electronics, (πώς τα λένε αυτά στα ελληνικά;) μετά από τον αριθμό κινητών που έχω αλλάξει, ο οποίος ούτως ή άλλως είναι ανησυχητικά τεράστιος και είμαι μόνο ένας άνθρωπος σε έναν ωκεανό ανθρώπων– αμέσως μετά έρχονται τα MP3 players.

Όσα πέρασαν ποτέ από τα χέρια μου ήρθαν κι έφυγαν, χωρίς να αφήσουν πίσω τους τίποτα. Αυτά τα γκατζετάκια που πριν τα αποκτήσω και πριν τα αγοράσω (ή μου τα αγοράσουν) ερευνούσα τόσο πολύ, κάθε παράμετρο, δέκα χρόνια μετά ή λιγότερα δεν μπορώ να θυμηθώ σχεδόν αν ποτέ μου ανήκαν ή όχι. Λίγες και αποσπασματικές αναμνήσεις έχω μαζί τους, και συνήθως πρέπει συνειδητά να τα προσθέσω σε ένα νοητικό κάδρο που είναι συνταγή για πλαστές αναμνήσεις, παρά ανήκουν οργανικά εκεί στην ανάμνηση. Μάλλον με τα περισσότερα πράγματα γίνεται αυτό, η νοητική προσθήκη εννοώ, αλλά τέλος πάντων.

Όντας πλέον μιας κάποιας ηλικίας ώστε να έχει νόημα μια τέτοια μικρή αναπώληση, ας πάω πίσω σε όλα τα players που είχα κάποτε που μπορώ να θυμηθώ, γιατί είμαι σίγουρος ότι κάποια δεν θα τα θυμάμαι, ξεκινώντας από την εποχή που άρχισα να έχω κάποιο δικό μου γούστο στη μουσική πέρα των game themes. Πείτε γύρω στα 14.

  1. Ένα MP3 CD player φορητό


Το πρώτο μου MP3 player έπαιζε MP3 CD. Δεν ήταν Philips, δεν θυμάμαι καν βασικά τι μάρκα ήταν, ήταν δώρο Χριστουγέννων του 2003 και μου έσπασε τα νεύρα πολύ γρήγορα. Δεν θυμάμαι τον λόγο. Δεν έπαιζε καλά τα CD? Δεν άνοιγε; Δεν φόρτιζε; Η μπαταρία κράταγε λίγο; Κόλλαγε; Κάτι τέτοιο. Η μουσική που άκουγα τότε έχει σχεδόν μηδενική υπερκάλυψη με αυτή που ακούω σήμερα, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των game themes, και με το ζόρι είχα αρχίσει να ακούω Pink Floyd. Φανταστείτε… Κατέληξε στον τότε κολλητό μου Άλντο, όπως και πολλά άλλα από τα ηλεκτρονικά μου που δεν ήθελα πια μικρός.

2. Creative Rhomba 256MB


To Ρόμπα το είχα εκεί, το 2004, γύρω στα 15 ήμουν. 256MB! Χωρίς δίσκους ή CD! ΤΟ ΜΕΛΛΟΝ! Ήταν το πρώτο μου MP3 player όπως θα τα αναγνωρίζαμε σήμερα. Δεν θυμάμαι πόσο το είχα και τι απέγινε, θυμάμαι όμως ότι είχε ένα παρόμοιο ο Φάνης. Έκανε μεταξύ 150 και 200€.

3. iRiver H320



Το πολυαγαπημένο μου «ποταμάκι». Δώρο γενεθλίων το 2005, με λεφτά τσονταρισμένα και από τους δύο μου γονείς και από τους συζύγους τους τότε. Έκανε γύρω στα 350€ αν θυμάμαι καλά, το είχα μέχρι το 2008. Μου το κλέψανε στη Ρώμη όταν είχαμε ταξιδέψει στην Ευρώπη με την Αλεξ. Κοιμόμασταν με βάρδιες στον κεντρικό σταθμό περιμένοντας να ξημερώσει για να πάρουμε το τραίνο για Ανκόνα, η emobagα μου ήταν ανοιχτή, και ένας δαιμόνιος Ιταλός ελαφροχέρης το πήρε. Θα είδε την δερμάτινη θήκη και θα γλυκάθηκε. Τον είδα με την άκρη του ματιού μου, αλλά όταν κατάλαβα τι είχε γίνει ήταν αργά. Θα μπορούσε να είχε κλέψει το πορτοφόλι μου ή το DS Lite μου, το οποίο εντάξει, το έχασα και χωρίς βοήθεια τελικά μερικούς μήνες αργότερα.

Το iRiver μου άρεσε πολύ. 20GB (είχε σκληρό δίσκο, όπως τα φρέσκα iPod που μόλις ξεκίναγαν να γίνονται μόδα παγκοσμίως), πολλή μπαταρία, εντυπωσιακή οθόνη για την εποχή—μπορούσε να παίξει μέχρι και βίντεο αν το έφτιαχνες σωστά και έκανες την κατάλληλη μετατροπή. Είχα πειραματιστεί με το να βλέπω άνιμε σε αυτό το μηχανηματάκι αλλά μετά ήταν μεγάλη μανούρα να μετατρέπεις κάθε βίντεο ξεχωριστά και είχαν πολύ μικρό framerate. Σε κάποια φάση του είχα αλλάξει και το firmware και είχα βάλει Rockbox αλλά το βαρέθηκα γρήγορα.

Αν το είχα ακόμα, με μια αλλαγή μπαταρίας θα δούλευε άψογα είμαι σίγουρος. Σκυλί. Πόσο να κάνει να αγοράσεις ένα τέτοιο μεταχειρισμένο;

4. Creative Zen Mozaic 8GB


Ή μήπως ήταν 4GB; Πότε το πήρα; Δεν θυμάμαι… και δεν θυμάμαι καν πόσο το είχα. Ξέρω μόνο ότι έκανε γύρω στα 80€ και το έχασα στη Δανία. Μου το κλέψανε σε ένα μαγαζί με second-hand ρούχα.

EDIT: Θυμήθηκα από άκυρη φάση ότι έχω φωτογραφίες με το Mozaic και άθλια ακουστικά που είχα τότε (περισσότερα σχετικά με τα ακουστικά μετά). Έβγαζα σελφιζ με τρίποδο, την e-510 και τηλεκοντρόλ, του οποίου το υπέρηθρο φωτάκι σκέφτηκα ότι θα έβγαινε στις φωτό, και είχα δίκιο.




Έκφραση που είχα όταν πήδηξα και τραβήχτηκε το καλώδιο των ακουστικών γιατί τέντωσα το χέρι μου.

5. Μια μαλακία MP3 no-name αντιγραφή του iPod nano που την πήρα στη Δανία γιατί δεν είχα λεφτά να πάρω κάτι καλύτερο.

Δεν θυμάμαι καν αν χάλασε ότι το πέταξα στη Βαλτική απ’ τα νεύρα μου.

6. Νόκια που δεν θυμάμαι το όνομα του αλλά είχα ξεφτιλίσει

Kitsune (αλεπού) & Donkey Kong. Τους βλέπετε;
Kitsune (αλεπού) & Donkey Kong. Τους βλέπετε;
Άγνωστο Νόκια
Το αρχιπέλαγο της φθαρμένης οθόνης και το κάλυμα που κρατιέται στη θέση του μόνο από σελοτεϊπ

7. Samsung GT-B2710


Αδιάβροχο κινητό που πήρα το 2012 το οποίο τελικά δεν άντεξε τις επανειλημμένες δοκιμασίες αντοχής του στο νερό.

Αδιαβροχο Κινητο
Το «πόσο σκληρός είστε;» κινητό του Garret που με ενέπνευσε να αγοράσω αδιάβροχο κινητό. Εδώ βυθισμένο σε νερό ενώ το δικό μου κινητό το καλεί. Όταν επιχείρησα να επαληθεύσω το πείραμα/επίδειξη, τα πράγματα δεν πήγαν ακριβώς όπως ήθελα…

Ένα μικρό απόσπασμα σχετικά με την πρώτη φορά που παρα λίγο να πνιγεί το κινητό αυτό. Παρμένο από ένα forum που είχα γράψει τότε όταν είχα νιώσει πολύ σκατά για αυτό και η εμπειρία είχε τα χνώτα της ζεστά στον σβέρκο μου:

Calm down 2012 qb... it's just a phone. Αλλά σε καταλαβαίνω.

I was with a friend at a bar today. I wanted to show him the trick I sometimes do where I submerge my waterproof phone in a glass of water. Today, before I played the joke, I took off the hands-free from the phone but forgot to close the small lid of the socket that made it waterproof. When I put it in the water, there were bubbles coming out of the hole. I looked at that and though it was amusing. Only after my friend told me that the bubbles meant that there was water going in the phone did I realise that, well… let’s just put it this way, the way my friend put it: It was like showing off your submarine and, oh, forgetting to secure the hatch shut. Worse: leaving it wide open.

I did all the things that will probably ensure its demise, like trying to turn it on every time we took a little water out of it and seeing it work worse and worse every minute. I don’t know if the phone will survive. It’s in a tupperware full of rice facing east as I write these lines. I hope it survives but if it doesn’t It will be around 80 euros buying a similar one, so it’s not such a big deal.

The big deal is the hit to my (not exactly fantastic as it is) self-esteem. The feeling I got was that I was literally stupid. How can a person do such a thing? I’m notorious for being clumsy, absent-minded and prone to disaster: locking myself out of places, losing stuff, having phones or mp3 players stolen due to sheer neglect or, again, absent-mindedness. I feel horrible right now. I had a boost of confidence earlier today, before the thing with the phone happened, and now it has of course almost disappeared entirely.

I’m basically writing this post because I feel as if I want to get this thing out, share how I feel with someone, but I’m flat out too embarassed to tell anybody. I hate confirming everybody’s idea of me being the clumsy or absent-minded one in such a spectacular fashion. Of course it’s true. But I would rather not lose any more face.

So I thought I’d share it with you guys. I already feel a little better, but just a tiny little bit. Have you had similar situations where you had just done something that was so embarassing you were inclined to believe that you were so stupid, clumsy, absent-minded or some other personality trait, that the world would be better off without you?

Σε αυτό το κινητάκι άρχισα να ακούσω audiobooks και podcasts—Dan Carlin, The Higherside Chats, Eckhart Tolle, την ραδιοφωνική εκπομπή του Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy… Τότε είχα λιώσει το Collecting Space και το The 78 του Στιβάκου, τους Amplifier και τον Devin Townsend. Από τα αγαπημένα μου χαρακτηριστικά ήταν που είχε πεδόμετρο, και άρχισα να περπατάω περισσότερο για να βγαίνει πενταψήφια μέτρηση όσο το δυνατόν πιο συχνά. Με είχε βολέψει, αλλά ναι, βρήκε τον υγρό του τάφο έναν χρόνο μετά, παρ’ότι είχε επιζήσει από το πρώτο waterboarding. Το είχα βάλει στη θάλασσα βράδυ με τον φακό αναμένο. Βλέπαμε με τη Δάφνη αχινούς να περπατάνε, όπως περιγράφω στο πρώτο λινκ. Και ο φακός έσβησε και δεν ξανάναψε ποτέ.

Το να πεθάνει το αδιάβροχο κινητό από δυο εμβαπτίσεις το βρίσκω πάντως πολύ ποιητικό. Έζησε Μάρτιο του ’12 με Ιούνιο του ’13.

8. Άλλο Νόκια που δεν θυμάμαι το όνομα του δανεισμένο απ’ τη Δάφνη με QWERTY (ψάχνοντας στο νετ ανακάλυψα ότι είναι το C3)

Όχι το δικό μου χέρι btw

Όταν το παραπάνω Samsung πνίγηκε, η Δάφνη μου δάνεισε ένα δικό της που είχε πριν πάρει smartphone, κι ήταν και για μένα το κινητό που είχα μέχρι να πάρω το πρώτο μου smartphone. Με το κινητό αυτό ξεκίνησα το C25K, να τρέχω δηλαδή. Βόλεψε γιατί είχε χρονόμετρο, γύρους κτλ, αλλά με το Podrunner δεν χρειαζόταν—έβαζα το αρχείο, έπαιζε, κι εκείνο με ειδοποιούσε για το πότε να σταματήσω, πότε να ελαττώσω ταχύτητα κτλ.

Είναι ίσως η μόνη συσκευή από όλες αυτές που ακόμα ζει ή δεν χάθηκε.

9. Sansa Clip Zip 4GB

Ήμουν έτοιμος να βάλω εδώ μια εικόνα της Σάνσα από το Game of Thrones αλλά κρατήθηκα.

Audiobooks galore!
Sansa Clip Zip με αϋδιοβιβλία

Tο αγόρασα τον Αύγουστο του 2014 όταν αποφάσισα ότι δεν ήθελα πια να παίρνω όλο το κινητό μαζί μου για τρέξιμο και προτιμούσα κάτι πιο φορητό που να έχει και clip. Με μέγεθος σπιρτόκουτου, εσωτερική μνήμη 4GB, ενισχυτή, υποδοχή microSD, υποστήριξη FLAC και πολλών άλλων φορμά, καλές κριτικές και με τιμή μόλις 35€, δεν μου έκανε εντύπωση που πολλοί κάτοχοι του μικρού αυτού Sansa έγραφαν ότι είχαν αγοράσει 3+ συσκευές για να έχουν στοκ. Τόσο καλό εργαλειάκι ήταν.

Κι εκείνου του έβαλα δοκιμαστικά Rockbox όπως είχα κάνει στο iRiver, γιατί εντάξει, είχε κάποια προβληματάκια με το interface, κυρίως με την εύρεση των αρχείων γιατί δεν είχε folder view, αλλά κι εκείνο δεν με τρέλανε και το έβγαλα σύντομα.

Τον περισσότερο χρόνο στο Σάνσα μου σίγουρα τον έφαγα ακούγοντας Mysterious Universe (ακόμα δεν έχω γράψει τίποτα γι’ αυτό το αγαπημένο podcast, ε;) αλλά και διάφορα βιβλία, στο τρέξιμο και στα όργανα του άλσους Νέας Σμύρνης. Περισσότερο audiobook player ήταν παρά μουσικής, από την αρχή μέχρι το τέλος. Μέχρι την μοιραία νύχτα στο Game Core…

10. Sansa Clip Sport 8GB

Από το review του Anything But iPod. Εγώ βαριόμουν να πάρω φωτό το λαχανί μου Sport.

Όταν έχασα το Σάνσα μου, στενοχωρήθηκα κυρίως γιατί δεν θα μπορούσα να βρω ένα ίδιο, ιδιαίτερα στην Αλεξανδρούπολη και στη Σαμοθράκη όπου είχα μόλις φτάσει. Εδώ και χρόνια έχουν αποσυρθεί και αντικατασταθεί από μοντέλα με περίπου ίδιο λογισμικό, διπλάσια μπαταρία (μέχρι 25 ώρες!!), πιο αδύναμο επεξεργαστή (που δεν τρέχει Rockbox), firmware που έχει επιτέλους folder view αλλά με πολύ αργό rewind στα αρχεία μεγάλου μήκους τύπου audiobook για παράδειγμα, μεγαλύτερο μέγεθος και χειρότερη οθόνη. Και τιμή λιανικής 50€ αντί για 35€.

Μολαταύτα, η διπλάσια μπαταρία είναι σημαντικό πλεονέκτημα, και μάλλον υπερτερεί των άλλων πισωγυρισμάτων. Και πρέπει να πω πως βάζοντας του μια 16άρα microSD, έφτασε και ξεπέρασε την χωρητικότητα που κάποτε είχε το ποταμάκι, το iRiver, το πρώτο μου player.

Ελπίζω να μην το χάσω και αυτό και να μου κρατήσει για κάποια χρόνια. Όχι όχι, δεν υπάρχει «ελπίζω», υπάρχει «πιστεύω».

Μόλις συνειδητοποίησα ότι γράφοντας για τα players, πρέπει να γράψω κάτιτις για τα ακουστικά που έχω χάσει. Αυτά που έχασα με το Clip Zip, κάτι Sennheiser CX200 νομίζω, πρέπει να ήταν τα 5632α που χάνω. Τα τελευταία χρόνια τα χρήματα που έχω ρίξει σε ακουστικά που πλέον δεν έχω στην κατοχή μου πρέπει να είναι ξεπερνάνε την τιμή ενός… χμ… βάλτε κάτι ακριβό, αλλά όχι πολύ ακριβό. Πείτε ένα 3DS. Μεταχειρισμένο. Δεν πειράζει, για βιλία και podcast καλά είναι και τα ακουστικά αυτά που σου δίνουν δώρο…

Ξέρετε τι θα ήθελα μόνο; Υποστήριξη για Audioscrobbler και πεδομέτρηση, για να μην χρειάζεται να κουβαλάω το 3DS παντού ψυχαναγκαστικά και να βάζω στο κινητό apps που το κρατάνε ξύπνιο ή δεν λειτουργούν καθόλου—looking at you, Runtastic. Το scrobbler θα ήταν ενδιαφέρον, αν και, τελικά, λίγο μάταιο. Το μου δεν ανταποκρίνεται καθόλου στην πραγματικότητα πια. Αφού το ξεκίνησα όταν ακόμα είχα το ποταμάκι, που και για αυτό, τότε, έψαχνα τρόπο να συνδέσω με το μου. Και όπως μου αρέσει να κάνω, ας αναρωτηθώ πια είναι η χρησιμότητα, τελικά, του να έχεις Εκτός από το να βρίσκεις τα κομμάτια που είχες στο Grooveshark αλλά επειδή διαγράφηκε το Grooveshark έχασες, όμως στο έχουν σωθεί. Μάλλον: τι είναι αυτό που με κάνει να θέλω στο πίσω μέρος του μυαλού μου κάτι να καταγράφει τι ακούω; Εμένα και άλλους πολλούς; Είναι ότι φοβόμαστε τον θάνατο και τη λήθη πιο πολύ από οποιαδήποτε άλλη εποχή τελικά, μήπως;

Γιατί όταν μιλάω για μένα συχνά χρησιμοποιώ πρώτο πληθυντικό αντί για πρώτο ενικό; Είναι για να νιώθω λιγότερο άσχημα για πράγματα που με κάνουν και νιώθω άβολα, κάνοντας προβολή την αμηχανία μου στον ευρύτερο κόσμο; Γιατί κάνω τόσες ερωτήσεις που δεν έχω καν πρόθεση να απαντήσω ποτέ;

Αν υπήρχε κάποιο πόιντ σε αυτό το ποστ, δεν ξέρω ποιο έιναι πια. Ίσως ότι τα MP3 Players έχουν ζωή, παρά την υπέρτατη κυριαρχία των κινητών. Άλλο πράγματα τα κουμπάκια αντί για οθόνη αφής, κι άλλο πράγμα το σπιρτόκουτο σε σύγκριση με την γκουμούτσα. Τι να κάνουμε.

Και κάτι ακόμα: από ένα σημείο και μετά έγινε πολύ λιγότερο φετιχιστικό το όλο θέμα με τα ηλεκτρονικά για μένα, αφού δεν θυμάμαι τόσο καθαρά της λεπτομέρειες σχετικά με τις συσκευές που είχα πιο πρόσφατα, όσο για αυτές που είχα 10 χρόνια πριν. Κατάλαβα ότι είναι συσκευές και χάνονται, ή πεθαίνουν, ίσως—τα παντα ρει, ουδέν μένει;

Το ποταμάκι όμως θα το θυμάμαι πάντα.

Three Months in Sofia

It’s been three months and three days (correction: one week by the time I got to actually finish writing this) since I first set my foot in Bulgaria for the first time. I tried writing something lengthy but it just didn’t come out right. My ability to write lengthy, journaly posts that might be of any interest to readers has become worse with time, especially during this year and the one past. Part of it may be that I started writing my morning pages last July, so the canvas for my thoughts put into words ceased to be The Dimension and became The Page.

I’m also suspecting that I have got more used to writing creatively on paper than doing so on a computer, exactly because the ritual of the morning pages allows me to write freely. Conversely, whenever I write a post, I feel restricted: by the context, the medium of the blog, by what I know I’ve said before, even by my readers’ expectations. I have also noticed a distinct difference in style between when I write longhand and when I type. I remember reading something about that in The Shallows and how Nietzsche also noticed he started writing differently, less eloquently perhaps, when he began using his typing ball. Maybe I should have my posts as scans. :O Anyway, I digress – which wouldn’t be a problem if this wasn’t a post!

So, let’s get to the point.

Sofia, Bulgaria
Sofia, Bulgaria

Things I thought back in January I would be doing now :

    • mainly reading books borrowed from the library;
    • practicing languages by playing games like Okami;
    • refining the Extended Tandem website for the Sofia City Library, my personal project idea for attracting readers;
    • meeting with my tandem partners for Spanish and German;
    • doing Memrise exercises every day for Bulgarian;
    • be able to have a basic conversation in Bulgarian;
    • cooking every day, or at least every two or three days;
    • continually improving my English conversation class workshop;
    • reading American magazines;
EVS dinner prepared by Hilal, Christina and Niina - Miro and Boyan's place
EVS dinner prepared by Hilal, Christina and Niina – Miro and Boyan’s place

What I’ve really been doing:

  • realising, not without a little embarassment, that us volunteers are being effectively paid more than actual library employees;
  • going out a lot – and I mean a lot, as in I-need-some-time-alone-guys! a lot together with all the other volunteers we met in the on-arrival training a month ago;
  • due to above reason, not keeping in touch with Daphne as much as she deserves, but trying to keep it as real as possible all the same;
  • exchanging packages with Daphne filled with cookies, books and other goodies – positive aspect of doing your EVS close to home: the possibility of using the coach companies to send packages for dirt cheap;
  • saying yes to as many proposals as possible;
  • hosting multiple people pretty much every week, mainly volunteers who work in other cities in Bulgaria and come to visit (we’re hosting Christina, Niina and Hilal as I’m writing these lines – as I’m finishing up the post, my friend from Heterotopies Myrto took their place in Hostel Shar Planina 55);
  • abstaining from alcohol for fifteen days – my digestion system went completely crazy for that period of time, but I felt great (and rich!) – now I’m back to drinking as usual;
  • postponing/avoiding to find tandem partners;
  • failing to study Bulgarian almost at all and improving much slower than I would have liked, especially after our classes ended;
  • hardly playing any screen-based games at all;
  • playing Dixit with Rian – excellent game;
  • going on excursions;
  • made a Prezi together with Zanda for an education day in the German embassy about the library’s activities (click on the link if you’re okay with Pharrell William’s Happy playing in the background);
  • going running less often, but also trying to integrate bodyweight lifting in my makeshift fitness program, which includes changes in diet – discovering what vegetarian foods are rich in protein is a fun procedure all of its own;
  • shaved my head;
  • enjoying the amazing weather in Sofia – seriously, there was no winter this year;
  • saying dobre a lot;
  • eating ice cream from Confetti – to think I’d have to come to Sofia to try the best ice cream I can remember having;
  • reading much more than what I’m used to ^^J (you can see the number of book reviews I’ve written in the past few weeks), but no books from the library, apart from The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test;
  • watching Breaking Bad with Daphne (yes, through Skype/Steam direct connection!) extremely slowly – watching Battlestar Galactica slightly, but not significantly, faster – preferably with Bulgarian subtitles;
  • sucking at watching series;
  • started the Easy Readers workshop, which is looking more and more like it will end up like another Engish Conversation Group – many more people want to practice their spoken English than their reading skills, apparently;
  • I’m not reading American magazines, but I am trying to find new and exciting ways to use my Kindle.
Paula's Farewell '80s Party - Rasa, Niina, Zanda, Florian, Maria and Freddie Mercury
Paula’s Farewell ’80s Party – Rasa, Niina, Zanda, Florian, Maria and Freddie

What I’ll be doing soon:

  • weekly English classes/activities for refugee children and teens from Syria;
  • tandem(!!!) – actually I think I already found a Bulgarian guy who wants to learn Greek – perfect;
  • filling out my 100 Obekta passport – I’ll write something about that soon;
  • finding ways to make living together with three (usually more!) people sustainable in the long medium run;
  • making that library-centred Tandem website;
  • making some more qbdp episodes – it’s time;
  • spending lot of time outside – the good part of climate change, or just call it spring;
  • visiting more of the surrounding countries, including more places in Bulgaria – good thing we have lots of volunteers to host us all over;
  • that includes Greece, and I hope I’ll get at least some of the volunteers to join me!

This post is well overdue but at the same time I feel like I’m missing something crucial. Ah well, let’s post it anyway.

Spanish Reading Room in Sofia City Library, complete with siesta-ing Spaniard. Will this be what our remaining six months will look like? The answer depends more or less on our initiative; such is the nature of the EVS project...
Spanish Reading Room in Sofia City Library, complete with siesta-ing Spaniard. Will this be what our remaining six months will look like? The answer depends more or less on our initiative; such is the nature of the EVS project…

100 Things I Have Learned About Photography

I am NOT the one who wrote the below!

This article was originally written by Eric Kim, a street photographer from Los Angeles.

1. Just because someone has an expensive camera doesn’t mean that they’re a good photographer.
2. Always shoot in RAW. Always.
3. Prime lenses help you learn to be a better photographer.
4. Photo editing is an art in itself
5. The rule of thirds works 99% of the time.
6. Macro photography isn’t for everybody.
7. UV filters work just as well as lens caps.
8. Go outside and shoot photos rather than spending hours a day on photography forums.
9. Capture the beauty in the mundane and you have a winning photograph.
10. Film isn’t better than digital.
11. Digital isn’t better than film.
12. There is no “magic” camera or lens.
13. Better lenses don’t give you better photos.
14. Spend less time looking at other people’s work and more time shooting your own.
15. Don’t take your DSLR to parties.
16. Girls dig photographers.
17. Making your photos b/w doesn’t automatically make them “artsy”
18. People will always discredit your work if you tell them you “photoshop” your images. Rather, tell them that you process them in the “digital darkroom”.
19. You don’t need to take a photo of everything.
20. Have at least 2 backups of all your images. Like they say in war, two is one, one is none.
21. Ditch the neck strap and get a handstrap.
22. Get closer when taking your photos, they often turn out better.
23. Be a part of a scene while taking a photo; not a voyeur.
24. Taking a photo crouched often make your photos look more interesting.
25. Worry less about technical aspects and focus more on compositional aspects of photography.
26. Tape up any logos on your camera with black gaffers tape- it brings a lot less attention to you.
27. Always underexpose by 2/3rds of a stop when shooting in broad daylight.
28. The more photos you take, the better you get.
29. Don’t be afraid to take several photos of the same scene at different exposures, angles, or apertures.
30. Only show your best photos.
31. A point-and-shoot is still a camera.
32. Join an online photography forum.
33. Critique the works of others.
34. Think before you shoot.
35. A good photo shouldn’t require explanation (although background information often adds to an image). *
36. Alcohol and photography do not mix well.
37. Draw inspiration from other photographers but never worship them.
38. Grain is beautiful.
39. Ditch the photo backpack and get a messenger bag. It makes getting your lenses and camera a whole lot easier.
40. Simplicity is key.
41. The definition of photography is: “painting with light.” Use light in your favor.
42. Find your style of photography and stick with it.
43. Having a second monitor is the best thing ever for photo processing.
44. Silver EFEX pro is the best b/w converter.
45. Carry your camera with you everywhere. Everywhere.
46. Never let photography get in the way of enjoying life.
47. Don’t pamper your camera. Use and abuse it.
48. Take straight photos.
49. Shoot with confidence.
50. Photography and juxtaposition are best friends.
51. Print out your photos big. They will make you happy.
52. Give your photos to friends.
53. Give them to strangers.
54. Don’t forget to frame them.
55. Costco prints are cheap and look great.
56. Go out and take photos with (a) friend(s).
57. Join a photo club or start one for yourself.
58. Photos make great presents.
59. Taking photos of strangers is thrilling.
60. Candid>Posed.
61. Natural light is the best light.
62. 35mm (on full frame) is the best “walk-around” focal length.
63. Don’t be afraid to bump up your ISO when necessary.
64. You don’t need to always bring a tripod with you everywhere you go (hell, I don’t even own one).
65. It is always better to underexpose than overexpose.
66. Shooting photos of homeless people in an attempt to be “artsy” is exploitation.
67. You will find the best photo opportunities in the least likely situations.
68. Photos are always more interesting with the human element included.
69. You can’t “photoshop” bad images into good ones.
70. Nowadays everybody is a photographer.
71. You don’t need to fly to Paris to get good photos; the best photo opportunities are in your backyard.
72. People with DSLRS who shoot portraits with their grip pointed downwards look like morons.
73. Cameras as tools, not toys.
74. In terms of composition, photography and painting aren’t much different.
75. Photography isn’t a hobby- it’s a lifestyle.
76. Make photos, not excuses.
77. Be original in your photography. Don’t try to copy the style of others.
78. The best photographs tell stories that begs the viewer for more.
79. Any cameras but black ones draw too much attention.
80. The more gear you carry around with you the less you will enjoy photography.
81. Good self-portraits are harder to take than they seem.
82. Laughter always draws out peoples’ true character in a photograph.
83. Don’t look suspicious when taking photos- blend in with the environment.
84. Landscape photography can become dull after a while.
85. Have fun while taking photos.
86. Never delete any of your photos.
87. Be respectful when taking photos of people or places.
88. When taking candid photos of people in the street, it is easier to use a wide-angle than a telephoto lens.
89. Travel and photography are the perfect pair.
90. Learn how to read a histogram.
91. A noisy photo is better than a blurry one.
92. Don’t be afraid to take photos in the rain.
93. Learn how to enjoy the moment, rather than relentlessly trying to capture the perfect picture of it.
94. Never take photos on an empty stomach.
95. You will discover a lot about yourself through your photography.
96. Never hoard your photographic insight- share it with the world.
97. Never stop taking photos
98. Photography is more than simply taking photos, it is a philosophy of life
99. Capture the decisive moment
100. Write your own list.

Danish Diaries #13

Today is the first day of advent. In four weeks time it’s Christmas. One week before that, I’ll be setting my foot on Greek soil for the first time after almost five months. Party’s almost over and it really feels like it’s long past its peak. Two years ago I wrote this particular heartfelt piece. Right now, I’m feeling like I can’t wait for Christmas to come and for me to be with my loved ones again. Everything’s looking as if our lives are going to change dramatically in the next few months and in ways we can’t even predict now, much less a year or two ago… so I feel the need to be with my people right now.  That will necessarily mean leaving my newly-found loved ones behind over here, but my approach to such inevitable small tragedies of life can be best summarised with a “bring on the pain”. I am confident that things will take their course the only way they can…

Now I will detail such an interesting topic as the weather. The weather’s broken its month-long hiatus of just plain meh of cloudy, rainless days with sheets of rain and wind that’s blowing all of the orange leaves that had gathered in piles everywhere, turning them into forced immigrants riding towards the unknown. It’s been definitely a pretty sight. Very happy that the Danish weather finally decided to prove the wilder side of its infamy. I do not think I will see snow before I leave, though — believe it or not, Danish winters are considered ‘mild’.

Jul is coming and hyggelighed is shooting through the roofs. People getting Christmas sweets, doing their Christmas shopping starting from early November *silent sigh* Then, the quaint little Christmas bazaar in the center of Aarhus is closed by 6pm (and it’s been 2 hours of darkness already), making the Christmas wine very eloquently called Gløgg unavailable to the thirsty crowds.  What can I say? This place is boring. The only fun people seem to be having is by mindlessly consuming tons of alcohol to at least make their mind-numbingly boring Fredagsbar entertainment a tiny bit more interesting. Danish people are like a bunch of spoiled children. They’re actually more like a society of sheltered people that avoid to look at the world without some kind of capitalist-socialist rose-tinted glasses (if you’re thinking that it’s a travesty to even think that capitalism and socialism could ever walk hand-in-hand down Utopia Lane, just visit Denmark and all should become crystal clear) Its clockwork social system seems to be breeding generations of people that cannot think for themselves if their life depended on it. Maybe its a common trait between people, that… But definitely, if populations from other corners of the world share this trait with the Danes, at least the Danes are the ones that come off as the ones with the better end of the stick. They are the happiest people in the world after all…

Could Denmark be an example of what would happen to a country and a population if all its problems were magically solved? Would it all come to a grinding halt out of a sheer lack of important stuff to worry about, people being very happy leading perfectly normal, predictable and passionless lives? It does seem to me that one of the common characteristics between people of the ‘First World‘ –pardon my anachronistic geopolitical categorisation, calling rich countries ‘Western’ seems just as uninspiring– is that we all seem to invent our problems, no matter if our existing problems, big or small, are affecting our happiness or not.

That is a confusing thought. I shall leave it aside.

Where was I? Ah, yes. Too afraid of foreigners, too afraid of standing out, they are hiding deep complexes behind their feel-good, relaxed appearances, against even their own larger and frankly much more interesting Nordic relatives.

OK, enough with cultural generalisations. My relativist side is painfully screaming in protest to all the above. I would hate to do what everybody seems to be doing with Greece right now; that is branding millions of people with a single stamp. Oh, oops, hehe.

Maybe I’m just sour cause I have no Danish friends to invite me over for a hyggelig board game evening… :’e

Most of my days consist of learning Spanish, enjoying hygge alone or with my predominantly Spanish-speaking friends in various altered states (yes, natural endorphins and caffeine counts! Does caffeine withdrawal onset also count as an altered state?), obsessing with Skyward Sword like a well-behaved Pavlov’s human (the highly behaviourist principle in work here is: “we want what we can’t have”. Beware of your hardware flaws and you can probably do much better than most of us out there), writing my final assignments for Digital Media Ethics and Great Works of Art or trying to at least find a good subject for both that will balance between “I already know a lot about this, I can write this stuff down!”,  “I want to learn something new, research, research!” and “I like this topic enough I will actually choose it over all the other possibilities and give it the honour of being my subject of preference for this course”. I’m listening to Grace For Drowning a lot, watching many good films the past few days and just finished Peep Show. What a great britcom it is!

Yet, I realise that once all here is said and done, I will regret not being able to use my last days here in a more creative or… Danish way. I wish I had ideas, I really do. But the spirit of Denmark has engulfed me entirely. Now excuse me: I must continue procrastinating and not doing my in Skjoldhøj Autumn cleaning, hoping that if Ι pretend it’s not there it will magically go away οr I will vacate the room before needing to do the general cleaning, having the perfect excuse… Urgh…


99 Things I HATE! ~ Part 2

Part 1

21. I drink beverages too fast.

I sit for a coffee with friends. Sluuuurp! Up the straw it goes before anyone has even touched their own beverage of choice. It’s worse with alcoholic drinks… I don’t ever seem to realise that when it’s over, it’s over! And I just sip, sip sip the night away. I also eat and smoke faster than most people when in the company of others. It’s only then that comparison with others’ still full plates/glasses is possible and my worried, thoughtful scratching of beard is only natural. My solution? I just steal from the others’ food and drink.

22. I don’t know anything about Greek Music.

It has happened too many times to count: I’m with a big company at some taverna or place that is suitable for accommodating a number of people in the double digits. Everyone’s having fun, talking vividly and eating more vividly. Then, when everyone’s feeling cheerful, someone, somewhere, utters the words to the first song. And everyone catches on; and everyone sings along; and turn-in-turn everyone butts in with their own favourite Greek words and everyone else follows suit. It’s like that when there’s a live program as well. Guy playing the guitar, singing his songs that everyone knows. It doesn’t take much to take it out of you if you’ve drunk sufficient quantities of alcohol. “All together now!” And we all sing together.

Except me.

These songs… How should I put it. Yes. I might have heard them, I might even remember one or two lyrics just from sheer repetition (this kind of thing happens to me quite often), I usually remember the melody but I can never join the fun. Friends or acquaintances might know every single song by heart but I’m just left there to look around silently trying my best to have a good time but failing miserably, always thinking “wow. This feels so awkward. It sucks.”

Alas, such behaviours never go unnoticed. When everyone’s singing and they catch wind that I am not, they try to encourage me to join them. In the wake of their inevitable failure they look so disappointed in me, so… how should I say. There’s a certain Greek word that roughly translates into “party-pooper” and “killjoy” but lacks any of the playfulness of those two words. It’s kind of a brutal word, now that I think of it. It’s ξενέρωτος. Oh I’ve got that a lot throughout the years. I also get “you don’t know these songs?? You’re not really Greek”. I’ll let the look on my own face by this point to your imagination.

It feels as if knowing about Greek music is such a big part of our culture here that you can’t help not stick out like an alpine fox in the mud if you’ve kept well away from anything that has to do with the domestic musical product for pretty much your entire life. It’s not that I hate Greek music. I want to come to terms with it, explore and discover artists I’m bound to like or already know I like but haven’t bothered looking into more (Pavlos Sidiropoulos, Thanassis Papakonstantinou, Alkinoos Ioannidis, Lavrentis Maheritsas, works by Kavadias turned into songs). Some people in my life have helped me somewhat with discovering and getting to know some Greek music but never decisively and never beyond the realms of satisfying some of my polite curiosity. It’s that it’s polite curiosity at best.

What can I say? Maybe I’m not really Greek after all if I can’t, for the life of me, get into it all. Which is a perfect intro for my next hatred entry:

23. Nationalism.

Some Greeks call me Australian. Some (most?) Australians would call me Greek if I returned to OzzyLand. I’m really both and neither. My national identities sort of negate eachother but at the same time create a completely new existence, like a Yin and a Yang that alone are whole but together are whole-er. This may be the reason I could never exactly or comfortably identify with national ideas except for when I was only little (funny how “nationalist” children can be, or we’ve all been as children).

I don't like nor believe in flags but this could well be the flag of whatever my real nationality is. Designed by me.

This open-mindedness by default comes with a cost, however. A multicultural background always helps you break through the wall of deceit but at the same time alienates you from any and all cultures you might have some heritage from including the one you were born in. You start to inhabit your own space in the cultural web, at first as little more than a means to survive but eventually enjoying this uniqueness of yours, weaving your own new threads and connections, keeping the best from both worlds and inevitably creating a new one while you’re at it.

It’s all very nice and postmodern of course but other people look at you suspiciously. You’re one of them but not exactly. Everyone must belong, granted, but you can’t seem to decide whether you belong somewhere or nowhere. An ultimate decision is unlikely. And then there comes a day when you, tired of all this vagueness, ask yourself: why must nationality form the end-all be-all criteria of “belonging” in the first place? Aren’t there more important aspects to a person?

Nationalism might be one of the things I hate the most. I’ve come to hate it so much, so deeply, I find it hard to express myself, to find words that might accurately portray how deep this hatred goes. I’ll try.

To me, nationalism is a bit like football teams (another of the 99 things, can’t be a coincidence). You support an idea or a group of people just because you belong to it. Also called ethnocentricism for us social scientists. ~^, Having a concrete sense of national identity isn’t a bad thing on its own but most usually, just like with football teams and religion for that matter, it comes with denying everyone else’s right to do exactly what you’re doing: love their country above all else. Of course, again just like football teams and religions, nations are so self-centered they believe they are the only ones in the right, that there’s only enough room for none other than themselves at the top. Nations see everyone else as threats, as others, and that alone creates a self-fulfilling prophecy; when everyone sees everyone else as a threat some kind of threat is indeed created out of thin air. Just like when two people want to trust each other but because they’re afraid that the other will not want to comply, they keep to themselves, wholly generating their own image of untrustworthiness. It’s an endless loop.

Most nations have been founded on lies we now take for granted, unshakable truths, but this isn’t the time for me to go into detail on that. I hope you can understand what I mean. Nations have only served to distill fear, isolationism and hatred into people’s hearts. As a concept they encourage people to look for differences among themselves, not similarities, at least as far as inter-national relations are concerned. The similarities that can be found in the people within the borders of the nation-state are imaginary, arbitrary and never well-defined. Naturally, universal truths like love, friendship, global or special (species-al) co-operation are the first to die for the sake of national integrity and identity. It’s not much different than the ridiculous idea of loving your video game console so much you automatically hate, out of fear perhaps, anyone who might love another console. With the difference that people have died, killed others and created complex and perfectly valid — in social terms — historical narratives to support this madness in theory as well as in practice.

It’s everywhere, from the Olympic Games and Eurovision *spit* to wars of the past and lingering ideologies. In the name of your country you might be made to feel like it’s your duty to protect it against aliens and immigrants, secure your cultural traditions and history including religion and language, avoiding to look out to the world, because you were never taught that such a thing might not be such a bad idea after all. It might be dangerous. People out there are bad, they wish nothing more than the downfall of you and your country.

I’ve seen too many people get obsessed with lies about “racial” traits (I’m tired of listening to Greeks think they’re Ancient Greeks or their descendants… SO tired…), looking back and jerking themselves off with their nonsensical grand histories so that they can avoid looking at the awful present and the grim future while still feeling as if they’re something important or special. It enables people to feel good about themselves when they’ve been good for nothing. How can ANYBODY feel special about something they never earned or fought for themselves? I suppose unhappy times call for such sad measures.

If world borders, nation-states’ cornerstones, were torn down tomorrow, it’s probable that great wars would erupt, everyone still with their mind on national interests battling it out for a better place under the sun. A world without borders would require a world without ownership, another can of worms altogether. But in a world with no nations people might eventually discover the beauty of not having to fit in, of not being caged by your parents or what part of the earth you were born in but by what your actions are.

I wish people could feel the airy and  open-mind they could have instead of the musty, dark closed-mind they’ve had since forever and take sick pride in.

24. Getting distracted for hours on the net doing nothing I set out to do.

“I’m going to log-in. I’m going to check my e-mail, see Kalionatis’s site, download the notes, after that I’m going to see Tsekouras’s site and download his notes. Then I’ll do a little bit of Delphi, after that I’ll send some e-mails to my beloved friends and check out Helix’s workcamps; I really want to take part in some of those programs!”…

*Escapist* *Hotmail* *MSN* *Matador* *Cubimension, writing* *Hotmail* *Game 2.0* *XKCD* *Cubimension, reading* *MSN* *Facebook stalking — I KNOW I DON’T HAVE A FACEBOOK!* *Goodreads* *tvtropes* *Wikipedia hopping* *Random site about some random new interest of mine* *Steam offers* *IMDB* *Flickr* *Some porn site* *MSN* *Couchsurfing* *Various interesting blogs* *Youtube* *Looking into all about that new interest of mine* *Grooveshark, discovering new bands I found out about on and* *MSN* *

Dayum… what’s left to re-check and re-re-check?*

What was it that I wanted to do again?

25. Loose handshakes.

“Oh hi… I’m *insert name here*, pleased to meet you”.

Oh, how many times have people made a bad impression on me just because that first greeting was accompanied by a loose handshake and a fleeting glance? Seriously people. Look at others in the eye when you meet them. Squeeze their palm like you mean it, NOT as if you couldn’t care less. Which is probably true anyway.

26. Moving deadlines.

“OK I’ll have it ready by then”. But “then” never comes. Being a person of the absolutely utter last minute, that means that I can never get anything done, doesn’t it?

27. Delays on booting.

Black screen. Reboot. Black screen. Reboot. BIOS startup holds up at memory testing. CTRL+ALT+DEL, nothing happens. Hard reset. BIOS completes startup, then computer freezes when loading Windows. Hard reset. BIOS startup insists there’s no more than a single core in my dual-core CPU and thus refuses to continue (out of spite?). Hard reset. At last, at some point, Cuberick decides to open his eyes, sweep off his waking grogginess and serve me, more a result of luck than anything.

The funny thing is that when it’s up and running there’s no problem whatsoever. Heh. Maybe it’s like how it’s with cars where you’ve got to get the engine all warmed-up first or something. Hermes knows how on Earth I’ve resisted beating Cuberick to a pulp time after time. Not that it matters. He’s already managed to beat himself to a pulp with no further assistance needed from me.

28. Facts caught up from Wikipedia.

-“Did you know that blah-blah?”
*where blah-blah, insert your favourite fact you yourself have already read on Wikipedia but know plenty of stuff about it from non-Wiki sources*
-“Yes I did, but it sure doesn’t sound like anything you spent too much time looking into. What you did is you just presumed you’re the more informed of the two of us just because you’ve happened to have read the Wiki page. So, you see, Mr/Ms. Smartass, I’m afraid you’re not the only one around here reading and skimming pages on that site more than necessary”.

Asking further questions usually results in disappointment and less-than-accurate answers. And when it doesn’t, it feels so sterile I can almost smell the Dettol in the air.

29. It’s raining and my clothes won’t dry indoors!

I guess it happens everywhere. But my experience from Lesvos has taught me that, if it starts raining, oh, you can be certain that it won’t stop for at least the next few days. If my clothes are caught hanging to dry on their line outside during this humid time, you can foresee the rest. But if I leave them to dry inside, they may well take even longer to reach their rightful place inside by drawer! I recently wanted to wear one of my favourite sweaters. It had been hanging there to dry for at least a week on a drying rack Garret has lent me months now– I doubt he wants it back. I grabbed it, only to find that its hood was still moist! I threw it back to its place in disgust and hatred. Go to hell, humidity.

30. Losing progress in games.

Power cuts. Ancient game design. Human mistakes. “Retry” instead of “Save”. Forgetting that “this game doesn’t have autosave”. A patch destroying the previous versions savegames. Glitches and Blue Screens Of Death. Blue Screens of Death. Screens of Death.


Loss of progress in games, you’ve sent many good hours of life’s charms to gaming purgatory, to the nether-realm of human entertainment. You’ve made many a player blind with rage, unable to accept that their efforts and pain have only resulted in a mockingly not-up-to-date version of their save files. You’ve destroyed vast amounts of perfectly good faith in an equally good game, sent it down the drain, never to return, never allowing the player to give the perfectly good game another chance due to pure frustration. It’s the synonym of amnesia for gamers, the very meaning of oblivion.

If I could, loss of progress in games, I would slap you till your cheeks were raw and your voice not fit to cry for help.


…to be continued…

99 Things I HATE! ~ Part 1

So usually, we people don’t talk about the things we hate. It’s all about the things we like. Laughing, smiling… positive feelings. It’s as being angry or hating something is inherently wrong and should be avoided in proper social conduct at all costs. What’s ironic is that, in a way, anger is one of the strongest forms of commitment to something; if it’s enough to make us angry at all (and consequently hate it), then it must mean something to us, maybe even moreso than the things we like.

However, as much as we want to turn our heads to the fact that hate is wrong, impure and other things, there’s a lot of it around. I suppose one would be better off without hate in their life, that is if they manage to unroot it, which is much, much harder than what we’ve been conditioned to think. But that is rare in our culture; hate is usually buried under those smiles, those good manners. Our society is one that nurtures hate and anger, and it’s been made antisocial venting it, so we’re left with a problem.

I used to think that I was unable to hate anyone and anything. I thought that it was good of me to be like that. I even shared this apparent trait of mine with others: “I just can’t hate on anybody, I can’t get angry!” Years of experience have now shown me that not only can I get very angry, like any “normal” person should be able to, there are also some things that I hate. And I hate them with a passion. Such is my passion that I decided, after years of looking the other way, pretending and liking to think I had a kind, pure and non-hating nature to the point of stupidity, to proudly share them with you.

Why 99? 100 and 101 seem kind of arbitrary and too standard for my ever-deviating liking. You’ve got to admit it has a certain ring to it, ninety-nine. It subtracts, rather than adds. Less is more, and even less is even more, right? 😛 I also like nines. There!

This has been an unpredictably lengthy project. I’ve been jotting down things I hate as they’ve been coming to me since October. By the time of writing I’ve only reached #57 and all the obvious ones, for example cockroaches, are out. Things are getting rough. But you know what? The small, hidden ones are the most delicious, personal ones, the little things that make me hate the world’s guts for 15 minutes or so and then I forget all about. That’s where all the meaning is lying bare, waiting to be discovered by myself catching myself unprepared.


This is a hate song just meant for you
I thought that I’d write it down while I still could
I hope when you hear this you’ll want to sue

Oh it’s a lonely life in my empty bed
And it’s a quiet life that leaks from my head
These are the last rites
The line is dead

Yes, I’m hearing voices too
And I’m more cut up than you

1. Solar glare.

When everything’s so bright but in a sick way, especially summer noons. It ruins my mood almost every time. It combines awfully well with the next one up:

2. Fumes.

I hate fumes. I hate these products of combustion, whether they come from cars, planes, trains, motorbikes, power generators, factories, ships… It doesn’t matter! They’re dirty, they’re quick to give you a headache, they smell bad, they can make even a beautiful place like Mytilini thick with smog. Disrespectful humans! I can’t believe we’re so primitive as to still, use oil so extensively…

3. Motorbikes making noise.

“So what I was meaning to tell you was VROOOOOOOOOO I can’t hear you! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM… *after 5 second pause* OK, where were we?” It makes it far worse when the riders have this smug expression on their faces, as if there’s some kind of hidden algorithm connecting the dB count of the noise they produce to the length of their penis. Yes there is such an algorithm, fellow bikers of the world. THE MORE NOISE YOU MAKE, THE SMALLER MR. DICKINSON IS. GET IT?

4. Cockroaches

Cockies (not the adorable cockatoo). Roaches. These horrible little creepy-crawlies that have made the lives of many a human miserable… What is it in these little buggers that gets to us so much? Is it their unnatural speed? Their apparent foresight by which they can predict any and all human attempts to kill them? Their dirty habits? Their evolutionary talent tree which has put maximum emphasis on survival and reproduction? That some of them have wings? That they can swim? That one means legion? That their legs have special sensors to detect movements of air and react without any input needed from the roach’s nervous system? That they can feed on anything, including glue and detergent? That they can survive without a head and ultimately die of starvation? That they call the sewers their home? That if they’re carrying eggs when they die they just launch them away from their body? Cockroaches are the ultimate answer to Yoda’s question…

Judge me by my size, do you?

5. Passive smoking.

You’ve all experienced it. Going into a taverna, bar or café and finding yourself in the elemental plane of fog. It makes you stink, it makes you dizzy, it’s almost as bad for you as smoking proper. So why is it so hard for people to accept that at some point things in Greece have to move on and that it would be the best for all of us if smoking was forbidden in closed spaces? I’m not talking about a general prohibition, just closed spaces guys. You can still go out to smoke! You and another 70% of the late-night bar-goers, so you can even socialise outside! Win-win, non?

6. It burns when I pee!

Sometimes, not very often thankfully, I go to the bathroom and the horrible happens… For a little while the sensation lingers, and there’s nothing I can do about it. It’s not that I have any sort of problem. It just appears and disappears at random, and has done so for years. It is very, very annoying.

7. Foam cups.

You order a scalding coffee from the uni cafeteria and they give it to you in this nasty foam cup. There’s bound to be something wrong with having hot liquids in plastic containers… They’re 100% environmentally unfriendly, too.

8. Toilets with holes too narrow.

Alternatively, toilets with flushes too weak. I’ll leave this to your exquisite imagination.

9. Sleeping inwaking up hours after the time I’ve set my alarm clock to ring.

Now, there’s something quite strange about my relationship with sleep. It’s a 1v1v1: trying to sleep early, trying to wake up early and trying to get as much sleep as possible are battling it out every single day. The victor more often than not, almost every time to be exact, being “trying to get as much sleep as possible”. Sometimes, just sometimes, as much as I love sleep, I’d rather sleep less and wake up early so as to start re-adjusting my bio clock. BUT NOOO! My brain think it’s a good idea to wake up at 12:30pm, every single day, no matter whether I’ve slept 6 hours or 10. The alarm clock most probably never gets heard at all. At best, it enters my mid-morning dreams as some kind of ominous speaker blast.

10. The sound of Spanish.

I strongly dislike this language for reasons unknown to me. However, I’d like to learn the language just as an attempt to shake off this prejudice of mysterious origin and also as a tool to travel through America, Pole to Pole, one of my ambitious travel plans…

11. Foam cups — inside bras.

If I find something particularly feminine, it is a hearty bosom. A foam cup filled bra gives false promises, it is hypocritic. It might make a woman’s figure look impressive at first, but when it gets down to it, it’s a flashy gift wrap with no gift! I should make myself clear though: I have no problem with gifts that have flashy giftwraps! TωΤ

Ladies, feel confident for what you are, your body is you, but it is also not you — you can only choose what you’re going to look like up to a certain extent. You have nothing to be ashamed of. If you’ve got large breasts, be proud of them. If you’ve got small breasts, be proud of them. Each case comes with its own pluses and minuses. Trying to be something you’re not is disappointing and not sexy. And this applies to everything conceivable. “Be yourself” might be one of the most cliché phrases this side of “never say never again”, but I find it applies here.

12. Dirty lettuce.

This goes particularly for all the student restaurants that are pretending they’re providing us with healthy food, as long as they’re giving us salad (but it is applicable to every bad restaurant out there). When it’s not cabbage — which has little nutritional value and makes you fart a lot — it’s this lettuce that looks as if it’s been taken from the field and thrown into the plate, no questions asked , including all the pesticides, herbicides, -icides, bugs (mutated to survive the -icides), dirt, you name it. No wonder it tastes bitter…

Long story short: You’re getting paid to cater to us. That includes keeping us healthy. Don’t make ridiculous excuses of yourselves in this way. At least wash the lettuce, for fuck’s sake! Please.

13. Bureaucracy.

Now there, that’s something we can all agree upon. Who doesn’t hate bureaucracy? No, my hatred is so intense it makes your average bureaucracy hating look like child’s play next to the fecking crusades. It might be because I admittedly have a sort of fear of bureaucracy. To be honest, I can’t tell which came first, the fear or the hate? That might be because I’m naturally repulsed by anything counter-intuitive. I have the distinct impression that the term “counter-intuitive” was coined to describe bureaucracy.

Anything that might make me have to go through bureaucracy gets the same treatment, unfortunately. This includes Greek and international volunteer programs, Erasmus, insurance, grants, even working for payment when it demands some sort of paperwork. All of this makes me nervous, as if by my showing up, the state and/or the EU will suddenly realise I’ve been a mistake all along and commence my extermination procedure.  Even though I’m sure I’ll never get past my hatred for bureaucracy, if I want to do anything of value I have to at least conquer my fear of it.

14. Face piercings, especially when done in attempts to fit in and totally don’t suit one’s face.

I’ve been seeing lots of nose and lower lip rings lately. Piercings that look like moles, across the eyebrows, or even in the middle of the cheek! I just cannot comprehend it. Girls and boys alike wear them as if they were trophies. In most cases they detract from the beauty of a face, which leads me to only one conclusion: that they’re done because it is cool to do so, not because they’re particularly pretty. A piercing anywhere but on the easrs is something that immediately separates one from the sheeple and provides admission to the Hip People With No Moral Restraints Club, 2 in the price of 1 with the Social Rejects Club, free sex for the first 25 in line, hurry! Ugh. No thanks. If it’s done properly it can be pretty, which is of course an empty phrase. It’s akin to stating “religion is a good idea, if only people really followed their beliefs!” Again, no.

15. Can’t you see I want to be alone?

Sometimes I try to find a little cozy spot somewhere at Uni Hill or perhaps at a café somewhere in town to read, write, or otherwise do my thing. Nuh-uh! Not if people feeling particularly chatty have a say in it! Color me anti-social. Maybe I am. Maybe I want to be social when I’m feeling like it. Go on then! Seclude me from society. Maybe then we can throw a party at the Social Rejects Club together with all the pierced people.

And it’s not like I look as if I have a big green sign over my head flashing “Online/Available” for all to see. Usually, (note)books or laptops in your immediate vicinity might signify that they are there for a reason, they could work as the equivalents of a “Busy” sign. Tough luck with that.

There’s no “Appear Offline” to get away from people who just can’t take a hint or are feeling particularly itchy to share with the world (case in point: me) that they had tea instead of coffee this morning, or that they watched a documentary on Ancient Egyptian religion (which might have been interesting if they tried to remember, or were able to reproduce half of it, and not say: “I think it said… hmm… nah I’m not sure” after the first question) or that they downloaded a huge torrent of hentai last night. It’s as if what’s deemed important to share with others over the internet has spread to real life! Blame Facebook. That’s what I do and it makes me happy. Maybe I should be more… expressive of this hatred of mine? Should I draw the line when necessary? Should I stop worrying about other people’s feelings so much? Do I honestly expect too much of people even with this simple little thing? Bah humbug!

16. Why won’t it just focus?

DSLRs, and most notably my own Olympus E-510, which I love and hate dearly at the same time, really hate focusing. They do. They have tiny viewfinders, stupid digital MF rings, their AF is sluggish and annoying. Low-light conditions are the worst, of course. Taking photos suddenly becomes unbearably unwieldy, especially if you have live subjects that — just — won’t — FOCUS!

17. –“Are you on MSN?” – “Yes”.

– “…”

18. Dark for dark’s sake.

A lot of people, friends including, seem to be very much attracted to “dark” stuff. Vampires, blood, death, paranoia, horror, pessimism, doom & gloom ltd, goths, spikes, guns, guts, disease, (post-)apocalypse, BLACK BLACK BLACK, oh-my-life’s-story-so-dark-and-melancholy-I-can’t-share-it-with-you-at-will-sorry-’bout-that, emotions = compulsive depressive. It’s so fake, yet so… cool. Yep, scratch that off the hate list. Not to mention the real horrors of life are carefully veiled, tucked away and far from sight. But most people who are dark and all won’t dare look that way, of course.

19. Cell phone service messages.

“Έχετε τέσσερα λεπτά και 58 δευτερόλεπτα διαθέσιμα γι’αυτή την κλήση”. You have 4 minutes and 58 seconds available for this call. Every time I call Cosmote to find out my remaining credits they force a needless advertisement down my auditory canal. Cheap, guys. Very cheap. Or when suddenly your remaining credits get to minus due to excessive texting combined with the service unresponsive credit reduction, forbidding you to even perform an αναπάντητη. Customer service and satisfaction is a non-entity in Greece.

20. Cultural Technology? What’s that?

Of course! I get it. All. The time. From taxi drivers, to distant relatives, to dates, to long lost acquaintances, to random encounters at parties, everyone feels the need to inquire on what it is exactly I’m doing at Mytilini. Which is normal I suppose. Yes, it is normal, and a sign of polite curiosity. I don’t like going into depth on what I do,though, because more often than not, people aren’t that interested. Then, I figure, why spend the energy telling the truth about my “primary” occupation if it’s not to be appreciated? It’s a hard task. Since the dept does not really know what it’s about itself, it’s a different story I have to invent on the fly every time. There’s no “official”, easy answer. If I spot that the person with which I am holding palaver is genuinely interested, I’ll describe what I’m doing over here in Mytilini gladly. But I must admit I’ve done my fair share of over-simplification or flat-out lying about my field of studies…

to be continued…

Blue Moon

Last December had two full moons. Popularly, a second full moon in a single month is called a blue moon, even if that is not the correct definition (check here for more details). This moon rose on December 31st and set on January 1st. It was a full moon that connected two years. Or should I say, it connected two decades? I find it strangely symbolic that the last day of the year and decade just happened to be a full moon day… It was surreal going out to see the fireworks and having the huge light in the sky illuminating everything.

Somewhat obscure gaming reference FTW!

I will not treat the turn of the decade as time to contemplate change, look back or act as if starting today the world’s going to be different in some sort of way. It is still too early for us to even be able to say what the decade we just left behind us will be remembered for, let alone compare it with the fresh new one that’s just a signle day old. I will thus spare with the retrospective craze about how the past decade changed our lives. All I have to say on that is that every change made during this decade was sort of transitional… We ain’t seen nothing yet (sic).

My refusal to look back in sets of tens does not mean that I do not want to see what last year brought, however. It was certainly a full and interesting year for me. I’d like to take you to a sort of new year’s resolution I wrote last year, “More and Less of 2009”. This year’s “More and Less” will consist of all that I did not manage to do during 2009. I’ll give it a go:

More movies, more games, more languages, more activities, more biking, more photography, more people, more travelling, more new experiences, more love, more animals, more beauty, more cooking, more reading, more knowledge, more stars, more planets, more cleaning, more housekeeping, more real working, more specialisation, more subtitles, more cubimension, more music, more peace, more awareness, more spirituality, more science, more history, more dreams, more thoughts, more tea, more vegetables, more cake, more e-mails, more writing, more art, more friendliness, more phone calls, more letters, more enjoying the moment in the right way.

Less procrastinating, less shyness, less lazyness, less internet idleness, less msn, less stupid spending, less sleeping till the afternoon, less caffeine, less absent-mindedness.

These are my personal wishes for 2009.

Alex: You forgot more sex. And more anime. You forgot less facebook too. Less flies too! Yiek!Enloying the moment in a right way eh?..Dunno if you wishing this to yourself ooor you’re trying to tell me something… :P

More movies: I guess this is kind of a pass. I’m doing the whole kinimatografiki thing together with Garret, I’ve watched my fair share of movies in the past year… There’s definitely a lot more in my”want to see” list on Flixster, but is there anything out there really for which this can’t be said? I mean… not on my “want to see” list on Flixster, generally speaking…

Honourable mentions: Kubrick Month, District 9, Dogtooth, Some Like It Hot, The Shawshank Redemption, Inglourious Basterds

More games: Hmmm… my overall “games played” meter in 2009 is fairly similar to, if not lower than 2008’s. I did sign up for Game 2.0, which is good, but I feel that I haven’t played enough games that I’ve been aching to play. I’m up to the neck in music games, if that’s any development. I even  got more of an acquired taste in strategies!

Honourable mentions: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts&Bolts, Victoria, The Longest Journey, Modern Warfare 2, Peggle Nights, Luxor, StarCraft

More languages: My go at learning Japanese crashed and burned and I’ve made little progress with German…next question!! :/

More activities: That’s a check in many different ways.Theatriki, Kinimatografiki, Fotografiki, being out a lot, I have the distinct impression I’ve been pretty active, thank you!

More biking: um… R.I.P.

More photography: That’s a check as well! Just have a look at my Flickr for the results! :}

More people: Yes, met many new people this year but got to know few. This one’s up in the air as is always has and always will be I guess.

More travelling: Turkey, Peloponnese, Kerkyra, Rodos… Good, but I don’t think it can compare to 2008 in any way, many plans died out or haven’t been realised yet. But there’s much hope for 2010, I’ll tell you that.

More new experiences: Always on the lookout! Many experiences I shall cherish forever.

More love: That’s a tough one. I’ll say check, even though I’m not sure if everything I have in mind is aspects of love or something else entirely.

More animals: Does the army of cats on the watch outside my apartment count? 😛

More beauty: Just like new experiences, always looking for more!

More cooking: FAIL UNLIMITED! 🙁

More reading: Hmmm… I give this one a hearty check. In the past 12 months I read many books that I’ll remember for years to come. Coming in contact with Saramago, Gaarder and Mazower are no small matters.

More knowledge: Yes! I I owe this largely to Despina Catapoti for being the best prof ever and leading me to planes of gnosis I always wanted to visit but I wasn’t aware of. Cultural studies, postmodernism, philosophy were all redefined in my head.  I feel like my mind has opened even more.

More stars: I don’t have a telescope… yet… but it’s been a fine astronomical year with many a starry sky and gazing alone or in good company.

More planets: If this is astrology (I don’t remember), I’m now feeling a bit mixed on the issue.

More cleaning/housekeeping: This has reached an all time low… For shame.

More real working: I made my first real money in 2009, which is great. Game 2.0 or my EAA Museum and other uni projects also count and I stand proud!

More specialisation: …hm… nah.

More subtitles: Yes indeed, I did some and I was paid for it. Moar plz.

More cubimension: Another healthy check and it’s getting better!

More music: Not many new bands came into my attention this year, but I’ve been listening to music, yay! 😛 Buying The Incident in Special Edition is something I’m not sure I regret yet.

More peace: No, I wasn’t in peace for much of last year. Good or bad? I cannot tell.

More awareness: Not very successsful, many a time did I let my wandering thoughts cloud my perception of the present. Not a good thing.

More spirituality: I’ve been trying to delve into the secrets of eastern philosophy… Tao and Physics is an excellent book on the subject, but Tao is so deep and mistifying I’m confused and left in awe at the same time. Somewhat healthy.

More science: Web Science Conference?! Hehe, well I’ve been reading some pop science books, if that counts…

More history: Yes yes! Playing Victoria, reading Mazower and looking into alternate histories, listening to Despina talk…

More dreams: After “Counting Sheep”, my take on sleep was briefly something completely different and new. Now I’ve somewhat subconsciously returned to my bad old take of “sleep cuts away from your waking time”… I must make it a point to follow some online lucid dreaming classes.

More thoughts: I’ve been thinking…

More tea: I got this huge bag of tea from Ayvalik (which cops mistook for half a kilo of weed…) and I still haven’t made any of it. Maybe I’m still recovering from the tea overload in Turkey. Or maybe my boiler is kaput. No wait, it is.

More vegetables: uh, I don’t think I’ve been eating any more or any less… I shoud make a habit of making salads a la mama though, they’re downright awesome.

More cake: fail. Or is it?

More e-mails: And all to the same handful of special someones as last year. Pah, no good. 😛

More writing: Judging from my surge of cubimension interest, that’s a positive.

More art: I’ve done my part. That collage for Alex and a lot of digital art tidbits… I know I can do better though.

More friendliness: I think I might be going well with this. Might.

More phone calls: and to whom, I wonder… But you know that I dislike phones!

More letters: I don’t think I wrote a signle one.

More enjoying the moment in the right way: I… think I got that one. Or maybe not. Or maybe both. Or maybe it’s too hard to tell as a rule. Or maybe I’m still trying to do it.

Less procrastinating: No one ever entirely gets away from this one… But it is the goal.

Less shyness: I’ve seen myself be very shy and very not shy. Soooo…

Less lazyness: I think I’m less lazy than usual. Yes.

Less internet idleness: Working on that one but I think I’ve made some progress.

Less MSN: Considerably.

Less stupid spending: …yes, but I still turn out with less money than I calculated. Maybe the definition of stupid has simply jumped around.

Less sleeping till the afternoon: …to which I’ll add: less going to sleep after dawn!

Less caffeine: HAH! Good one!

Less absent-mindedness: Hmmm. Yes.

More sex: Quantity-wise or quality-wise? It makes all the difference in the world.

Less Facebook: I managed to deactivate it. TOTAL SUCCESS!

More anime: Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of One Piece. But where’s my Cowboy Bebop?

Less flies: Less flies, I agree. And less cockroaches please!


Is it really Christmas?

fuck christmas

So here I am, sitting in my room at my place in Nea Smyrni, stealing someone’s WiFi (together with 6 other people… Logging in to routers with default WEP settings and changing the keys is soo tempting… but I am not that evil), blogging when I should be working on my projects. I’ve been here for a few days already and I’m not feeling like it is Christmas at all. I look at all the constructed, fake festivities around me and I am feeling nothing but disgust for this joke of a festival centered around “love”. Just sneaking a peak at all the advertisements targeted at children, the true targets of this consumeristic parody, is borderline depressing. It’s no wonder we all have a sort of nostalgic aftertaste of Christmas which really stems from our childhood, when it all seemed so magical, so true, so happy… Is it the presents, the holidays, the sweets, the music? Maybe it is the sheer fakeness of it all, the same thing that draws children to Disneyland, that manages to enchant them so. What can indeed be said about the “holiday season”, a cultural curiosity which is one of the best examples of globalization today? I feel that if I let myself loose I’m going to fill pages upon pages of ranting about something that everybody knows is true yet decides to turn a blind eye to, preferring to drown their sorrows in ethical and guiltless super-consuming.

The fact, then, that I’m not feeling as if it’s Christmas is probably a good sign.

Maybe it is because so much has happened in my life in so little time. Maybe it’s because I have been consciously looking away from the very strong build-up that typically leads to an all-encompassing “Christmas spirit”. Maybe it is because I’ve grown mature enough to be able to appreciate being close to my loved ones and having some free time without associating the holidays with consumption, fake feelings of love for the world and this hideous “spirit”. It may be all, it may be none, it may be just one of these things, but whatever the reason, I am happy that I can see past the worryingly ultra-happy social appearances…

OK, Christmas flaming over. :] I started writing this post wanting to share what I’ve been doing the past few days and how I’m going to spend my holidays. Interesting much? It’s the fatal compulsion of blogging…

University Projects

One of the slighter reasons I’m not feeling too Christmas-y and/or relaxed is that I have a serious amount of work to get done for university. Four projects. It was going to be five originally but I decided to drop the project for Virtual Worlds and Digital Animation — my well of inspiration was looking a bit too dry for me to realise my relatively ambitious plans.

1. PHP. My project for WWW Technologies is to build a complete computer hardware online shop. That is much harder to do than it sounds, at least for someone who has little to no knowledge of dynamic website developing. This project is supposedly for two people but Garret doesn’t look like he might be a lot of help; he still needs to get his HTML sorted out. Anyway, it’s online tutorial and lab note time!

2. Cultural Representation. I chose to represent my top 5 favourite cities in the world for this one. I will have to make the workflow chart for an interactive application. I won’t fully develop it, but just designing a workable and attractive User Interface, as well as making it have the distinct Cubi style will take some full hours.

3 & 4. These are secret projects… ^^D

I promise impressive things… It’s not that I’m too bored to write about them or anything like that, no! It’s because I want to surprise everyone!

Flickr, Facebook and Online Identities

It’s been a a few weeks now that I deactivated my Facebook account. After a point, it felt downright hypocritic posting bad stuff about it but having a perfectly healthy account. Nevermind the less than impressive number of pictures I had on it.

Tell you what, I haven’t missed it a bit. A lot of people seem to find it strange that I’ve done so and have tried to persuade me to re-activate it. They say: “We miss you!”, just like Facebook said they would (and I thought it was being ridiculous…) To them, all I have to say is this. Sorry, but I will indulge in pathetic spying and “maintaining expired relationships” no longer!

Some other people, mostly from the Theatre and Photography groups, have told me that I should re-activate my FB so that I can upload photographs for all to see. I have a different reply for them: Flickr! Maybe you’ve noticed, maybe you haven’t, but I’m uploading more and more of my photographs there. It’s a very good image site, well-made, professional, respectful to the applying web laws as far as content protection goes. That is where you can head for my full lowdown of pictures! Look at that: it’s even got integrated support for WordPress (the sidebar pics are from my Flickr photostream, also have a look at my previous post). What else can one possibly ask for?!

To sum up:
Facebook sucks,
Flickr rules,
if you want to see my pics,
you surely oughta choose!

Windows 7 for free! Legally! How?

Casually browsing the web, a few days ago I stumbled upon MSDN Academic Alliance through my.aegean. What’s this, you say? It is a Microsoft service that allows students to download some of their software for free, all in the name of academia. Amazing eh? I was excited to discover that the University of the Aegean is eligible for this service. Why hasn’t anybody, ever, told us anything about it?

I really did download Windows 7 Professional, as well as a valid license key, for free, just by putting in my CT user name and pass. I burnt it on a DVD and now it’s waiting for me to tidy up my laptop HDDs before I format. This might take a while actually… heh.

Check it our for yourself!

Three Sequels and a Classic.

My gaming activity in the past few weeks has centered around four games: Modern Warfare 2, Banjo-Tooie, Half-Life 2 and StarCraft. Let me tell you a few things about these games.

Modern Warfare 2 is a great game in multiplayer, haven’t touched SP yet, as “controversial” as it may be. Enough said, I believe.

banjo-tooie christmas

Banjo-Tooie. Oh, Banjo-Tooie. I am very aware that about 2 years ago I placed it #20 in my 20 Favourite N64 games. I did not remember it very well back then, having only played it once before, when I was only 11. Not long ago I downloaded it from XBLA and decided to give it another spin, especially when I had so much fun downloading, replaying and 100%ing Banjo-Kazooie this time last year from the same service.

Tooie must be one of  the deepest, most innovative platformers in the history of the genre, not to mention one of the most expanding sequels ever. The level architecture is brilliant, how each world connects with a few others is something that hasn’t been used in other games since, even though it was such a good idea. The game is truly massive — getting 100% might take me 20+ hours when Banjo-Kazooie took me around 6. It’s definitely because I remember Kazooie almost perfectly even from my early years while now with Tooie it’s like playing it for the first time… Yes, the game is massive. TOO massive and time-consuming at times, when the original was a lot tighter and pure. I just have to comment on some of the humour displayed in Tooie; there are a lot more sexual references than in the original, and that can only be a good thing.

It doesn’t feel like I’m replaying it so it all feels fresh. If remade it could easily stand next to contemporary platformers and surpass them in many ways. Still, even if I have redeemed it a bit, the original still stands proud of its proximity to platforming perfection even when it obviously offers less, is shorter, much easier and has a fraction of the content of its sequel. I guess that is what separates a very good game from a classic. And talking about classics…

StarCraft. Yes, Blizzard’s other franchise that is about to see its full revival in a few months (and then we’re going to talk about sequels, period. Any new IPs please? :P) Even though I’m a strategy game fan, I’ve never shown great interest for Blizzard games. I’ve tried to like the WarCraft universe but I find it bores me. I still cannot exactly say why I like StarCraft and even worse, explain the on-and-off relationship I’ve had with it for years. Now, this Christmas, I’ve decided  to follow its story and see why it’s a game celebrated like few. So far I’m loving it! Haven’t had this much fun with a Single Player RTS campaign in years.

Want another game I’ve had an on-and-off relationship with for even longer? That’s none other than Half-Life 2 for you. I downloaded and tried it when it was released more than 5 years ago and was blown away by its atmosphere. For some weird reason I lost interest somewhere along the way. I tried to pick it up three times since, once after I bought the Orange Box, another time sometime last Autumn and another shortly thereafter… again and again, I kept losing interest a bit further along the road. My last save was two hours or so before the end of the game, in the City 17 streetfights. I had reached this point last time I’d felt like playing, that is last February. The morning before I left Mytilini and after a good dose of  caffeine, I finally took the bold step, closing a 5-year circle: I finished Half-Life 2.

I had been thinking that the game would have a tedious ending. How wrong I was. Getting rid of the Striders, climbing up the Citadel and then… *spoilers* was just so EPIC! Not only wasn’t it tedious, it was awe-inspiring. The rest of the game was like this, what in the name of Valve made me think the end would disappoint? Silly Cubi… Now, if only I could get Episode I to run on this laptop. Oh, don’t we wish…

That’s it for now! I have more things to share but they’re still being digested. Hey, there’s still lots of happenings left for the rest of the holidays anyway, they’ve only just begun! Soon it’s going to be the turn of the decade as well. Now that’s going to be awesome

Plus*2/Minus*2 Summer Edition! Part 2

Ships, ships, ships, only a pee away from shit. _-

I believe that I was one of the best customers of the shipping companies this summer. A normal person wouldn’t take more than 4, 5, a maximum of 6 ships during the summer. Not me. Hohoho, not me. Between mid-May and my trips to Athens for supporting Alexandra’s exams effort and mid-August and our return to Mytilini, I travelled in a grand total of 18 ships (not 18 unique ones). My rough estimation is that I spent a total of 156 hours of this time travelling at sea. That’s about a week’s worth of non-stop travelling!

The problem is that greek ships are, well, shippy. I mean shitty. Most of them are old, the new ones are too expensive, the food and drinks on board are ridiculously expensive, they go slower than what they claim to in order to save fuel… They treat passengers as if they’re worthless sheep. Even when some of the crew are trying to be polite, you know that the general company policy is “passengers are sheep, and you are the herders!” It’s just a huge industry of money-thirsty shippers. They are the ones who control the Aegean Sea. I really hate them all. What I hate the most is the spam with which they bomb you on board: the safety messages, the cheesy music (especially ANEK’s, although Hellenic Seaways is epic as fuck! Tan-taaaaaan, tan-tan-taaaaaan…), “passengers wishing to di(n)e are kindly requested to proceed to the self-service restaurant, “due to increased truck, the ship will delay”, I could go on forever! These can be a good source of amusement for the first few trips but after hundreds and hundreds of hours on board it gets kind of… annoying.


Anyway, it’s no wonder I find it ironic when people wish me a good journey before I hop on a boat for the umpteenth time; it’s become a second nature finding a comfy spot, laying my sleeping bag, watching One Piece or reading a book for tens of hours at a time, no matter how shippy the shits are! Oh, the joy of studying 12 hours worth of voyage away from your own, but also your girlfriend’s, home…

Destruction of small neighbouring house _

Ever since I was knee-high to a grasshopper, I remember walking by a strange old house on my way to school and the neighbourhood mini-market. I could see this house from the heights of the balcony of my room for many years. It was a nice old abandoned house, with dense foliage and many cats living around. I never really knew if anyone did live there, apart from the cats. The guy owning it supposedly died at some point and his wife moved to another house.

A few months ago, to my great astonishment, mum told me that they had put up a sign in front of the house announcing that the house would be demolished and a brand new block of flats would be built in its place. Right then, I felt as if part of my childhood died.

The actual demolition only started in July. Hammers and bulldozers worked furiously every morning. The noise of course was too much to handle so me and Alex always had the balcony door closed, which led to extreme temperatures building up in my room. Mum warned me that during most demolitions swarms of cockroaches crawl out of the fresh ruins looking for new homes. Not really into the idea of hosting a dozen or ten cockroach clans, we decided that we shouldn’t leave the balcony door open even at night.

This went on for many weeks. Even when we left Athens a few weeks ago, terrible machines were still digging for the foundations. The hole was already abyss-like in depth.

In a few months from now, my once bright room will become dark and gloomy. This new apartment building will block all light coming to the back side. But it’s not only this. When certain things occur, it just hits you that you’ve grown old enough to see the world change. Nea Smyrni has sure changed in the 15 years that I remember it. The Alsos next to our home, the new parking, Nea Smyrni square, the tram… The city has even expanded during my lifetime. Places I remember as being just soil and nothingness (at the borders with Brahami) are now fully urbanised. Nea Smyrni has sure changed.

Recently, I found out that Nea Smyrni was originally meant to remain a lower density suburb. The height of apartment buildings used to be regulated everywhere in the city but along Syggrou Ave. Only after 1974 and the fall of the Junta were the regulations revised. Ever since, the number of small houses has fallen dramatically. I don’t think the surviving ones will be around for much either, unforunately…


Alexandra’s Dream +++__-

Quick question: What had Alex been doing the past year? I’ll let you think for a second. Yeeees…

If you haven’t remembered by now, allow me to remind you. She was studying for her Panellinies!

Yes, Panellinies. This little final exam that gets all 17-year-old nervous and their parents broke. This exam that’s stuck somewhere between the Middle Ages and the Paleolithic Age that forces teenagers to decide what they’ll do for a living within a matter of months. This incredible exam that works by somehow making mathematics, greek language and physics only slightly less important than special subjects when calculating points for entry in the university or school of choice. I could go on.

Alex had a strange experience last year. When we met, she was studying German so that she could go to Austria and become a better musician. Apparently though, she had a change of heart somewhere along the road and decided that she did not want to either leave me, her country, (the rest of) her loved ones ;P or all that. To just suddenly go and live abroad for almost 6 years. I agree, that would be a shock, even though shocks can be useful from time to time. All was good then. She didn’t have to leave and we could stay together. Here comes the strange experience though: she realised that she was already 22 and had not lived the life of a student, she hadn’t gone through this magical process of living on her own! Many times before had this change of scene been delayed and her not going to Austria was added to the list. What was she to do?! Oh the horror! I can still remember when we were talking on MSN and she was panicking about her future, or lack thereof, as it seemed at the time at least.

The answer came quickly. She did not have to move out of Greece to receive the musical education of her dreams. A bit of research later and along came Musical Studies Dept, Ionian University, Kerkyra (Corfu… silly name). It sounded like best thing since Geometry Wars. Indeed, all opinions agreed on how it was one of the best, if not the best, musical universities in Greece. The problem? She couldn’t just walk in and start lessons; she had to be admitted. And how do people get admitted to universities in this day and age? Exactly.

Panellinies was the name of  the game and Alex was more than willing to play. She even travelled to Kerkyra to see for herself before doing anything rash. Typically, she fell in love with the town and student life. I was slightly depressed at the time; no matter how good and well it is in Mytilini, I will never forget my disappointment when I failed entering Audiovisual Arts in the Ionian University.

All this was around this time last year. Alex did play hard. Harder than I expected. I was telling her “you’re gonna get in, but only just. You’ll be too lazy to get a better score, but not lazy enough to fail”. This year we even met every weekend almost, much more often than last year. She’d have all the excuses in the world to not go very well. But she did. And it was awesome.

In May I watched her as she fought hard for her 6 compulsory subjects: greek, maths, biology (easy and hard mode), physics and chemistry. If you’re wondering what all that has to do with music, well… don’t ask! Her score was a very satisfying 14860, thousands of points above the previous year’s minimum. She hadn’t even begun with her music subjects yet! But that was the catch; one wrong step at that point and all would have been for nought as it’s necessay to have a score greater or equal to 10/20 in both music subjects to get into a university musial dept.

The harmony exam was a breeze, Alex got more than 18 in that one. Dication was a surprisingly cruelexam though. It was plain evil. Girls got out of the exam centres crying, everyone was pessimistic, it was a mess. Alex was on the positive side although not certain and got a 12 finally, thus securing her entry in the uni and ending a few weeks of nervous uncertainty for both of us.

A few weeks ago the official result were announced and as we all expected, Alex is among the people that will be studying Music in Kerkyra starting this year. She’ll probably be getting a laptop too for her superb results!

It’s been a happy story till now. But there is a darker side to it, as the most perceptive of you will have noticed.

Till now, our relationship with Alex has been mostly uncomplicated. I live in Mytilini, she lives in Athens. A big obstacle for some that we jumped over easily. As if it did not even exist. Only rarely has distance ever affected our relationship. Distance can also be refreshing for a relationship. As I said in my previous Plus/Minus, travelling 8-12 hours at a time is manageable, as is travelling twice a month to Athens and back. No big deal, right?

Right! But what about… 24 hours worth of travelling? Starting in a few weeks, Alex will live in Kerkyra. That will be her effective home. Consider this: Mytilini is on the border with Turkey; Kerkyra is on the border with Albania and the western-most island of Greece, only a few hours away from Italy. How will this ground-shaking change affect our relationship?

This past summer I’ve been thinking about all these things. Not just me, of course. Alex has been just as pondersome. This feeling that our days are numbered hung, and still hangs over us, affecting our emotions. The natural response is to try and make use of these remaining days the best way one can. This often backfires… The looming sensation that time is running out often makes one take even less advantage of what time really remains. But maybe it’s because deep down we refuse to believe, no, we refuse to make the “time is running out” a facet of our reality. I still do not feel as if it’s anywhere close to being over. On the contrary.

All that said, how does this imminent change (and its awaiting) strike me, in the end?

++: Alexandra’s finally finding her career path. It is the change she’s been waiting for years. She’ll do what she loves most and get even better at it. I can’t even imagine what great music she will compose! She will find new friends in the ultimate artsy-cultural university city in Greece. I am really and sincerely happy, most of all, that she’s getting exactly what she fought for, she’s doing what she dreamed of doing. It is something a lot of us forget to do nowadays. We compromise. We think too much of what people will (or won’t) say or what people will or won’t do as a reaction to our actions. Alex is setting an example. An example of purity of intent. How difficult is it for us people to know exactly what we want to do and be sure that it is exactly what will make us happy? Besides: travelling to Corfu? Count me in!

+: The distance between me and Alex will soon double. What will happen between us? Taking for granted that we will keep on seeing eachother no matter what, there are two scenarios within sight:

1. Distance only makes us realise how much in love we are with eachother. Our less frequent meetings are much more intense and we live happily ever after.

2. We’ve thought of giving eachother the freedom to experiment with random people if we so wish (now we’re yound and free etc) while still, in theory at least, remaining a couple. I can already imagine the clusterfucks such a scenario might produce, the jealousy and quarreling… but we will end up together in the end, and we’ll live happily ever after.

Whichever of these 2 scenarios happens, increased solidarity is something that might help me concentrate on my last year on this island and all this might implicate…

_: …but it’s all nice and good declaring beforehand that my last year in Mytilini will be be better if I concentrate on Mytilini-centric activities. How can I say that when I’ve been with Alexandra for more than 1.5 years already?! I may not have forgot how it was before her, but I sure don’t know how it’s going to be after her. They say that you only really appreciate something when you’ve lost it…

_-:…and even if I won’t have lost Alex, it will be harsh. It’s coming closer and closer, and the closer it comes, the harder it hits me. The day I’ll take the ship to Mytilini and she won’t follow me… and knowing that after a few days she’ll be in Kerkyra, in one of the most important moments of her life, and I won’t be there for her… and also knowing that being there would only make it worse for her… but definitely, I don’t wanna think about that day…

OK, OK. That last part was a bit emo. But you can’t help it. Most emos become emos over stuff like this. Now just let me look at the glass half-full again…

